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Will we be getting a new set bonus for PvP?


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I completely and utterly stand corrected. I always forget about Trauma. That's the balancing factor for healers, then. Thank you.


And *le gasp* a PvP gear system that isn't completely broken. I am both appealed and appalled.


1. Trauma exists so they can use Expertise to scale gear without imbalancing PvE, or giving things like a real 'mortal strike' 50% heal debuff.


2. Mathematically, healers scale the best with expertise.


Simple example: DPS deals 100 damage. Target takes 100 damage. Healer can heal for 70 -- 70% of the damage dealt.


With players at 20% expertise: DPS deals 120 damage. Target only takes 96 damage. Healer can heal for 90 -- 94% of the damage dealt.


Healers are 34% more effective in PvP when everyone has 20% expertise (note: this won't actually happen -- players will float at 11-15% for practical purposes).



Not enough, even with -50% healing any good healer will outlast you.

so true.


Spec Annihilation and try again.

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Spec Annihilation and try again.


So your saying we have to have a spec into self healing/DOTS in order to just last longer against a healer? Im confused by your post. You state that healers can heal most of the damage we deal and it only gets worse with Expertise as they benefit more from it. I comepltely agree with this. But even with 50% debuff its barely enough to help any class against a healer. How is speccing into Annihilation suppose to help?

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Spec Annihilation and try again.


Post a video of you solo'ing a full champ geared 50 healer of any class, otherwise its ALL hot air like most of the posts on this forum. Any competent healer will outheal you with ease, if they don't they fail at their class.

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So your saying we have to have a spec into self healing/DOTS in order to just last longer against a healer? Im confused by your post. You state that healers can heal most of the damage we deal and it only gets worse with Expertise as they benefit more from it. I comepltely agree with this. But even with 50% debuff its barely enough to help any class against a healer. How is speccing into Annihilation suppose to help?


1. If you want to outlast a healer, or any class, then Annihilation is the "OUTLAST SPEC".


2. The healing and damage numbers was a clarification of expertise mechanics. The actual numbers have no relevancy to gameplay. I do not hit for 100 damage in-game. Healers do not heal for 70, 90 health in game. The numbers were a demonstration of the scaling of expertise. Apparently even dumbing down the explanation can't keep pace with the dumb of some players.


3. In terms of killing a healer in particular, Annihilation has:


- OUTLAST capability. The healer cannot attrition you, either your damage or sustain.


- Annihilation comes with INFINITE INTERRUPT WORKS. Interrupt, charge, interrupt, choke, interrupt, mez, interrupt.


- Therefore, spec'ing Annihilation can make up for reasonably significant gear/skill/groupcomp differential when trying to kill a healer.

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Any competent healer will outheal you with ease, if they don't they fail at their class.


Any competent Marauder will punch through a healer and interrupt all hardcasts.


Unless you fail at your class.


Edit: Although it would be tactically unfair if it were faceroll easy to kill a healer 1v1 with a DPS class.

Edited by EasymodeX
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2. The healing and damage numbers was a clarification of expertise mechanics. The actual numbers have no relevancy to gameplay. I do not hit for 100 damage in-game. Healers do not heal for 70, 90 health in game. The numbers were a demonstration of the scaling of expertise. Apparently even dumbing down the explanation can't keep pace with the dumb of some players.



I knew what you mean and that was uncalled for and Rude. I was asking for clarifcation that you meant Annhilation does more dps than the other specs when i have yet to see any proof of that other than your word. I dont know you and now have no reason to take anything you say seriously.



Originally Posted by EasymodeX

Spec Annihilation and try again.


Post a video of you solo'ing a full champ geared 50 healer of any class, otherwise its ALL hot air like most of the posts on this forum. Any competent healer will outheal you with ease, if they don't they fail at their class.

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maybe its cuz we scale sow ell with gear towards the upper echelons of PvP. I have mostly champion gear now, 2 centurion pieces keep me a sad panda, but i find i can now regularly get 3k force screams as Carnage. 3.7k with Gore and the surge trinket. Bioware was probably so cautious in trying to not make 1 class clearly OP they became too cautious with our class.



Why do people continue to say this class "scales well with gear?" I played a WoW warrior for years and it scaled well with gear because the more damage you did the more resources you got to use. This class isn't like that. It doesn't "scale with gear" at all because of the way expertise works and how as classes have geared up fight times have actually decreased, meaning that really, if anything, this class has gotten worse relative to gear since we have a ramp up time that other classes don't deal with.


And, seriously, the set bonus sucks.

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Any competent Marauder will punch through a healer and interrupt all hardcasts.


Unless you fail at your class.


Edit: Although it would be tactically unfair if it were faceroll easy to kill a healer 1v1 with a DPS class.


Right and do the said healers not CC you or knock you back? I said competent healer not the 1 button spammers. Most have cd's they can use and more than 1 spell, considering we don't lock out a school even with the quicker interupt they will easily out-heal us.


In perfect scenario Annihilation reaches around 1200 dps, I've seen a healer push 1600 hps with ease. So I think your logic is flawed.


From my experience I get a healer to 30% roughly and then someone comes along and I then have a healer + dps to kill and die.

Edited by Draexnael
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