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Question about the coming bracket


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I am mostly a PVE player living on a PVE server. I am not coming here to bash PVP or insult the things that have happened to me in it. These are just examples to help people understand why I am asking this question.



Why is it that BW is making a lvl 50 bracket instead of a bracket based on Valor?


How will someone who has never pvped before 50 be able to get some levels in Valor without losing hundreds of matches first?


Reasons I am asking:

I did not start pvp till I was level 50, I was in a match but getting decimated by some level 40s. (Kudos to them for being better and all.). So how am I better than them as a level 50 in pvp?


Again, I wandered into a huttball and pretty much was 2/3 shotted by a couple of level 50s there. After the match I asked them their valor and found out it was over 60. How am I to compete against them when I will be exclusively playing against people like them soon?


I have gone into new matches and come out with only 1 commendation because I cannot fight anyone without being slaughtered. (I congratulate them on being better pvpers and more fully prepared them me).


Can anyone give me some advice or better yet, an estimation why BW chose level brackets instead of Valor brackets?


Hope I didn't offend those who will slaughter me later :)

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