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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Penalized for Playstyle?


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Rakata Stims and Med Pacs require Biometric Crystal Alloy, which is a standard raid drop or HM Flashpoint drop. I spent 2 days and 250k to level Biochem from 1-400 because Synthweaving is useless and I never used it.


Now I find out that I can't make the only 2 items I planned on using since I am a pvp'r. I haven't done any flashpoints and am not in a raid guild. I find killing NPC's trivial and boring. Now I'm sure someone will say: just hop in a pug HM, but how many of those and how many rolls will I have to do to get my alloy? Too many.


To have this crafting item locked behind PVE penalizes pvp'rs I feel. You can be sure that if there were a necessary crafting item locked behind PVP the pve'rs would be howling mad. Make them available for an insane amount of commendations, I don't care, there needs to be a pvp path to these.


As much as I hate it when people bring up that other game, orbs and such that were needed for crafting were able to be bought with marks, aside from being PVE drops. Please consider this Bioware.

Edited by Vetorept
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So you expected purple quality item that is exclusive for a craft user BOP only and tier 3 quality to be crafted just like that when you reach 400 skill?



I mean...


Really? What did you played before? WoW?


don't the bagged pvp pots give near if not more than that much anyways?


About 30% of what rataka medpack gives.

Edited by Lerdoc
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Rakata Stims and Med Pacs require Biometric Crystal Alloy, which is a standard raid drop or HM Flashpoint drop. I spent 2 days and 250k to level Biochem from 1-400 because Synthweaving is useless and I never used it.


Now I find out that I can't make the only 2 items I planned on using since I am a pvp'r. I haven't done any flashpoints and am not in a raid guild. I find killing NPC's trivial and boring. Now I'm sure someone will say: just hop in a pug HM, but how many of those and how many rolls will I have to do to get my alloy? Too many.


To have this crafting item locked behind PVE penalizes pvp'rs I feel. You can be sure that if there were a necessary crafting item locked behind PVP the pve'rs would be howling mad. Make them available for an insane amount of commendations, I don't care, there needs to be a pvp path to these.


As much as I hate it when people bring up that other game, orbs and such that were needed for crafting were able to be bought with marks, aside from being PVE drops. Please consider this Bioware.


Dude, this is not a PVP game. PVP was an afterthought in this game. Go to another game if you are only interested in PVP. The PVP in this game is very weak.

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So you expected purple quality item that is exclusive for a craft user BOP only and tier 3 quality to be crafted just like that when you reach 400 skill?



I mean...


Really? What did you played before? WoW?




About 30% of what rataka medpack gives.


Truth be told I'm not very interested in the med pac. At all. I want the stim that persists through death more than anything.

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Dude, this is not a PVP game. PVP was an afterthought in this game. Go to another game if you are only interested in PVP. The PVP in this game is very weak.


And you would be screaming like a banshee if something you needed for your prof was locked behind say, a week long pvp grind. Which would amount to what it would take me to pug flashpoints and win a roll for this alloy.


Sure I might get lucky and win alloys on my first rolls but we all know about RNG in this game.

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bang on the money!


well said


Um, have you glanced at the forums? At all? I haven't seen any topics/ discussion about the boss in Hard Mode BT, I haven't seen any discussion/ topics about Karagga's Palace. PVE is a napfest. There are a great many topics/ discussions about pvp, which is a big part of this game.

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