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Very tired of premades !!


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lowbie wzs = uncoordinated, unskilled, unbalanced mess.


i can understand some of the frustrations with pvp at 50 (gear gap, premades, etc) but when people claim that lowbie PvP is "better", ie more fun/skill based/whatever i just baffles me

They probably roll some easy dps spec and have slightly above average skill. Therefor they will feel completely awesome when they free cast 200k damage in every warzone. They just haven't figured out yet that they would love being a part of a steamrolling premade in lvl 50 PvP.

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No. That would only mean that the majority of players endure a couple of matches to complete their dailies, then do something else or log out, while premades keep going and going and going. My guild's groups can spend 3 hours each evening having their way with pugs, chatting on TS and generally enjoying themselves.


We even go as far as going weaponless with Legacy fist abilities. Quite hilarious, tbh - especially Huttball. Getting molested by an unarmed fat twi'lek in Covert energy armour is one of the most embarrassing things you can experience in ToR PvP.



Your logic is still flawed. First of all, premades exist on both sides - the probability of having a premade on my own team should be about the same as having a premade playing against me, no? And if I have a premade on my own team, according to some of you, shouldn't that enhance my probability of winning? People are always assuming it's the poor 8 pugs on one team that get beat up by the baddie premades on the other team, while they conveniently forget that they are just as likely to be playing with premades on their own teams a good number of times. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, of course it does! I've been there. But it's still not as frequent or as tragic as some people make it out to be.


Then, even if pugs come and go, if they are the majority then there still wouldn't be a difference, would there? Then the same premade that has been playing for 3 hours will just have different pugs with them during that time. So what? I really fail to see the problem.


And please don't tell me you roflstomp pugs on a regular basis with your premade without any chance of competition ever. If premades are that frequent, which is basically what everyone arguing against premades is saying, then there should be at least a few challenging premades you are put up against every evening. When we queue, we get it all: some we win, some we lose, some we get put up against the best team on the server and we get our hinies kicked, other times it's our team bashing in other peoples' heads. It's variety.... you can't win them all. I am really sorry, but if someone is trying to tell me they get their behinds handed to them on a regular basis in pvp, and the reason for this are overwhelming premades, I am sorry... I simply cannot take this seriously. PVP has many problems, but premades are really not one of them. :/

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No need to worry about any of these problems anymore, because they will not fix/change it. At this rate there will be no one left playing at this time next year. You won't have to worry about the group queue button because there won't be enough people to use it. And solo button will be the all that is left and not enough queuers to start a match. Seen this trend in several other MMO's which held together stronger than this one. So why would this one climb out of the recycle bin that it's headed for. The Pvp/F2P is the nail in the coffin. And for those comments about you solo'ers should join solo. If they didn't your pvp would be dead just like it was before the server xfer... You idiots with all this short term memory makes me laugh. REMEMBER! THIS GAME HAS FAILED. BUT THEY ARE TRYING TO REVIVE IT WITH THE SAME THINGS THAT HAS KILLED IT....****LMFAO!!! Think of that before you come in here trolling this his thread. His topic is still one of the reasons why people are leaving. If you want your game to last.....you better start backing him up or YOU WILL BE THE THE ONLY ONE LEFT BEFORE THEY PULL THE PLUG. they can only merge so many times now because a little population multiplied by minimal population equals a small population.lol
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And please don't tell me you roflstomp pugs on a regular basis with your premade without any chance of competition ever. If premades are that frequent, which is basically what everyone arguing against premades is saying, then there should be at least a few challenging premades you are put up against every evening. When we queue, we get it all: some we win, some we lose, some we get put up against the best team on the server and we get our hinies kicked, other times it's our team bashing in other peoples' heads. It's variety.... you can't win them all. I am really sorry, but if someone is trying to tell me they get their behinds handed to them on a regular basis in pvp, and the reason for this are overwhelming premades, I am sorry... I simply cannot take this seriously. PVP has many problems, but premades are really not one of them. :/


Our premades are parts of our Rated teams. Regular PuGs have no chance, no matter how bad our PuGs are. We run into trouble when we face another team which contains a decent premade (randoms with voice comm don't really count as premade). But that happens only once or twice per evening.


But yes, I agree. SWToR PvP has more pressing concerns at this stage of development. But don't discount the uneven playing field. This turns away a lot of people who would enjoy PvP otherwise.

