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My frustrating SW:TOR experience or how EA fails at customer service


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Well they had a few months to sort out my first order and did not. Also you might notice that i am not raging. The service is bad. Objectively. The 5 days early access is what we call "irreführende Werbung" (?false advertising?) which is forbidden in Germany (notice how i am not screaming i will sue them or anything, but a fact is a fact). Notice that you do not have to lie to commit a false advertising, it is enough that you create a decidedly false impression.


Up to now i am not happy, thats all.


5 days hasn't started yet.


Today is the 14th. 20-14=6. 5 days doesn't start til tomorrow.


What you are is angry that a bonus was given, and you didn't get it. You are not entitled to it. That's life. Get on with yours and either play the game or don't, but you have not in any way been lied to or cheated.


Also, learn the difference between the publisher, the distributer and the developer. Bioware made the game, EA publishes it (and distributes). Bioware is not in any way resonsible for getting the game to you. Only in the making and running of the game. EA is the party to look for to blame for distribution and publishing problems. They did the advertsing, the sales and they run Origin. Blame where blame is due.

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and my 2 pence/cents worth.......


Bio blah blah early access blah blah blah not in yet blah blah, waves blah blah rubbish blah blah and finally, but not least, took an arrow to the knee....


I tried distracting myself with Skyrim. Really. Didn´t work. :D

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When I opened a ticket and asked for my preorder code i was told to move on. Everything is normal. They closed my ticket and told me to kindly f**** off.




Anybody else share my wonderfull customer experience with EA or SW: TOR in general?

I don't share a such experience with SW: TOR but i share a lot of such experiences in general as not in every country you may expect nice and polite service.


So here's 2 ways to deal with it: to move alone and leave everything as is or to contact management and let them to know how "nice and polite" was their employee.


Commonly, managers are more interested to hear about your problems (and to solve them) than support guys as for them you'r a client who brings money and for support you'r just more work for the same money.

Edited by dtopuriya
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Wow. I never thought it would come to this. But Now this is really be my first whine post on a forum.


Well there is a first time for everything and as i will not be playing SW: TOR for quite some time (Thank you EA, Origin Store, even Amazon and Bioware too) i might as well use the time to describe my amazing experience up to now. It does not bode well for the future i dare say, which is actually a shame as i enjoyed my beta weekend and did not believe until recently that a good game could be such a horrible customer experience.


While i am not about to ragequit and couldn´t even if i wanted too (at least one should have started playing before one can ragequit methinks) i am profoundly scared of the thought of playing a game which will not offer me any kind of support should i ever have problems with it.


As a true fanboy at heart i preordered SW: TOR on the day i received the mail inviting me to do so.


That was 21.07.2011. I ordered at the Origin store and received an order confirmation. They also took my money for a preorder and thats where things stopped.


I never received a preorder code or an explanation.


When I opened a ticket and asked for my preorder code i was told to move on. Everything is normal. They closed my ticket and told me to kindly f**** off.


Beginning of december i started getting anxious so i opened a new ticket at Electronic Arts, at the SW: TOR Homepage and Preordered at Amazon, where i swiftly received a preorder code.


Of course the ticket at EA got no reply at all and the SW:TOR guys told me it is not their problem.


Finally today i received my copy of SW:TOR, together with an eMail telling me NOT to redeem my code as my game would be invalidated by doing so unless i was invited to do so by Bioaware, the game itself carries a sticker that says No Access until 20.12.2011 and i feel that i will enjoy the amazing service i will get whenever there is a problem with SW: TOR


Anybody else share my wonderfull customer experience with EA or SW: TOR in general?




I agree with you !! cheer's mate :)

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Okay, back to my original question... they actually told you to f*** off?


I'd expect that from my local Ducati dealership, but not from BioWare.



Wow. I never thought it would come to this. But Now this is really be my first whine post on a forum.


Well there is a first time for everything and as i will not be playing SW: TOR for quite some time (Thank you EA, Origin Store, even Amazon and Bioware too) i might as well use the time to describe my amazing experience up to now. It does not bode well for the future i dare say, which is actually a shame as i enjoyed my beta weekend and did not believe until recently that a good game could be such a horrible customer experience.


