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My frustrating SW:TOR experience or how EA fails at customer service


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Wow. I never thought it would come to this. But Now this is really be my first whine post on a forum.


Well there is a first time for everything and as i will not be playing SW: TOR for quite some time (Thank you EA, Origin Store, even Amazon and Bioware too) i might as well use the time to describe my amazing experience up to now. It does not bode well for the future i dare say, which is actually a shame as i enjoyed my beta weekend and did not believe until recently that a good game could be such a horrible customer experience.


While i am not about to ragequit and couldn´t even if i wanted too (at least one should have started playing before one can ragequit methinks) i am profoundly scared of the thought of playing a game which will not offer me any kind of support should i ever have problems with it.


As a true fanboy at heart i preordered SW: TOR on the day i received the mail inviting me to do so.


That was 21.07.2011. I ordered at the Origin store and received an order confirmation. They also took my money for a preorder and thats where things stopped.


I never received a preorder code or an explanation.


When I opened a ticket and asked for my preorder code i was told to move on. Everything is normal. They closed my ticket and told me to kindly ***** off.


Beginning of december i started getting anxious so i opened a new ticket at Electronic Arts, at the SW: TOR Homepage and Preordered at Amazon, where i swiftly received a preorder code.


Of course the ticket at EA got no reply at all and the SW:TOR guys told me it is not their problem.


Finally today i received my copy of SW:TOR, together with an eMail telling me NOT to redeem my code as my game would be invalidated by doing so unless i was invited to do so by Bioaware, the game itself carries a sticker that says No Access until 20.12.2011 and i feel that i will enjoy the amazing service i will get whenever there is a problem with SW: TOR


Anybody else share my wonderfull customer experience with EA or SW: TOR in general?



Edited by Sireene
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They actually told you to **** off?


Certainly, many people including myself are having a hard time, even when they can manage to get in-game. None of my questions have been answered, either. I kind of expected it considering the fanbase of SW to begin with, let alone how many people enjoy this type of online gaming. I'm not pleased, but I'm going to save my ire for the 20th. No rollout goes smoothly, and I've been involved with one that failed completely on day one *shrug*. We'll see.

Edited by Sireene
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I think everyone with legitimate concerns over this launch should be very aware of a very disturbing fact at this point.


Just like in the launch of the Star Trek MMO, you will quickly discover that the Star Wars and now Bioware/EA fanbois are very fierce to defend anything anti thier favorite game, Star Wars. In the last 24 hours I have seen more hate than I have seen anywhere in anygame, to include both Star Trek and WoW.


Thier passion clouds thier reason. And to them, we are less than if we have a complaint, simply because most of them are playing already or are so far clouded and decieved by EA/Bioware and Rockjaw that they think there is nothing wrong at all.


Theres a reason why even after SWG lost its license and everything John Smedley did to the community that they still fought to keep the MMO open. You will learn that reason quickly in these forums in the days months and years to come.

Edited by Kallahnn
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I paid $163.26 at Bestbuy for the pre-order and I got a workable pre-order code. I am a huge fan of the genre. I cant get my money back reason is there is no bestbuy anywhere I live and I bought a gift card. Since I redeemed it I cant get my money back and there isnt anything I can buy that would compansate me. Unless there is a sale on 3D monitors. Anyway I am pissed off because I planed names for my toons got an email that pre-order begins at 7am cst on the 13th only to find only certain people are getting in that is ******** half of them are either not playing or from austrailia or asian locking names to sell like other mmos. I wanted a fair shot at my name of choice and that was taken from me and if I dont get atleast my 5 day early access as promised I will flip.
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I work for a software company and customer service is #1 and should always be #1. From what i have seen and experienced it must be #321, cause it sucks.


I am in the same boat as you. I preordered through origin on July 21st and now i am ****ed apparently and won't get in anytime soon. I tried to call their support line and it says they are to busy so call later. WHAT!? You want me to .. call.. back.. later... What kind of company in their right mind closes the tech support line. Really???


I put in two tickets yesterday which were never replied to and one today. So far i would say they get 1 star out of 10 for customer service. That better be a hell of a game once i get in cause as of right now i am none to impressed with how any of this has been handled so far. :mad:

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If you had a pre-order code from before and you have the game now you should be able to login and play I can't see why you cannot.


I have to admit their "Gradual Role out to ease the servers" has been way to freak'n complicated with Pre-codes, publication codes, *** is this code, seriously another f'n code?


But from my understanding you will get an email eventually and you should be abl eto play when you get that email, regardless of what the stickers on your box say.

