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Sith Juggernaut - Vette wrong choise, please help!


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I am a lvl 40 Jugger. I use vette a lot and i have like 9000 affection with her. Untill i got a quest: you got a seriuos look or something like that. I had to chose between vette, jeana or both so i said both and then my quest got finished.(At that moment i didnt know it wouldnt let me do the rest of the romance quests)


So that sucks, i just had the last quest of vette " the long term"


Is there anyway i can change this? So i can do the other quests aswell?(maybe 10K affection helps?)


If someone can help, please!


Or if a employee can reset everything back to that quest for the vette quest line, Just take off the exp and affection you gained from her quest line. I would really be happy!


BTW: Sorry for my bad english!

Edited by radarwolf
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No it can't be changed by anything in game. You had a romance conflict, you made your choice, and you have to live with it or reroll. Might sound harsh, but that is how things are.


Do i miss anything if i leaved like this? Like: in feature maybe with a patch they will add more quests for her, i wont be possibly doing them or? Or like i cant get stuff or something?


There really should be a way.......


Bioware, please.......

Edited by radarwolf
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Do i miss anything if i leaved like this? Like: in feature maybe with a patch they will add more quests for her, i wont be possibly doing them or? Or like i cant get stuff or something?



No, there are no quests after romance, romance is basically the end game of companions, after all their actual quest are finished.


And you can only ever completely romance 1 companion, so they can never make romance based quests or you'd always miss content.

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No, there are no quests after romance, romance is basically the end game of companions, after all their actual quest are finished.


And you can only ever completely romance 1 companion, so they can never make romance based quests or you'd always miss content.


So you're telling. I cant fix it anymore but i wont miss anything?


Hope they will later at something so you can just change your mind.

Edited by radarwolf
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  • 2 months later...
Do you think a employee would be nice and reset the quest line for me?


I highly doubt that they have the ability to do so. I mean in theory yes they could do that, but it would require editing the raw DB table for your character and there's no way in the world they'd ever take that chance.


Plus if they did it once, they'd be flooded with requests like this.

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You know many Twi'leks and Dark Jedi in real life?


I most certainly do. Both types can be vindictive, do not test it. On a serious note, you should think about what you choose in the future instead of randomly clicking away.

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