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The Only Downside of a 50 Only Bracket


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Actually the only downside won't reveal itself for another 2-3 months (my guess) when all the early levelers are in full top-of-the-line PvP gear and the slow levelers are just hitting 50 and having to face them in blues/oranges.


THEN you'll see some epic whining lol.


they'll probably make the Centurion gear easier to get, like purely via Warzone commendations like the old blue 50 pvp gear.


At-least that's the sensible thing to do.

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If you asked me a week ago i'd say keep the system as it is, but it's become far too common to hear people blaming a loss on the lower level players in the warzone, it's a bad excuse but it gets tedious.



It's not any different that blaming the 50s who don't have gear. That's the way it goes down in WoW, and this won't be any different.

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Actually the only downside won't reveal itself for another 2-3 months (my guess) when all the early levelers are in full top-of-the-line PvP gear and the slow levelers are just hitting 50 and having to face them in blues/oranges.


THEN you'll see some epic whining lol.


Like what happened with Warhammer Online, Rift and World of Warcraft?

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Make a level 10 (20 minutes if you spacebar) and you can play with whoever you want. You just won't be able to give them easymode carry wins anymore.


Yes this system makes it really easy for friends to continue to play together. That is why keeping one bracket only under 50 is important.

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I didn't play in the beta, I'm not ina huge guild of raid masters etc. I enjoy PvP and I do well at it. The 50 bracket is needed but as a couple of people have pointed out, really what is needed is a tiered system. I personally am against having gear play such an important part of "skill". I find it to be a crutch of the very worst kind. Instead of having to learn how to play better, make friends with other players and generally improve your skills, you instead "grind" for the right to PvP.


Your only value (as shown by the amount of ding-dongs posting their valor rating) is your PvP rank which is nothing but a passive grind stat. It shows NOTHING about the quality of those matches, how much you contributed to your teams win or anything else of value it simply shows how many match on average you went into.


The necessity of the 50's bracket is almost without a doubt. Will it have some negative effects? Almost certainly. My personal idea for a solution is similar to the Microsoft rating system or tiered ratings that attempt to balance teams however this also has a negative effect of increasing queue times which is something none of us want.


Bioware will need to find a solution to rating players, teams and rewarding each side as per "expected results". Very little should be earned for an almost guaranteed win however if the lower rated team DOES win they should earn massive rewards.


I doubt anything this comprehensive will be implemented and I foresee more and more tiers of gear being added which will only exacerbate the situation seen now.


Tiers ARE levels. They should be treated as such.


Good luck Bioware

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