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A message to all the Level 50 PvPers


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For too long you have lived in a paradise of victory without effort, of success without resistance, of achievement without talent, and prosperity without risk.


Tomorrow, the facade will be ripped away and you will be exposed for what you are. I will dine on your supple carebear flesh and quench my fiery thirst with your ever more abundantly falling tears.


Finally, you will be removed from your ivory tower and placed into the arena with foes the likes of which you have never faced...gladiators of equal power to your own. Your mind must numb at the thought of entering battle without certain victory. Your heart must race at the thought of your utter lack of the slightest modicum of skillful play resulting in the truth being known.


Enjoy your final day of unchecked power while you can, for tomorrow you die.


I read this and laughed, true that man!!

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you sound so mad.


did a 50 kill you?


- lol I was a little harsher then intended...but only slightly


1-49/new 50/low geared 50/mid geared50/mostly max geared50..is the level range


The reason so many people notice the steps at 50 is because it is not player skill based instead its gear. Its obvious.

Gear should be a marginal improvement not a silent tier all its own. It will even out and does not matter in the end..but its the gear not the players dictating the state of the game.

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For too long you have lived in a paradise of victory without effort, of success without resistance, of achievement without talent, and prosperity without risk.


Tomorrow, the facade will be ripped away and you will be exposed for what you are. I will dine on your supple carebear flesh and quench my fiery thirst with your ever more abundantly falling tears.


Finally, you will be removed from your ivory tower and placed into the arena with foes the likes of which you have never faced...gladiators of equal power to your own. Your mind must numb at the thought of entering battle without certain victory. Your heart must race at the thought of your utter lack of the slightest modicum of skillful play resulting in the truth being known.


Enjoy your final day of unchecked power while you can, for tomorrow you die.


and finally we wont be in a wz with lvl 12s. hoorah!

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