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Which skill tree should I use for the Jedi Sentinel?


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I loooove the Focus tree for PvE. It makes it super quick to just crit sweep and entire group of mobs. But I hear its very situational in PvP(ie good in group fights but weak when you wanna burst one person down and this same thing can happen in PvE when doing the boss fights for your class story).


I would suggest Watchman though for the end game PvE side as well as PvP. Its fantastic for DPSing single target enemies.

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I used the watchmen tree.


That tree focuses around applying DoT's to enemies which heal you (and sometimes your team) when critting. It also contains some very nice skills (force leap without minimum range is awesome!).


To sum it up:


As watchmen, you dont burst much, which makes killing groups of weak opponents a little slower than other builds but killing single difficult mobs become much (!) easier. Until lvl45 or so killing anything up to champion difficulty was really easy. I didnt even know that the sand demon was supposed to be difficult until i read about in the Forum.

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