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Im Confused


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I don't understand why people think it must be law that pvp/raid gear should always out-rank crafted gear. I think if anything it should be equal. If I am willing to put in the same amount time crafting as people do farming drops why shouldn't my gear be as good. I am 400 artifice and am deeply disappointed that I will never be able to make something as good as what you can find. It wouldn't stop me from doing daily's since I still need the money and from what I hear that's the only way to get some rarer materials. I really hope they change it cause I am more of a craft bot then a raid bot. I still like raids and would like to participate, just not at the level that some people do.


I think leveling the playing field wouldn't hurt a thing, just two ways to achieve the same goal: for those who dislike crafting can farm drops and vice versa.


Crafting is a lot of work, very expensive and even with the new system, extremely frustrating at times. You should be rewarded not punished for your hard work.

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It's actually not a lot of "work", it's just a lot of tedium. Please point out what skill is involved in this crafting system? It's all just RNG what mats you get, if you crti, if you RE a new recipe. Please explain how someone who spends most of their time afk or having it process in the background compares to an other game activity?

Seriously? A monkey could do it.

As to why the best gear shouldn't be crafted, well some of us like to actually play the game, not just click like a monkey for a treat to get good gear.

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I don't understand why people think it must be law that pvp/raid gear should always out-rank crafted gear. I think if anything it should be equal. If I am willing to put in the same amount time crafting as people do farming drops why shouldn't my gear be as good. I am 400 artifice and am deeply disappointed that I will never be able to make something as good as what you can find. It wouldn't stop me from doing daily's since I still need the money and from what I hear that's the only way to get some rarer materials. I really hope they change it cause I am more of a craft bot then a raid bot. I still like raids and would like to participate, just not at the level that some people do.


I think leveling the playing field wouldn't hurt a thing, just two ways to achieve the same goal: for those who dislike crafting can farm drops and vice versa.


Crafting is a lot of work, very expensive and even with the new system, extremely frustrating at times. You should be rewarded not punished for your hard work.


Doesnt need to outrank it.


But to craft gear equally as good you should have to farm mats from raids/ops/flashpoints.



I am a crafter btw, this is the first game I have raided in and I've always felt this way.

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Because raiders get mad if you tell them they have to be crafters (hence the screaming over biochem), but don't get it when crafters get mad that they have to be raiders:)



SWG did it right. Everything had to be made by crafters, even the mostest highest end gear. Awesome raid gear required awesome raid drops, which raiders would either bring to their favorite high end crafter, or sell for extortionate amounts- allowing them to buy up whatever else they wanted for raids.

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That is really how crafting goes in all these games, and like I said I enjoy it. Its not quite true what you say. I usually am hunting nodes while my crew is out and there is no better feeling then when that artifact pattern pops or your crew brings back those rares. If you don't like tedium you are really in the wrong genre. Some might say that doing the same thing over and over every day is tedious.


You really are re-enforcing my point here: Just two roads to get to the same destination, you raid and I craft.


It still stands if I am willing to go through this "tedious" process I should be rewarded.


Just because some people don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't be lucrative.

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I don't understand why people think it must be law that pvp/raid gear should always out-rank crafted gear.


If the law didn't exist, PvE progression would not exist in a themepark mmo. A guild would simply buy everything itneeded to outgear an instance, and breeze through it.


Go play eve or another sandbox if you want impactful crafting.

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Because raiders get mad if you tell them they have to be crafters (hence the screaming over biochem), but don't get it when crafters get mad that they have to be raiders:)



SWG did it right. Everything had to be made by crafters, even the mostest highest end gear. Awesome raid gear required awesome raid drops, which raiders would either bring to their favorite high end crafter, or sell for extortionate amounts- allowing them to buy up whatever else they wanted for raids.


So go play SWG.. oh wait it closed down because no one but crafters and entertainers played it... ok:rolleyes:

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So go play SWG.. oh wait it closed down because no one but crafters and entertainers played it... ok:rolleyes:



Very funny. Nooooo. There was this thing called the "NGE" in which they dumbed down combat. They also removed an entire player class (Creature Handler) after advertising that in the expansion it would be buffed. Players don't like being lied to, and SoE had to refund the money people spent on the expansion based on false advertising. They also dumbed down crafting to make it easier for casuals. They also added raid drops:P


NGE entered the meme internet lexicon for "internet MMO disaster", and "game killer".


" Dev, DUDE, you're about to have an NGE moment- don't do it!!" " A fail of NGE proportions!!"

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