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Bioware you have 2 more days.


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Before i´m at the point of no return, now this is about the time my free month is out, and im NOT subbing more. Im so sick of laging and having a really annoying experience, now i have played this game many hours, and frankly i have done most content of your game, and it aint that good.


Now i have done this with all technical issues, like 20fps in warzones, stuttering and ability delay, a tuned down graphical experience, i mean why would i stay and play more??

If i after roughly 3 weeks made almost ALL CONTENT in a new 2012 MMO, what will i expect in the future??


Am i the 5% with a **** computer? that has a I7 with a GTX 570 running vindictus on max settings, tera online on max settings with NO LAGS and alot better graphics..


And then you come and say something like this http://www.vg247.com/2012/01/10/bioware-most-swtor-performance-issues-can-be-blamed-on-low-end-pcs/


Now i wont pay another daim on your product, you say you need more ppl to play your crap to be able to fix it, and you expected 500k subscribers after first months.. This mean that you release an AVERAGE? This game is ment to be ****, that is atually what you say, and you blame us for the performance issues, you blame computers that handles anything else for not handling your mediocre game, with low res textures, non existing shader effects, no lightning effects, no demanding graphical effects what so ever, still it takes a monster chunk out of any hardware.


Edit: Ok not any hardware, but atleast mine, and some billion posters

Edited by noggerr
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Tera Online doesnt have better graphics than this. It just uses an Asian Themed Art style that people these days cant get enough of.


As evidenced by the fact that Tera is using the same Engine NCsoft mmos have been using for 5 years.


Honestly if you arent happy, maybe the game isnt for you. But that doesnt mean you need to publicly attempt to convince others to leave with you.

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If i after roughly 3 weeks made almost ALL CONTENT in a new 2012 MMO, what will i expect in the future??



The date of release is irrelevant.


I'd wager to say you probably rushed through the content.


What you can safely expect in the future is more content that will also probably be rushed through.


I would strongly suggest you put this on the back burner and go play another MMO until you get bored with that one. Perhaps enjoy Deadmines for the 10,000,000th time on Heroic. Then maybe resub. :rolleyes:

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Tera Online doesnt have better graphics than this. It just uses an Asian Themed Art style that people these days cant get enough of.


As evidenced by the fact that Tera is using the same Engine NCsoft mmos have been using for 5 years.


Honestly if you arent happy, maybe the game isnt for you. But that doesnt mean you need to publicly attempt to convince others to leave with you.


Bioware uses 7 year old heroengine. Tera uses Unreal Engine 3.


So yes, Tera has better graphics. (at least using your logic)

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Tera Online doesnt have better graphics than this. It just uses an Asian Themed Art style that people these days cant get enough of.


As evidenced by the fact that Tera is using the same Engine NCsoft mmos have been using for 5 years.


Honestly if you arent happy, maybe the game isnt for you. But that doesnt mean you need to publicly attempt to convince others to leave with you.


I don't think it's a matter of which pile of dirt you want to eat. I chose to eat NO piles of dirt, thanks.


Of course there are games that are worse than this game.


They're free.

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Tera Online doesnt have better graphics than this. It just uses an Asian Themed Art style that people these days cant get enough of.


As evidenced by the fact that Tera is using the same Engine NCsoft mmos have been using for 5 years.


Honestly if you arent happy, maybe the game isnt for you. But that doesnt mean you need to publicly attempt to convince others to leave with you.


Are you serious? Teras engine is not 5 years old, maby you are reffering to Aion that used cryengine 1....


Still game is to heavy for the small looks.

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While I don't agree with the way you posted I do wonder why my graphics card when I have shadows on every once in while will speed up really fast and start to get real warm.

But I can play a much more graphically demanding game on max settings with no issues.:confused:

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Not that it makes any difference to you, OP, but I happen to have a rig based on i7 (950) and GTX570, and I'm running the game fine.


I guess it is a bit more complicated than that.


Ye what made me most angry is they blame us for having bad hardware...

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Tera Online doesnt have better graphics than this. It just uses an Asian Themed Art style that people these days cant get enough of.


As evidenced by the fact that Tera is using the same Engine NCsoft mmos have been using for 5 years.


Honestly if you arent happy, maybe the game isnt for you. But that doesnt mean you need to publicly attempt to convince others to leave with you.


TBH, I dont think he will rally anyone worth keeping in TOR to his cause.

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20fps in warzones? Maybe you need better internet. 1.5mb might not be cutting it.


Bioware is hearing you out though. Don't give up hope.


im on Fiber, and still it should not reduce my frames, if it does, the engine REALLY suck. and still other mmos run fine Latency wise..

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I can't wait for the f2p period to be up so a good chunk (I know not all...i can dream can't i?) of the whiners leave the forums and maybe some real convos will turn up on the front page rather than: Why i don't like this game thread #3049 or complain about trivial things thread #4593.
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nearly all of the content? so you've leveled nearly 8 characters to level 50 and experienced raiding on them? If you've leveled 8 characters to 50 then you've been through all the content... but you have experienced it, i bet you'd just have spaced bared your way through to 50 and then complained about how little content there is in the game. I'm sure they'll just hold another special little patch for you tomorrow and fix all of your problems so that you won't quit. **** here man, I'm sick of so many people QQing about how a game not even 1 month into release isn't perfect yet... have fun lagging on those other MMO's
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im on Fiber, and still it should not reduce my frames, if it does, the engine REALLY suck. and still other mmos run fine Latency wise..


Yet if it was a major problem everyone would be seeing it, as it stands they are not. so its on your end.

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