While i am not about to ragequit and couldn´t even if i wanted too (at least one should have started playing before one can ragequit methinks) i am profoundly scared of the thought of playing a game which will not offer me any kind of support should i ever have problems with it.


As a true fanboy at heart i preordered SW: TOR on the day i received the mail inviting me to do so.


That was 21.07.2011. I ordered at the Origin store and received an order confirmation. They also took my money for a preorder and thats where things stopped.


I never received a preorder code or an explanation.


When I opened a ticket and asked for my preorder code i was told to move on. Everything is normal. They closed my ticket and told me to kindly f**** off.


Beginning of december i started getting anxious so i opened a new ticket at Electronic Arts, at the SW: TOR Homepage and Preordered at Amazon, where i swiftly received a preorder code.


Of course the ticket at EA got no reply at all and the SW:TOR guys told me it is not their problem.


Finally today i received my copy of SW:TOR, together with an eMail telling me NOT to redeem my code as my game would be invalidated by doing so unless i was invited to do so by Bioaware, the game itself carries a sticker that says No Access until 20.12.2011 and i feel that i will enjoy the amazing service i will get whenever there is a problem with SW: TOR


Anybody else share my wonderfull customer experience with EA or SW: TOR in general?



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It is a nice thought, but it won't happen. At best it is 4 days. Even though that is not likely. Look at how many are released per day.


Jesus WEPT!


Do you understand what the phrase "up to five days" means, and how is four days not within that description?


Stop whining.

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Okay, back to my original question... they actually told you to f*** off?


I'd expect that from my local Ducati dealership, but not from BioWare.


Well answered that already:


Worse they told me that everything is okay that i should not worry and that all is fine.


F Off was just what they meant to say and what i heard. You know the painfully unhelpful and noncommittal reply followed by *ticket closed*.

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I just dont understand why anyone waited more than 48 hours to recieve their code or redeem it and now they'r eupset....If you didnt' get something that was part of the immediate deal like an early access pre order code...why didn't you call the store you ordered from Immediately and Pitch a fit then? If you wait X amount of time they're less likely to help you thanks to people who are fraudulent. Plus never bother with ticket systems when it comes to purchases you get on the phone and work up the chain most people who work ticket systems have no clue whats going on.


Its like the people who pre order from gamestop brick n morter and wonder what happened to their code X months or weeks later instead of immediately asking about it and finding somewhere else to order from.


The only code you should not enter now is the product code since the game has not officially launched (as in games available in store to buy).


Honestly I have little sympathy for people who wait long periods to realize they didn't get everything. I hated people who did that or faked that kind of crap with me when I worked retail (thank god for college degrees n getting out of customer service jobs).


If a store screws you don't blame the game or the game makers you blame the store...if you let a store screw you for months before doing anything about it....blame yourself.

Edited by Kindara
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I just dont understand why anyone waited more than 48 hours to recieve their code or redeem it and now they'r eupset....If you didnt' get something that was part of the immediate deal like an early access pre order code...why didn't you call the store you ordered from Immediately and Pitch a fit then? If you wait X amount of time they're less likely to help you thanks to people who are fraudulent.


Its like the people who pre order from gamestop brick n morter and wonder what happened to their code X months or weeks later instead of immediately asking about it and finding somewhere else to order from.


The only code you should not enter now is the product code since the game has not officially launched (as in games available in store to buy).


Honestly I have little sympathy for people who wait long periods to realize they didn't get everything. I hated people who did that or faked that kind of crap with me when I worked retail (thank god for college degrees n getting out of customer service jobs).


If a store screws you don't blame the game or the game makers you blame the store...if you let a store screw you for months before doing anything about it....blame yourself.


I certainly understand your lack of sympathy, i share a similar feeling towards people that cannot read. I was told that the process was moving along its normal path. Of course i should have realized that that was not true. :rolleyes:

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Damn, and I had this whole spiel I was going to get into about comparing BioWare to the pack of Moto Guzzi riders and how they fall on the hapless, unsuspecting Kawasaki riders, blah blah blah...


Now i feel bad for you. I think it would have been a wonderful analogy. I am sorry. :)

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