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Jedi Consular who has actually leveled?


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I actually had to delay beating Sidonie and go level some more, since she was 3-shotting my tank companion (who wouldn't move out of that AOE thingie she does).


I get to Viv's ship eventually, and the mobs before him were doing short work of me and my companion. Really hard fights. Then when I finally get to him I was expecting to be slaughtered in seconds. Instead, my tank companion finishes the fight with like 75% health left. I think I had to interrupt a grand total of one time during that final fight -- I was half-expecting to have to fight him a second time or something. It was an easier fight than some elite mobs...


I think the difficulty of some bosses and elite mobs are a bit out of whack for some classes.


Yup. If you interrupt him properly, he seems to hit like a wet towel.

Basically viv is à lesson to always watch what an elite is doing and interrupt, interrrupt, interrupt. :)

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Yup. If you interrupt him properly, he seems to hit like a wet towel.

Basically viv is à lesson to always watch what an elite is doing and interrupt, interrrupt, interrupt. :)


Its one thing if he can kill you with a long fight, not Timing the fight properly/Lag/hitting the wrong button within the first 10 seconds can mean failure?


1 shotting is still acceptable to you? 1 mistake, a second or 2 of lag, hitting the wrong button...and you start over because an Npc ingame can 1 shot win.

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If you are a Sage, I can offer a little help with Vivicar who is a total pushover for a Sage.




Start by casting Mind Crush and Weaken Mind, then run away. Run in a big circle around his room, outside the furniture things. Keep Force Armor up on CD.


Reapply Weaken Mind whenever it drops off, cast Project, and keep as much distance as possible, using Force Wave and Force Slow. You see, the ability that was 1-shotting you has a cast time, and being out of its range is as good as an interrupt.


Use Force Speed on CD, when you going from one side of the room, to the other. This will give you some good distance, to do one of the following, in order of preference...


A. Heal if needed. B. Reapply Mind Crush if it's off. OR C. Cast Telekinetic Wave


Keep this up and he will drop in no time.

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If you are a Sage, I can offer a little help with Vivicar who is a total pushover for a Sage.




Start by casting Mind Crush and Weaken Mind, then run away. Run in a big circle around his room, outside the furniture things. Keep Force Armor up on CD.


Reapply Weaken Mind whenever it drops off, cast Project, and keep as much distance as possible, using Force Wave and Force Slow. You see, the ability that was 1-shotting you has a cast time, and being out of its range is as good as an interrupt.


Use Force Speed on CD, when you going from one side of the room, to the other. This will give you some good distance, to do one of the following, in order of preference...


A. Heal if needed. B. Reapply Mind Crush if it's off. OR C. Cast Telekinetic Wave


Keep this up and he will drop in no time.


You just describe why the "average" MMO duffer/game player will quit this game. I am at that point.

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Its one thing if he can kill you with a long fight, not Timing the fight properly/Lag/hitting the wrong button within the first 10 seconds can mean failure?


1 shotting is still acceptable to you? 1 mistake, a second or 2 of lag, hitting the wrong button...and you start over because an Npc ingame can 1 shot win.


Basically yes, it's called challenger and I don't mind.


I doubt the 10 seconds though.

My first try; Viv killed Qez in like 10 secs. i thought 'what the hell' and kited him solo making sure I interrupted him. That is how i killed him, that was fun enough.

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You just describe why the "average" MMO duffer/game player will quit this game. I am at that point.


Just trying to help some folks out man. If neither interrupt or kiting is your cup of tea, then group up with a friend. If you don't want to do any of them, then MMO games are probably not for you.

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Basically yes, it's called challenger and I don't mind.


I doubt the 10 seconds though.

My first try; Viv killed Qez in like 10 secs. i thought 'what the hell' and kited him solo making sure I interrupted him. That is how i killed him, that was fun enough.


You just described a Bug.


If yuor Companion goes down in 10 Seconds, you go down quicker. The fact that you describe "soloing" him at that point, means there is an Exploit with terrain that wa unintened.


Anything, other then a World Boss 1 hitting, no matter whether that 1 hit cn be interrupted is just stupid and wrong.

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As a shadow you have soo many interupts it's not even funny.


Hard Rupt






All of those skills act as an interupt vs someone without boss immunity. I can keep a spamming healer rupted for a good 20 seconds. A mob trying to use a skill? Please.


I don't remember the specifics of either fight, but there's one thing i remember about leveling, it forced you to learn to interupt. Learn it. Do it.

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Lord Vivicar was clearly created without thinking about casual gamers, who just want to see the story (to bad, the second acts is much better than the first one, I would even say the first is the worst on all the classes in the game). On the other hand maybe I should be happy if many Consular players stop there, so it feels not like everyone and their aunt is playing that class.
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If you are a Sage, I can offer a little help with Vivicar who is a total pushover for a Sage.




Start by casting Mind Crush and Weaken Mind, then run away. Run in a big circle around his room, outside the furniture things. Keep Force Armor up on CD.


Reapply Weaken Mind whenever it drops off, cast Project, and keep as much distance as possible, using Force Wave and Force Slow. You see, the ability that was 1-shotting you has a cast time, and being out of its range is as good as an interrupt.


