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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rage Tree


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So I am currently rage tree cuz it is just way better for soloing and especially for PvP. Better slows, better mobility, better aoe, etc.


But with no dps meter I can't tell how I am doing in hard modes relative to what I could be doing with other specs.


Has anyone somehow determined the average pve dps of the three trees via a spreadsheet or timing how fast they down things or something?

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So I am currently rage tree cuz it is just way better for soloing and especially for PvP. Better slows, better mobility, better aoe, etc.


But with no dps meter I can't tell how I am doing in hard modes relative to what I could be doing with other specs.


Has anyone somehow determined the average pve dps of the three trees via a spreadsheet or timing how fast they down things or something?


If you've spec into Rage for hardmodes you're seriously gimping your group.


That is all.

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If you've spec into Rage for hardmodes you're seriously gimping your group.


That is all.


That is what I am asking. I have been clearing BT regularly and just did BP too. [Which means we killed the last boss on the first try to get loot]. And I am under the impression that the last bp boss is relatively very hard compared to other hard mode bosses.


Is rage actually significantly worse for pve dps? How do you even know?



where the **** are my dps meters

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If you've spec into Rage for hardmodes you're seriously gimping your group.


That is all.


How so? I was annihilation, until I got good pve gear (currently columni bracers, boots, gloves, legs, and off-hand, with columni extracted mods in chest, with rakata earpeice, and the rest being level 50+ purples from dailies and/or drops) when I notice annihilation wasn't scaling well. That is when I switched to rage. From there the AOE smash alone -- criting at over 4.5k in pve -- made it worth the switch. Combine an AOE sorcerer with that smash and you can clear 90% of the trash in 2 hits.


Sure, I don't get the passive heals, but that is what the healer is for. And, after all, if I am taking any damage at all, it is from an AOE or it is because either I or the tank is not doing their job well.

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How so? I was annihilation, until I got good pve gear (currently columni bracers, boots, gloves, legs, and off-hand, with columni extracted mods in chest, with rakata earpeice, and the rest being level 50+ purples from dailies and/or drops) when I notice annihilation wasn't scaling well. That is when I switched to rage. From there the AOE smash alone -- criting at over 4.5k in pve -- made it worth the switch. Combine an AOE sorcerer with that smash and you can clear 90% of the trash in 2 hits.


Sure, I don't get the passive heals, but that is what the healer is for. And, after all, if I am taking any damage at all, it is from an AOE or it is because either I or the tank is not doing their job well.


Dont forget the built in 5-7% passive damage reduction that comes with rage and shi-cho.




But what I really want to know is wth the relative dps is between the specs. Give me a damn dps meter already.

Edited by Morgha
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