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How do the scammers know I play SWTOR?


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Bioware could have a leak inside. I remember, prior to launch, they had a leak where someone accidentally sent a "beta invite" e-mail without beta codes to every single registered person.


Their security incompetence is appalling.


if i recall that was their system that sent those 'invites" out.

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It's highly possible they've purchased information from one of the many information collection services on the net.


Ever notice how the advertisements online are almost always relevant to your interests? People you've never met know who you are and what you like.


yup like a survey that has questions about games in general. So if one asks you what gaming devices you own ( and you check pc) why types of games do you play (you check mmos and say rpgs) what types of movies do you like ( you check syfy) it would be reasonable that you might i say might be trying SWTOR.

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You really wanna imply they are sending an SWTOR phishing mail to every possible combination of letter forming an email address? That, sir, is BS ;)


In that case, every person in the net would have gotten WoW, EVE, SWTOR, SWG, ... phishing mails even if they don't play it.


I can confirm this didn't happen because I have a lot of email accounts which did not get these now or in the past.


um wel i never have played Aion and i get these same emails all the time. I never wanted to nor have i ever even been to their site.

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I do work in security, but that doesn't mean I fight spam in my job. And I'm still not satisfied with those rude answers, trying to imply it would be my fault.


This coincidence is just too peculiar.


1) I don't think being a security guard counts.

2) If you want to accuse BioWare of something, just do it already.

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Don't mention that, they will tear you apart here and call you names, because it's obviously that BW has a flawless security and everyone else is just stupid ;)


He was talking about in game mail. Which anyone can get a list of names by using /who.

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