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I will just state the obvious "Dont think that your something special, and you should be taken care of with a smile on a face".



You obviously have no idea how the real world works. If you are in the business of creating and selling games, than driving off customers is NOT the way to succeed. BioWare should help their customers as much as they can within reason (them not giving him a preorder code for his Origin preorder was unreasonable, unless it wasn't required since it was digitally purchased in which case they should have said so).

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You obviously have no idea how the real world works. If you are in the business of creating and selling games, than driving off customers is NOT the way to succeed. BioWare should help their customers as much as they can within reason (them not giving him a preorder code for his Origin preorder was unreasonable, unless it wasn't required since it was digitally purchased in which case they should have said so).


Not the first that had problems, not the last that will, even at EA they are still humans and make mistakes, dont be a dick, call em. Dont get angry on forums because of your problems, nobody cares, i know EA customers support fails, but im not making huge *** forum post about it also.

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I work for a software company and customer service is #1 and should always be #1. From what i have seen and experienced it must be #321, cause it sucks.


I am in the same boat as you. I preordered through origin on July 21st and now i am ****ed apparently and won't get in anytime soon. I tried to call their support line and it says they are to busy so call later. WHAT!? You want me to .. call.. back.. later... What kind of company in their right mind closes the tech support line. Really???


I put in two tickets yesterday which were never replied to and one today. So far i would say they get 1 star out of 10 for customer service. That better be a hell of a game once i get in cause as of right now i am none to impressed with how any of this has been handled so far. :mad:


Does your software company have millions of customers? Have you had a release in which millions of people pre-ordered and expected to use said software on day 1?


I think many people are letting rage/anger get the better of them. Think about this rationally. I'm sure EA/Bioware does care a lot about customer support, they just can't help everyone right now. It sucks that those of us that have issues aren't getting them addressed, but we are not alone. I'm sure everything will get sorted out, just be patient.

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They actually told you to f*** off?



Worse they told me that everything is okay that i should not worry and that all is fine.


F Off was just what they meant to say and what i heard. You know the painfully unhelpful and noncommittal reply followed by *ticket closed*.

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I will just state the obvious "Dont think that your something special, and you should be taken care of with a smile on a face".


I will just state the obvious "I don´t think one should need to be special to be taken care of and be helped with a smile".

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Their main page still says order now, and get up to five days early. It has been obvious to Bioware-EA this would not be the case since inception. Now it is painfully obvious to us all. Like it or not. Without us late-comers to the game. You special privileged few will not be playing in six months.....
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Does your software company have millions of customers? Have you had a release in which millions of people pre-ordered and expected to use said software on day 1?


I think many people are letting rage/anger get the better of them. Think about this rationally. I'm sure EA/Bioware does care a lot about customer support, they just can't help everyone right now. It sucks that those of us that have issues aren't getting them addressed, but we are not alone. I'm sure everything will get sorted out, just be patient.


Did his software company fail to deliver on its promises and flat out lie to its customers?

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Wow. I never thought it would come to this. But Now this is really be my first whine post on a forum.


Well there is a first time for everything and as i will not be playing SW: TOR for quite some time (Thank you EA, Origin Store, even Amazon and Bioware too) i might as well use the time to describe my amazing experience up to now. It does not bode well for the future i dare say, which is actually a shame as i enjoyed my beta weekend and did not believe until recently that a good game could be such a horrible customer experience.


While i am not about to ragequit and couldn´t even if i wanted too (at least one should have started playing before one can ragequit methinks) i am profoundly scared of the thought of playing a game which will not offer me any kind of support should i ever have problems with it.


As a true fanboy at heart i preordered SW: TOR on the day i received the mail inviting me to do so.


That was 21.07.2011. I ordered at the Origin store and received an order confirmation. They also took my money for a preorder and thats where things stopped.


I never received a preorder code or an explanation.


When I opened a ticket and asked for my preorder code i was told to move on. Everything is normal. They closed my ticket and told me to kindly f**** off.


Beginning of december i started getting anxious so i opened a new ticket at Electronic Arts, at the SW: TOR Homepage and Preordered at Amazon, where i swiftly received a preorder code.


Of course the ticket at EA got no reply at all and the SW:TOR guys told me it is not their problem.


Finally today i received my copy of SW:TOR, together with an eMail telling me NOT to redeem my code as my game would be invalidated by doing so unless i was invited to do so by Bioaware, the game itself carries a sticker that says No Access until 20.12.2011 and i feel that i will enjoy the amazing service i will get whenever there is a problem with SW: TOR


Anybody else share my wonderfull customer experience with EA or SW: TOR in general?




