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Reroll back to Wow - anyone with me ?


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Firstly i want to say that im not gonna mock swtor with this thread or attempting to troll here.


BUT, I must say im not enjoying this game for several reasons and I dont think i ever will. Because deep in my heart it is Wow i want to play! Im more and more asking myself why i try to enjoy this game when all i want is to play Wow. I more of a sword and dragonfighter than a gunner and spacefighter.


Im really starting to miss Wow, i know its not the same as it used to be but im pretty sure i would be happy with Wow in it currents even if its not the same.


So Im wondering if there are other ppl thinking about rolling back to wow and maybe if we could do it togheter?


And please guys, I hope even if you disagree with this thread that you dont start trolling in it. Since im hoping to find some guys to roll back on to Wow!


I know Tor is awesome but not for me!



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Dude, 1.1 is tuesday, if it fixes ability delay and ability missfire then thats 50% of my concern taken care of in one early patch. Nah, Ill stick it out for a bit, also Diablo 3 is coming soon, and so is Guild Wars 2. I would rather rake my eyes out with a spoon then play WOW again.
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