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Our premades are parts of our Rated teams. Regular PuGs have no chance, no matter how bad our PuGs are. We run into trouble when we face another team which contains a decent premade (randoms with voice comm don't really count as premade). But that happens only once or twice per evening.


But yes, I agree. SWToR PvP has more pressing concerns at this stage of development. But don't discount the uneven playing field. This turns away a lot of people who would enjoy PvP otherwise.


Thank You for your honesty. It means a lot coming from a premade's point of view.

Edited by Lejune
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No need to worry about any of these problems anymore, because they will not fix/change it. At this rate there will be no one left playing at this time next year. You won't have to worry about the group queue button because there won't be enough people to use it. And solo button will be the all that is left and not enough queuers to start a match. Seen this trend in several other MMO's which held together stronger than this one. So why would this one climb out of the recycle bin that it's headed for. The Pvp/F2P is the nail in the coffin. And for those comments about you solo'ers should join solo. If they didn't your pvp would be dead just like it was before the server xfer... You idiots with all this short term memory makes me laugh. REMEMBER! THIS GAME HAS FAILED. BUT THEY ARE TRYING TO REVIVE IT WITH THE SAME THINGS THAT HAS KILLED IT....****LMFAO!!! Think of that before you come in here trolling this his thread. His topic is still one of the reasons why people are leaving. If you want your game to last.....you better start backing him up or YOU WILL BE THE THE ONLY ONE LEFT BEFORE THEY PULL THE PLUG. they can only merge so many times now because a little population multiplied by minimal population equals a small population.lol


I agree with you, the premades are one of the biggest turn offs for new pvpers. I also agree with you point of people leaving, i like to pvp and thats what i primarilly do in mmo's. The pve is awesome in this game and i like the story but... that is not what i like to do all the time.


to be honest at this point the only thing keeping me here is because im a star wars fan, if this was any other MMO i would have left long ago, infact if i did make it this long and this wasnt a star wars game 1.4 would have had me unsubbing for sure. BW does not listen to the community, in fact in my opinion they do the exact oposite of what customers want, its almost as if they secretly want this game to go under so they can just wave the white flag of surender and move onto another game.


I love BW and especially star wars, i will give this game 6 more months to a year and if they arent going forword and making pro active decisions that actually help the game not infuriating the vast majority of the player base i will take my money and spend it on another sub in another mmo. Those other games may not be better but I will never know unless i try them.


seriously though this is a AAA mmo and they dont even have a cross server pvp que, they dont have seperate que system in place for pugs and premade groups, they havent properly / cant ballance the classes so they add more CC to pvp so it compensates for it. I want this game to succeed so badly but every patch to pvp just tells me they either do not play their own game or they have no idea of what they are doing. :(

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I agree with you, the premades are one of the biggest turn offs for new pvpers. I also agree with you point of people leaving, i like to pvp and thats what i primarilly do in mmo's. The pve is awesome in this game and i like the story but... that is not what i like to do all the time.


to be honest at this point the only thing keeping me here is because im a star wars fan, if this was any other MMO i would have left long ago, infact if i did make it this long and this wasnt a star wars game 1.4 would have had me unsubbing for sure. BW does not listen to the community, in fact in my opinion they do the exact oposite of what customers want, its almost as if they secretly want this game to go under so they can just wave the white flag of surender and move onto another game.


I love BW and especially star wars, i will give this game 6 more months to a year and if they arent going forword and making pro active decisions that actually help the game not infuriating the vast majority of the player base i will take my money and spend it on another sub in another mmo. Those other games may not be better but I will never know unless i try them.


seriously though this is a AAA mmo and they dont even have a cross server pvp que, they dont have seperate que system in place for pugs and premade groups, they havent properly / cant ballance the classes so they add more CC to pvp so it compensates for it. I want this game to succeed so badly but every patch to pvp just tells me they either do not play their own game or they have no idea of what they are doing. :(


I'm still around too because I'm a Star Wars fan. I want to leave and go back to other games but I'd still like to be running around with sabers/jet packs vs all the other games right now that have staffs, bows,..etc atm. Not to mention I'd have to buy expansions to play those now and it's just cheaper to stay here. I want them to change some things so I can re-sub without a doubt in my mind that this is where I want to be. I really would hate for a second Star wars game to fail because who knows when a 3rd shot at it will come around? :( We complain so they can improve the game play.

