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Please do not kill open world PvP


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Yes please. No cross-server at all. Worse mistake WoW made.


I hope Bioware knows that.


How nice that your server wasn't dead. My server on the other hand in WoW was a total ghost server and pvp ques took an hour. I still remember when cross server pvp ques came in and it only took 5 minutes to find a battleground. It was like a new game.


This game won't need cross server pvp ques for a while, but it will eventually once the novelty of the "newness" to this MMO wears off and the people who switch games once a month leave. I, personally, would like them to develop a cross server system but wait to impliment it.


And why does a cross server pvp system mean the death of Open world? Someone explain that.

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The real problem in past games lied in the fast easy rewards for qued instanced PvP, and the inadequate and unreliable (in comparison) rewards for world PvP.


Cross sever que facilitates qued instanced PvP...and kills the sense of server community...and server community promotes world pvp.


In wow, for example, there was non-stop world pvp when they added pvp ranks and rewards for honor kills. Once BGs came out, it killed world pvp. It wass much easier to just grind out BGs, since they were more reliable to start and gave you better rewards for your time.


The solution is to not have world PvP and warzones compete for the same rewards, because the qued instanced stuff will always win. Bioware did this....kind of. They made mercenary and warzone accommodations...and you need both to get the best PvP gear. Excellent......unfortunately you can trade in warzone accommodations to get mercenary accommodations at a 1:3 ratio. This will still allow player to simply grind out warzones and get all their mercenary accommodations.

Edited by OutlawDR
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I think huttball is their answer to xserver pvp, since you can have sith v sith, repub v repub and even mixes if needed ( i heard that you can have repub and sith on the same team, though i have not heard any confirmation.) no need for xserver pvp if you can just go up against people on your same side in a fun game of huttball.
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You know I see these types of posts A LOT. But I will let you in on something. A true PvPer wont care what rewards are given or waiting around. Cause for a couple years prior to WoW even being announced, the other Star Wars game, had loads of PvP and there wasnt any real reward for it. The cost of repairs/armor/weapons/food/buffs/etc all came out of the players pocket, but at least on the servers I played on, PvP was thriving.


To those who said it is the players job to create and maintain world PvP /salute


If I have to go solo into coro just so I have the chance of killing 1 rebel, I will, and more times than not, other imps will join, causing more rebs to join, then more imps, more rebs, and it snow balls till its just a massive battle. Sure queue's are nice, but if you're only form of PvP is to wait on a queue... you need to just go kill an opposing town.


Personally I hope to see action on Ilum whenever I go, And during beta I even went as a lvl 33. But if there happens to be no one on Ilum, you can bet your sweet ***** Ill be attacking a rebel stronghold.

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To those who said it is the players job to create and maintain world PvP /salute


Not only do you need to create and maintain it, you have to consider whether you are others are driving away participants. Exploitive and abusive players are at least as bad for open-world PvP as are lazy or complacent ones. There are some PvPers out there who try to grief all enemies and, surprise, it ends up driving people from it.

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Cross-server Open world can't happen, but it's gotta happen for Instanced/Flashpoints. Otherwise, you're looking at waiting forever to get into a match. If I had a choice between knowing my enemy and waiting 20 min's for an instance, versus not knowing and < 1 min... I mean come on - it's a no-brainer.
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I would choose a server that had NO battlegrounds but only pvp openworld areas in a instant. It brings a server community together, getting to know your enemys by guilds and names.


It what made daoc a incredible pvp game. If swg aint making some nice openworld pvp zones and reason to be there, instead of being almost forced to grind pvp item thou battleground, then the pvp side of the game will be just as insanely crappy as wow is.

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Cross-server Open world can't happen, but it's gotta happen for Instanced/Flashpoints. Otherwise, you're looking at waiting forever to get into a match. If I had a choice between knowing my enemy and waiting 20 min's for an instance, versus not knowing and < 1 min... I mean come on - it's a no-brainer.


you really need to look up huttball man, it kinda solves the whole one side has longer ques than the other, by letting you fight against people on your own side.

Edited by Aghar
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I would choose a server that had NO battlegrounds but only pvp openworld areas in a instant. It brings a server community together, getting to know your enemys by guilds and names.


I really wish I could /like this post.


I would give up battlegrounds in a heartbeat.


Also to the one who responded to me earlier, not driving players away is also important. I remember in SWG, I got clone camped for 10 mins or so. But that made me just want to come back and destroy them, which I eventually did. So while I might have a different mentality than the casual pvper, You just have to know your opponent. I'm more willing to be harder on a regular pvper than a casual, cause I know that eventually the same will happen to me, But again thats only for people I continually meet rifles with.

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My server on the other hand in WoW was a total ghost server and pvp ques took an hour. I still remember when cross server pvp ques came in and it only took 5 minutes to find a battleground. It was like a new game.


This game won't need cross server pvp ques for a while, but it will eventually once the novelty of the "newness" to this MMO wears off and the people who switch games once a month leave. I, personally, would like them to develop a cross server system but wait to impliment it.


And why does a cross server pvp system mean the death of Open world? Someone explain that.


The problem with WoW is it wasn't balanced enough in terms of types of players/player content. So you see that is where the problem lay.


While ques shouldn't be an hour long Bioware already fixed that issue with having Huttball where you face Rep Vs Emp or Emp vs Emp or Rep vs Rep.


Cross server PvP with instant ques 24/7 is like what a flying mount did to WoW. It makes everything seem less expansive, less depth, less meaningful, and just lessens the players immersion. I remember rather then going outside the City in Rift.. ill just que for WF's and afk..... till it pops... seriously that does kill world PVP when people aren't actually questing to run into each other to attack one another. Then there is NO! world pvp!

When you can just fly over everything its such a deterrent to actually playing through the story and becoming immersed in it. Everything starts to just turn into a instant gratification system. I want it now. i want my que now. I want my gear now. i want to teleport to the dungeon now. When again yes lessens PVP experience because my smuggler didnt just run into your Sith warrior to have a epic battle while we wait for our friends at the instance entrance.


Then it trails off into a well i downed that boss, gotta get my loot, now to the next boss "feeling". Rather then Yes! I Amazingly raided through this story line cant wait till i can start my adventure and save the galaxy tomorrow feeling.


It begins to dumb down content...


While I have thoroughly enjoyed running to the instances that I'm going to rather then teleporting to them.





And why you don't have to worry about a ghost town server is bioware is doing everything they can to make sure that doesnt happen by releasing the game today rather then the 20th.


they dont want a warhammer fiasco opening and closing 20 servers in like three months.

Edited by Strixs
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Cross server is a necessity where there is no natural side balancing.


If your on a horde dominate server you will never control any important area that has any signifigance for any long period of time as alliance.


See this is a poor attitude for pvp. Its not about control, its about saying "haha I killed you!" nothing more nothing less. If you pvp for some kind of gain, please come to me, ill make sure you get friendly with the medical probe.

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