Use Force Speed on CD, when you going from one side of the room, to the other. This will give you some good distance, to do one of the following, in order of preference...


A. Heal if needed. B. Reapply Mind Crush if it's off. OR C. Cast Telekinetic Wave


Keep this up and he will drop in no time.



You just describe why the "average" MMO duffer/game player will quit this game. I am at that point.

Why, because the fight requires more than simply standing and pressing buttons as they light up on your bar? Honestly, that's what it seems like you're saying.

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Why, because the fight requires more than simply standing and pressing buttons as they light up on your bar? Honestly, that's what it seems like you're saying.


Yes, thats the very definition of your "average/Duffer" mmo player.


If yu dont understand what that means, in terms of money, for an MMO. Your loss and this games loss.


I want to play a game that's fun, not Frustrating me, constantly.

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he one shotted me the first time i tried him. after the first one i figured out if you run outside the cast range it cancels his attack and he becomes a pushover. he is a one trick pony without his force crush he has nothing.


So, defeating him is a bugged game mechanic. The fact that he can 1 shot you is irelevant?

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Two things. That particular fight is tough. That fight is being modified in the upcoming patch which leads me to believe the devs see something in their stats that indicates that fight may be a little too tough for what it should be. It will be getting a little easier.


That said, you can beat it now, it just might take a few tries. I ran into the same issues and it took me a few tries.


Keep at it. Worst case, wait until after the 1.1 patch to try it again after the devs have changed it a bit.

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Its one thing if he can kill you with a long fight, not Timing the fight properly/Lag/hitting the wrong button within the first 10 seconds can mean failure?


1 shotting is still acceptable to you? 1 mistake, a second or 2 of lag, hitting the wrong button...and you start over because an Npc ingame can 1 shot win.


Agreed that things shouldn't be twitchy, with a lag spike meaning life or death to a person/party/encounter.


However, that is the nature of this fight, to interrupt or die trying. The whole ship is an exercise in crowd control, stunning, and interrupting. If you don't do these actions, you will have frustration and a horrific repair bill. It's also good practice for later levels. Granted my Consular's only 33, but I imagine later FPs and Ops will rely on using these abilities. And sometimes, the difference in a successful run and a wipe is that 2 seconds (waiting for stun to come off cooldown, targeting the right mob, things like that).


OP, the best thing for you to do is to solicit help. If you're in a guild, ask a guildie. If not, ask on Alderaan. You may make friends along the way. Good luck.

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So, defeating him is a bugged game mechanic. The fact that he can 1 shot you is irelevant?


its not bugged you can either stun his cast or run out of range. spells and channeled abilities have been that way in every game i have ever played.


spell casting range is not a bug.

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its not bugged you can either stun his cast or run out of range. spells and channeled abilities have been that way in every game i have ever played.


spell casting range is not a bug.


Running "out of range" is an exploit, no matter what game you are playing.

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Two things. That particular fight is tough. That fight is being modified in the upcoming patch which leads me to believe the devs see something in their stats that indicates that fight may be a little too tough for what it should be. It will be getting a little easier.


I don't see this anywhere in the patch notes. Mind pointing it out?


Running "out of range" is an exploit, no matter what game you are playing.


This is ridiculous. If running out of range were an exploit, there would be no such thing as a range limit on an ability, nor would there be abilities specifically designed to close in on opponents, like Storm, Harpoon, Force Leap, etc.


Running out of range is a perfectly fine way to avoid an attack. If you don't make use of it because you can't mentally categorize it as anything but cheating, you're just plain not playing well.

Edited by MareloRyan
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Oh boy does this thread make me sad.


There are encounters in the game that are designed to teach you skills that you will NEED at level 50. Interrupting, kiting away from persistent AoE effects, using defensive cooldowns at the right time, managing your companion, etc.


This is a good thing.


Let me give you some perspective:


When you get to Balmora you encounter some champion-level enemies that use an ability called "Project Storm"; it is a high-damage channeled ability that hits like a TRAIN even against a tank and increases in damage the longer you allow it to channel. It has a 15-second cooldown and HAS to be interrupted or it WILL kill your tank even through cooldowns (except a 100% Force Immunity like Shadows/Assassins have) GUARANTEED.


If you have not learned how to interrupt by then, that fight is going nowhere.


Check this out: some encounters include "skill checks" that, if failed, KILL YOU. This isn't unique to SWTOR: WoW, FFXI, Champions Online, City of Heroes, and many other MMOs that I have played feature this mechanic. Sometimes the "skill check" is also a coordination check as the enemy in question uses their powerful abilities more frequently than a single player can interrupt them.


These sort of mechanics add tension to the fight -- stress that lasts right to the very end. If you are looking for a game that is nothing but easy encounters so that you can feel overpowered all the time I suggest you move to a single-player game with a difficulty slider. In an MMO there will be players who want, expect, and DEMAND challenges -- most of the players, in fact.

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"The Summit: The difficulty of the encounter with Sidone has been reduced."




Thank you! I... don't know what I was looking at before but it was very different from these notes.


Edit: Oh, I was looking at the "Additional Notes." http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1584114

Edited by MareloRyan
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