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I'm still around too because I'm a Star Wars fan. I want to leave and go back to other games but I'd still like to be running around with sabers/jet packs vs all the other games right now that have staffs, bows,..etc atm. Not to mention I'd have to buy expansions to play those now and it's just cheaper to stay here. I want them to change some things so I can re-sub without a doubt in my mind that this is where I want to be. I really would hate for a second Star wars game to fail because who knows when a 3rd shot at it will come around? :( We complain so they can improve the game play.


agreed, some of the other games ive played previous to this were great and were fun but im really burned out on the whole high fantasy thing. There are new games on the horizen and if BW does not fix the issues that everyone has been complaining about i will take my money and sub in those games.


Been getting rolled by the same two guilds most of the morning / afternoon, this got old 8 months ago and its been complainied about so much in the forums. I honestly dont think BW cares, if they dont fix this garbage i will show them i care by unsubbing, but i like star wars and thats why im giving them another 6 months to a year to get there act together.

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agreed, some of the other games ive played previous to this were great and were fun but im really burned out on the whole high fantasy thing. There are new games on the horizen and if BW does not fix the issues that everyone has been complaining about i will take my money and sub in those games.


Been getting rolled by the same two guilds most of the morning / afternoon, this got old 8 months ago and its been complainied about so much in the forums. I honestly dont think BW cares, if they dont fix this garbage i will show them i care by unsubbing, but i like star wars and thats why im giving them another 6 months to a year to get there act together.


Yeah, I think I need a guild so I can get back into the PvE and give them time to work some things out. Only hesitation I have in doing this is that all of my previous guild was my personal/long time mmo friends that jumped ship a long time ago. I know my experience won't be the same without them but it's something else to do in the mean time. I also want to try the new space missions in 1.6 :) PvP is really what I never get tired of though, maybe because of the slight rush it gives.

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Yeah, I think I need a guild so I can get back into the PvE and give them time to work some things out. Only hesitation I have in doing this is that all of my previous guild was my personal/long time mmo friends that jumped ship a long time ago. I know my experience won't be the same without them but it's something else to do in the mean time. I also want to try the new space missions in 1.6 :) PvP is really what I never get tired of though, maybe because of the slight rush it gives.


I like the rush it gives me too, I love lvling toons in this game, to me its the best part of the game. Pvp though is what i primarily do in most mmos ive played. I honestly and i mean this i honestly do not think BW pvps in this game and have no idea besides the forums that the premades and the overly excessive CC in this game is causing people to leave / not want to que up anymore. there is no other explaination why they do the things they do.

1. they claim cross server ques for pvp would ruin the game... really? most mmos even the old ones have cross server pvp ques.

2. pitting premades against pugs, most do not like this yet they seem to go out of their way to make this happen.

3. no one ever complained that there wasnt enough cc in this game yet.... 1.4 they increase it to hair pulling wall kicking levels.

Im wondering if this is just some extra long april fools day prank at our expence.

Edited by DarthSabreth
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I like the rush it gives me too, I love lvling toons in this game, to me its the best part of the game. Pvp though is what i primarily do in most mmos ive played. I honestly and i mean this i honestly do not think BW pvps in this game and have no idea besides the forums that the premades and the overly excessive CC in this game is causing people to leave / not want to que up anymore. there is no other explaination why they do the things they do.

1. they claim cross server ques for pvp would ruin the game... really? most mmos even the old ones have cross server pvp ques.

2. pitting premades against pugs, most do not like this yet they seem to go out of their way to make this happen.

3. no one ever complained that there wasnt enough cc in this game yet.... 1.4 they increase it to hair pulling wall kicking levels.

Im wondering if this is just some extra long april fools day prank at our expence.


LOLs.... If it is a prank....they got me with it because I'm totally convinced that they are just winging it. wellll. lets try this....ah man well that failed. lol Well let's try this.... oh noes 500k more subs lost. :( They canceled SWG so this can grow, but soon they will have the same numbers lol.... Sad

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LOLs.... If it is a prank....they got me with it because I'm totally convinced that they are just winging it. wellll. lets try this....ah man well that failed. lol Well let's try this.... oh noes 500k more subs lost. :( They canceled SWG so this can grow, but soon they will have the same numbers lol.... Sad


ive never played SWG but i have played many other MMO'S and i can honestly say this is the only MMO that i have played where the devs actually allow this kind of imballance with not only the classes but to keep on topic the PREMADES. they need cross server ques and seperate premade ques that send them directly to rated wz's. all they need to do is allow them to que as a 4 man team and the match maker can pair up all of the other 4 man teams in the network. its not that bad if it was network wide via cross server ques.

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