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Planets Hopeful for the Future


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Naboo wouldn't be interesting at all. =p Considering Naboo got ~discovered~ around the same time that Revan was having his/her adventures, I doubt Theed city is even built yet, much less finished.


Not to mention, Naboo is an unimportant backwater planet, what interest would the Empire or Republic have in a planet full of pacifist self proclaimed nobles and artists? We already had Alderaan for a planet full of those.

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Naboo wouldn't be interesting at all. =p Considering Naboo got ~discovered~ around the same time that Revan was having his/her adventures, I doubt Theed city is even built yet, much less finished.


Not to mention, Naboo is an unimportant backwater planet, what interest would the Empire or Republic have in a planet full of pacifist self proclaimed nobles and artists? We already had Alderaan for a planet full of those.


^ This. Naboo is far too early in its discovery to be of any significance.


Why has no one suggested Ossus yet? It's the freaking center of the Jedi Order in many different eras.




Rhen Var (Ulic Qel-Droma's tomb would be awesome for a flashpoint. Lance Henrikson could voice him again like he did in Clone Wars (Gamecube game))


Raxus Prime


Mon Calamari


Zeltros (Possibly including Zeltrons as a playable species with it)


Csilla is out of the question due to the truce between the Empire and the Chiss Ascendency (No Non-Chiss allowed at all), and the Republic has absolutely no idea where it is.




Maybe Kashyyyk but I dont see any purpose for it


Yavin IV for the REAL tomb of Naga Sadow, as well as Exar Kun's


Telos, I want to see what happened after the restoration project in KOTOR 2.



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i loved Dxun from Kotor 2, i'd love to see that return or maybe a planet based on it the battle there where republic or sith is trying to smash through the others heavily dug in defences in thick jungle.


Also all the others here sound pretty awesome

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BUMP for Endor, yavin 4, and Mustaf or even Sullust. Need a volcano world badly and ewoks are too cute to not have in game also perhaps kasshik


Ord Mantell has volcanoes? Yavin IV has no active civilisation at this point in time, and Dromund Kaas and Belsavis already provide us with jungle kicks.

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