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What Consitutes A Year?


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So, this has been a question of mine since day one. As we all know, TOR takes place roughly 3000yrs before the original movies, but there doesn't seem to be many advances in technology. I've read several threads that explain why this may be possible, but it is hard to think that such little has happened in thousands of years. And then I got to thinking...


If a year is the approximate time it takes for a planet to complete an orbit (usually around a star), then what consitutes a year in the Star Wars universe? Of course, each planet would have a different year (such as an Earth year vs. a Mars year), but is each year referred to separately or is something used collectively?


For example, an average of all the planet years could be taken to for a "galactic year" or something. Or maybe lightyears are being used? OR 3000yrs are just Earth years to make it easier for us Earthlings to understand the setting (this seems the most likely)...


Or no one thought this through :p


Sorry if I make no sense; it's late, and I'm tired. :/

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It's even more interesting if you think that the Rakata, which are even older, had even far more advanced technology, merging tech and force. But then...


The Rakata seemed to be the only species that is all-force sensitive. And when they stopped being that, their Empire fall apart.


There is a quest where you help discover some new, advanced tech (I think there are multiple of that sort), and in this particular case, the mission giver agrees to share profits with you. Th eprofits amount to a single mail of something like 300 Credits.

Maybe "new, advanced tech" really doesn't pay off in the Star Wars universe, hence nothing really gets done. :)

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