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[Video] Watchman Spec 300k Dmg


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Well, have that same race with a Consular when both of you get knocked around/rooted or snared. That's my biggest problem with Transcendence - when you really need it (IE: Knocked back and rooted), it's not going to help. Hell, Sorcerers get to nuke you and snare you at the same time. Yet, so many do seem to swear by it. I don't quite get it, but I'm not going to pretend I'm a master at the Sentinel class yet.


Will test it out some more, I guess.

Roots are the only real issue, though unless they are being chained, Transcendence will surely outlast it. It also helps to offset snares, returning you to (in most cases) speeds faster than you would have been without any buffs/debuffs.
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First, that was hardly the most balanced of matches. To add to what TheMove stated, it almost seemed as if you were avoiding fighting the 50s, in favor of slaughtering those helpless 20s time and time again.


You were also clearly not concerned with objectives at all, which I feel is a huge mistake as a Sentinel--on defense, you seemed to fight as far away from the doors as possible, mostly in 1v1 against the aforementioned 20s--on offense, you abandoned a door that was ripe for the taking, a mere one enemy left to seal the deal and when your team manages to take the other door, you leap away from it almost immediately (I might have had more to critique had I not abruptly stopped watching the video at this point.)


No offense, but footage like this proves how meaningless damage numbers (and even killing blows) are in a WZ.


That said, thank you for posting the video.

IMHO, Sentinels don't get nearly enough facetime on YouTube right now.


I should hit 50 later this week on my sent (depending on amount of work I have to do for my clients), and then will regularly run premades with guildies and fraps. Will play as Focus, but hope I will be able to portray more the utility and teamplay aspect of a sentinel as well as our CDs rather than bombing kids who wasd turn. We're already avidly discussing tactics and combinations for group setup, how to defend a flag carrier or take one with support down etc. Expect transcendence abusement, Force Stasis on flames / other bad hazardous areas, awe bombing (supposing it works in PvP, can't see why wouldn't since is a 1min 6s aoe CC similar to flashbang / flash grenade etc), Pacifiy, loads of leaping and bouncing, 10m kitting, leg slash spam in huttbal (1 focus for 12s 50% snare? hell yeah baby) and whatever else comes in mind :>

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not the best video ive seen and i think if you were hitting your abilites better you would have done more than just 300k I have a lvl 25 sentinel and Ive done pretty damn close to 300k dmg and healed myself for about 45k. With your level and rank you should have done more than that but your ability use is a little sloppy and slow to hit. you need better combos and better ability management. Your very hesitant to pop abilties. I am hitting an ability everytime the GCD comes up and I string several of my abilties togather to maximise dmg output onto a single target. I have taken several targets out that have been lvl 50 with some pvp gear and of course my lvl 25 is gearless in the form of expertise. keep at it tho you could do some hella dps once you get your combos down and are able to keep yourself ontop of targets better. I have seen a couple sentinels on my server do 400k+ dmg on a losing warzone where it seemed like everyone was just dying on both sides nonstop. turned out to be a draw that warzone where it gave it to imperial team but he still did a ton of dmg
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not the best video ive seen and i think if you were hitting your abilites better you would have done more than just 300k I have a lvl 25 sentinel and Ive done pretty damn close to 300k dmg and healed myself for about 45k. With your level and rank you should have done more than that but your ability use is a little sloppy and slow to hit. you need better combos and better ability management. Your very hesitant to pop abilties. I am hitting an ability everytime the GCD comes up and I string several of my abilties togather to maximise dmg output onto a single target. I have taken several targets out that have been lvl 50 with some pvp gear and of course my lvl 25 is gearless in the form of expertise. keep at it tho you could do some hella dps once you get your combos down and are able to keep yourself ontop of targets better. I have seen a couple sentinels on my server do 400k+ dmg on a losing warzone where it seemed like everyone was just dying on both sides nonstop. turned out to be a draw that warzone where it gave it to imperial team but he still did a ton of dmg


Trust me I was. Not trying to be arrogant here, but I know how to play better than the average player. Ability Lag/Ability stuttering/FPS drops all cause me problems while in Warzones. If you pay close attention you'll see me press many abillities at the same time but only one of them goes off. (Activating an ability that is off/ and one that is on the GcD)

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300k damage as a Sentinel in Watchman spec is nothing. The fact that you had a pocket healer and an organized team makes it even worse. This is a screenshot from yesterday where I solo queued in PvE gear and didn't have a healer following me around(both of the healer sorcs focused on healing each other instead of healing others).




Sentinels/Marauders have the potential to do absolutely devastating damage if used properly. The main problem we run into are games with too many sorcerers/sages on the opposing team. Sorcerers/Sages are every Marauder/Sentinel's bane as you may have noticed.

Edited by Tumri
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300k damage as a Sentinel in Watchman spec is nothing. The fact that you had a pocket healer and an organized team makes it even worse. This is a screenshot from yesterday where I solo queued in PvE gear and didn't have a healer following me around(both of the healer sorcs focused on healing each other instead of healing others).




Sentinels/Marauders have the potential to do absolutely devastating damage if used properly. The main problem we run into are games with too many sorcerers/sages on the opposing team. Sorcerers/Sages are every Marauder/Sentinel's bane as you may have noticed.


Played correctly with use of medpacks you should get up to 100k healing, 400k damage and only 60k healing? You must have really bad crit or just not using the burn heal aspect of the spec.

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DPS seems really bad. You just were alive for along time working really hard against lower levels. Seems like painful work trying to put out dps as a sent. ONly time someone went down fast that you were fighting is when other class joined in.


Takes a sent liek a 1 min of beating on someone to killed them. I watch Operatives take down anyone in like 5 secs. Even BHs can take someone down in like 8 secs.


Nothing against you this video shows me that you have to work harder than everyone just to do avg dps.


Yeah. I got killed out of stealth in like 4-5 secs out of stealth. Got hit for Almost 4 k, 3k, 2k, 3k. Like There is no way for a sent to put out that type of damage

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first time posting in the forums and actually first time i visited the forums and i just wanted to say:


did i make a mistake picking sentinel? only reason i picked him was because of weilding 2 lightsabers is soo cool but i also want to know that i atleast stand a chance against other races. no wonder im having such a hard time playing this character.

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I should hit 50 later this week on my sent (depending on amount of work I have to do for my clients), and then will regularly run premades with guildies and fraps. Will play as Focus, but hope I will be able to portray more the utility and teamplay aspect of a sentinel as well as our CDs rather than bombing kids who wasd turn. We're already avidly discussing tactics and combinations for group setup, how to defend a flag carrier or take one with support down etc. Expect transcendence abusement, Force Stasis on flames / other bad hazardous areas, awe bombing (supposing it works in PvP, can't see why wouldn't since is a 1min 6s aoe CC similar to flashbang / flash grenade etc), Pacifiy, loads of leaping and bouncing, 10m kitting, leg slash spam in huttbal (1 focus for 12s 50% snare? hell yeah baby) and whatever else comes in mind :>


Awe is not that great except for interupting, supposed to be an instant cast? hmm with a 1-2 second animation and the effects are far from 6 seconds in duration infact Awe sometimes fails and does nothing at all. same as Force stasis amount of times that has been put on a player just to watch them run off like nothing has happened or in pve when applied to a mob just to watch them carry on hitting till eventually its recognised and works.


Until bugs like these are fixed and talants work as they are supposed to this whole class will suffer, it's just down to BW and how actually bothered they are about fixing them and adding balance to what seems to be a ranged friendly game.

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