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Solo levelling other than Class and World missions?


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I'm a level 30 Jedi Guardian and have levelled Solo through the Class and World missions. Currently on Alderaan. I'm really enjoying the game and look forward to starting a new character when I reach 50.


But, is there any repeatable Solo content available? I'd like to level ahead of my Class and World mission requirements.


Not really interested in the following ...

  • Flashpoint = Group mission .... Low server population (sometime 3 other players only!)
  • Operation = Large-scale multi-group (Low server population)
  • Space Combat = Meh ...
  • Warezone = PVP (Don't get into it)


Before you reply, yes - I know its a MMO (can be argued) but I like to play Solo and my server population is very low anyway :p

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I'm a level 30 Jedi Guardian and have levelled Solo through the Class and World missions. Currently on Alderaan. I'm really enjoying the game and look forward to starting a new character when I reach 50.


But, is there any repeatable Solo content available? I'd like to level ahead of my Class and World mission requirements.


Not really interested in the following ...

  • Flashpoint = Group mission .... Low server population (sometime 3 other players only!)
  • Operation = Large-scale multi-group (Low server population)
  • Space Combat = Meh ...
  • Warezone = PVP (Don't get into it)


Before you reply, yes - I know its a MMO (can be argued) but I like to play Solo and my server population is very low anyway :p


There's nothing left other than class and world missions.

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Hey man.. I totaly feel you.. Im the same way if Im not hooked up with my mate.. anyway.. I cant find or have heard of any repeatable solo stuff.. How ever.. I felt the same way you did about the space missions.. BUT.. they are repeatable everyday and grants you a fair deal of experience points.. aspecially when you do them the first few times.. AND you get alot of credtis out of it.. I always do the space missions every day just for the experience points.. eaven if I dont have time to play.. And ofcourse you know you can pick off all the Heroic 2 pretty easy with your companion as long as you are .. like.. 3 or 4 levels above the quest level... Also a good way to earn those extra experience points.. :) good look.. but dude/dudette.. get into the space missions.. its worth it.. !
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I'm a level 30 Jedi Guardian and have levelled Solo through the Class and World missions. Currently on Alderaan. I'm really enjoying the game and look forward to starting a new character when I reach 50.


But, is there any repeatable Solo content available? I'd like to level ahead of my Class and World mission requirements.


Not really interested in the following ...

  • Flashpoint = Group mission .... Low server population (sometime 3 other players only!)
  • Operation = Large-scale multi-group (Low server population)
  • Space Combat = Meh ...
  • Warezone = PVP (Don't get into it)


Before you reply, yes - I know its a MMO (can be argued) but I like to play Solo and my server population is very low anyway :p


Yes, you indeed can level solo but a some point in the game, you will be underlevel. You will NEVER be level ahead unless you do PVP, Group Missions and Space Combat.


You need to do space combat for those extra experience. What hurt does it has to play for a 9min space mission. (Make sure its after you finished everything on the planet first)


Warzone is chaotic and fun! In fact, at first I thought it is not that great ,but when I actually tried it. I had a ton of fun! So can you. The exp is great too! If you are more ambitious, you can keep playing PVP to get those awesome pvp gears!


I can't say anything about flashpoints because my server is really dead... But at least I do Space Combat and Warzone to keep my level "Up to date" . So yeah xD .

Edited by SakuraiSan
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Hey man.. I totaly feel you.. Im the same way if Im not hooked up with my mate.. anyway.. I cant find or have heard of any repeatable solo stuff.. How ever.. I felt the same way you did about the space missions.. BUT.. they are repeatable everyday and grants you a fair deal of experience points.. aspecially when you do them the first few times.. AND you get alot of credtis out of it.. I always do the space missions every day just for the experience points.. eaven if I dont have time to play.. And ofcourse you know you can pick off all the Heroic 2 pretty easy with your companion as long as you are .. like.. 3 or 4 levels above the quest level... Also a good way to earn those extra experience points.. :) good look.. but dude/dudette.. get into the space missions.. its worth it.. !


Thanks for the feedback! I'll have to give them a go then :)

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