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Rocketpunch/jet Boost Broken in PvP


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When I rocketpunch someone or use jet boost, they disappear for about a second and when I see them they are not where they should be.


For example. Juggernaut charges to me on a ledge, I use my talented rocketpunch to try and get distance, I hit him and he disappears. Then re appears behind me and I'm like ***?


This happens every time I use those two abilities. Really puts me at a disadvantage when I use it. Losing site of my target in pvp is frustrating. Why does my rocketpunch turn everyone into a rogue lol:D:D....

Edited by Irishbrewed
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That's not a broken skill, that's lag.


Before you tell me that you have a 10000MB connection and have zero lag, let me just say, it's lag.


What happens is, you use a skill that appeared to have worked and was certainly triggered, but in fact 1 of 2 things happened: They weren't affected by the skill due to lag on your end showing you they were in a spot they actually weren't. They were affected and jumped back to you immediately with a skill.


Keep in mind that Rocket punches knockback really doesn't knock things back that far, so it's quite possible they just ran back up to you and the blinking disappearing is from lag and that lag doesn't allow you to see them run back up to you, instead they just seem to rubberband back to you.

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No what he is saying is actually happening, I think its a clipping problem as jetboost and rocketpunch were working properly before, but now you do tend to see them just disapear, then reapear. Though i have not seen them reappear in a place that they shouldnt be, I have had them reappear behind me but it was a class that had the ability to jump to me so i figure i jetboosted them away and they jumped back.
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That's not a broken skill, that's lag.


Before you tell me that you have a 10000MB connection and have zero lag, let me just say, it's lag.


What happens is, you use a skill that appeared to have worked and was certainly triggered, but in fact 1 of 2 things happened: They weren't affected by the skill due to lag on your end showing you they were in a spot they actually weren't. They were affected and jumped back to you immediately with a skill.


Nah, this happens regularly even when it lands succesfully (although I have only seen it happen with rocket punch, not jet boost). Your target will be knocked away, then warped back to a position before the knockback happened (usually where they were about 1 sec before you knocked them) and then they will run back to where they landed. It seems to be triggered by character movement, which would put it nicely in the bug category considering it works correctly under certain circumstances.


It was pretty apparent to me that it's a glitch with the skill when I specced rocket punch knockback after having pvped for a few weeks without it. Never experienced anything like it with any other knockback.

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I think this bug might have something to do with the auto-unstuck code. Ever jump off a ledge onto something unstable and had your character hover but not land? After a moment, your character will teleport back to where they jumped from. I wonder if that code is interacting with the rocket punch knockback such that the enemy's character thinks it's stuck and teleports back.


Just a theory.

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It's actually a pretty bad bug for PvP, since it gives LOS error messages on occasion. It occurs when you knock somebody back near a ledge, but they don't actually go over. It's the same lag related issue where you might see a party member fall off something or miss a jump when they really didn't. I've had to resort to making sure my punch won't bug a person out before using it, because it's got me killed before since the whole time I'm trying to attack them I get error messages while they're just lighting me up.


The skill itself isn't broken, it's their net code.

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"You must be facing your target"


**** I am!


How do you spell beta?




Definitely a bug, definitely a bad one.



Happens to me all the time with Rocket Punch, usually it never goes off, I have to spam, spam the button for it to work.

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That's not a broken skill, that's lag.


Before you tell me that you have a 10000MB connection and have zero lag, let me just say, it's lag.


What happens is, you use a skill that appeared to have worked and was certainly triggered, but in fact 1 of 2 things happened: They weren't affected by the skill due to lag on your end showing you they were in a spot they actually weren't. They were affected and jumped back to you immediately with a skill.


Keep in mind that Rocket punches knockback really doesn't knock things back that far, so it's quite possible they just ran back up to you and the blinking disappearing is from lag and that lag doesn't allow you to see them run back up to you, instead they just seem to rubberband back to you.


Nope not lag on my end my man. And everything else seems to be okay (well not as bad as this) but you telling me that I'm always just lagging when I use my rocketpunch? Which mind you is quite often?


It's a bad bug for pvp. Not my lag

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this has happened to me as well a few times in the last week. another bug ive found is that if someone does a knockback to you first you will either move back and execute your jetboost when you land or you will execute it midair and it will not affect anyone around you. very frustrating in huttball when combined with the ability delay
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