Just so you know you had the preorder code on Origin all along. all you had to do was right-click the SW:TOR icon in your Library and click on 'Show Game Details'. The preorder code is in there. The actual game access key will be e-mailed December the 16th, 2011. Hope I can help with anything else.:D

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Just so you know you had the preorder code on Origin all along. all you had to do was right-click the SW:TOR icon in your Library and click on 'Show Game Details'. The preorder code is in there. The actual game access key will be e-mailed December the 16th, 2011. Hope I can help with anything else.:D




You beat me to it!

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If anyone has tried calling their help phone lines lately they have noticed that they tell you call back later. They don't say leave your name and number and we will call you back in the order received nothing.


I have sent them two tech support emails have received not so much as a confirmation. I have only been able to sign in and hit the play button before the game closes. I don't get a blue screen or computer crash it just shuts down like I hit quit.


I have experienced bad service before and I come from a rather well known retailing family I understand how this works. I must say this experience has to be at the top of the list of HORRIBLE. I have been looking so forward to this and I'm not normally big on this stuff. I had issues during testing they couldn't fix that and now still haven't been able to pass the splash page. What a disappointment and I'm so so close to wanting my money back.:mad:

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Does your software company have millions of customers? Have you had a release in which millions of people pre-ordered and expected to use said software on day 1?


I think many people are letting rage/anger get the better of them. Think about this rationally. I'm sure EA/Bioware does care a lot about customer support, they just can't help everyone right now. It sucks that those of us that have issues aren't getting them addressed, but we are not alone. I'm sure everything will get sorted out, just be patient.


Well they had a few months to sort out my first order and did not. Also you might notice that i am not raging. The service is bad. Objectively. The 5 days early access is what we call "irreführende Werbung" (?false advertising?) which is forbidden in Germany (notice how i am not screaming i will sue them or anything, but a fact is a fact). Notice that you do not have to lie to commit a false advertising, it is enough that you create a decidedly false impression.


Up to now i am not happy, thats all.

Edited by Todesbote
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Just so you know you had the preorder code on Origin all along. all you had to do was right-click the SW:TOR icon in your Library and click on 'Show Game Details'. The preorder code is in there. The actual game access key will be e-mailed December the 16th, 2011. Hope I can help with anything else.:D


Well you could make me rich beautyfull and successful while you are at it. :)



I did not have the game on my origin account anywhere, just on my credit card bill. (5 bucks)


and in my email eMail inbox (Origin - Vorbestellung erhalten (Eingangsnummer: blabla))

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Well they had a few months to sort out my first order and did not.


You submitted one ticket after your order, got an answer you didn't like and just gave up.


You waited 5 months to try again and now don't like this different answer.


Does it suck that your first ticket was essentially ignored? Absolutely. But it obviously wasn't that important to you since you made little, to no, effort to get it rectified yourself.


FWIW: I pre-ordered through Origin in November. Within 10 minutes I had the email with my pre-order code for early access. The only place the game shows up is in their stupid origin app. I can't even see my order on their dumb website.

Edited by iain_b
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Well they had a few months to sort out my first order and did not. Also you might notice that i am not raging. The service is bad. Objectively. The 5 days early access is what we call "irreführende Werbung" (?false advertising?) which is forbidden by Germany (notice how i am not screaming i will sue them or anything, but a fact is a fact). Notice that you do not have to lie to commit a false advertising, it is enough that you create a decidedly false impression.


Up to now i am not happy, thats all.


I'm raging a bit this is an unacceptable level of either incompetence or apathy from a company attempting to sell a product.

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Their main page still says order now, and get up to five days early. It has been obvious to Bioware-EA this would not be the case since inception. Now it is painfully obvious to us all. Like it or not. Without us late-comers to the game. You special privileged few will not be playing in six months.....


You DO realize that you can still pre order and get UP TO 5 days Early access right?

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You submitted one ticket after your order, got an answer you didn't like and just gave up.


You waited 5 months to try again and now don't like this different answer.


Does it suck that your first ticket was essentially ignored? Absolutely. But it obviously wasn't that important to you since you made little, to no, effort to get it rectified yourself.


FWIW: I pre-ordered through Origin in November. Within 10 minutes I had the email with my pre-order code for early access. The only place the game shows up is in their stupid origin app. I can't even see my order on their dumb website.


How does the answer "don´t worry everything is normal" constitute an answer i did not like.


The "everything is normal" part also might have caused me to wait patiently as well you know...everything was normal.

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