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Rage for leveling?


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anni would be better, However rage does not shine in PvE much, but it's not really good until you get force cruch since smash is your #1 ability and force choke's cooldown is pretty long.


Assuming you have force cruch your rotation would look like this -> Charge -> force cruch -> battering assault -> smash -> force choke -> obliterate -> ??? -> smash


I don't suggess going rage, as a rage marauder it just make you wish you went juggernaut. (they crit smash for 9.5k while you crit your for 6.5k)

Edited by mastersloup
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I would like to know too, Granted im only level 12 and planning on BG / Instance / Class quest levelling on this toon - i'd like to know which spec would be best?


I was looking at going Rage for the AoE damage but open to suggestions from more experienced peeps.


thanks guys

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Do yourself a favor and forget about bg leveling. Rage spec is quite slow to build up and until you get force crush you will not have a reliable way to get your bomb off, so I'd recommend going anni or carnage even for leveling and start to think about pvp at about 40.
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Rage, painful? You must be doing it wrong.


I have a 50 Jug and 50 Mara, both of whom I leveled as Rage. I started as Anni on Mara and couldn't stand the pace at which you kill packs of regular mobs (which is what you're up against while leveling, for the most part). Sure, you gain survivability and do well against elites but to me that's not a good enough reason to have to whittle away at every regular mob at tank's pace - because you have no burst to speak of. As Rage you take out groups much more handily from the very beginning and it only gets better 40+, and while your single-target against elites is not as strong as with Anni, it's plenty strong enough (I have completed most of my class quests 2 levels ahead of what they were listed as).


It's a matter of preference, I suppose. If you don't mind going through regular content slowly but steadily, go Anni. If that's not your thing, Rage is for you. Oh, one thing: you will most likely end up using Quinn on Mara if you go Rage. I did fine with Jaessa on a Rage Jug but a Rage Mara is much better off with a healer companion.

Edited by direborne
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Great thanks guys, I might give Anni a go.


Im not in any real rush to level this toon, hence the BG levelling.


+ I havent had so much fun ever since getting Charge, probably my favourite move in the game!


Even if i do get owned by geared up 50's you have to expect it when your a lowbie so no point getting mad, I just have fun with it, charge them anyway, /s (Insert DIE!!) they then proceed to kill me, and i keep going back for more haha


but not before getting my 2 cents in for fun


+ theres really alot of bad players out there... i get plenty of badges in my BG's thanks to them and still being able to do over 75k damage in a BG lol


Nothing i love more than watching a level 50 run from me, even if i didnt do the majority of the leg work then finishing them off.


Must say, i love this class, and it's only the beginning!


Keep your eyes open for Shred... Coming soon in a BG near you.

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I went Anni till 40, then respecced Rage and was very satisfied with the results. Either I'm doing something horribly wrong or Anni has terrible aoe whereas Rage shines with Smash and despite lack of self-heals, it has passive damage reduction so not that big of an issue.


You need that Force Crush if you want to effectively perform as Rage though so until you're 40, go with Anni or Carnage.

Edited by gibmachine
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No, you're doing nothing wrong. Anni has no AoE or burst. I play melee DPS because I like fast-paced combat; Anni is anything but. That's the whole reason I've been Rage on both Marauder and Jug, after initially starting out with Anni. It's not a matter of how fast I can level/finish the quest overall; it's a matter of despising painfully slow fights with each and every group of regular mobs. Rage, on the other hand, is very good in this respect, and more fun besides.
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No, you're doing nothing wrong. Anni has no AoE or burst. I play melee DPS because I like fast-paced combat; Anni is anything but. That's the whole reason I've been Rage on both Marauder and Jug, after initially starting out with Anni. It's not a matter of how fast I can level/finish the quest overall; it's a matter of despising painfully slow fights with each and every group of regular mobs. Rage, on the other hand, is very good in this respect, and more fun besides.


Charge > BA > smash > deadly saber > sweeping strikes.


Rage relying on the 4stack buff is just as slow.

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