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Please Fix These PVP Bugs


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These Pvp bugs really diminish my FUN factor and need to be fixed asap.


1. Joining a match in progress but getting booted 10 seconds after it loads because you haven't exited start area...even though I'm blocked in and only been there like 5-10 seconds waiting for the door to open.


2. Upon respawn in alderann, the speeder bikes are a lot of times not there, so you cant get back to the battle and again kicked from the game because you didn't leave starter area, again because the speeder bikes have miraculously disappeared. Which leads us to...


3. When the speeder bikes are there many times when you click it to rejoin battle...it does nothing, it freezes you in place, you cant move, and it doesn't take you back to the battle, you can only wait again to be kicked back to whence you came from not leaving starter area.


4. when on the voidstar on my jedi guardian several times when using force leap on an opponent, i somehow warp physics and go through the hull of the ship, falling through space, passing nebula's by and other space debris while the stars all pass by me...on this one however i keep falling through space and never get kicked from the game, but stillnot being able to do anything till it ends.


5. lag, lag, and more lag. I do decently in the world but as soon as i enter a warzone i lag like no tomorrow. Don't see a reason why i would be good to go elsewhere but no so much here.


between all these bugs i might get to finish maybe 1 game out of 5...and pray that i win that 1 just for my daily, this really detracts from my enjoyment from the game, as i'm sure there are many others it does as well. Please for the love of PvP fix these bugs.

Edited by Maraxuss
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I have the same problem with the speeder bikes not loading. I don't even have a chance to click on them because they are never there and I get booted for it. I played PvP all day today and I got that map 3 times in a row and was booted from it each time. Gets real annoying, real fast when I cannot even finish a game
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6 gig ddr3 ram

i5 processor

geforce GT 635m gfx card



My laptop should be suficiant to run this game but when i enter pvp battle grounds i get fps lag and the loading times are rediculas!! i sometimes get kicked out for not leaving the pvp enterance zone quick enough and i can do it any faster cause it takes me 10 minutes to load the F*****g game!!! Then when i get in the speeder bikes disapear and i get kicked out cause im in the starting zone for too long. Please fix the loading times and pvp bugs! I have very little time to play this game and the time i do have is spend loading!!!:mad:

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I'm having all of the OP's issues except the voidstar, but the speeder issue is the BIGGEST. (I'm guessing the low fps in warzones is my comp..but then again my big group fps is fine.)


I asked around in general and other people have the same issue, and I thought i've seen another post on this but when i used search i couldn't find it, and i don't know of bioware acknowledging this, so im bumping this thread.


Please give a reply that the issue is being worked on, as i have only 1 win in a warzone(been playing before release date. no joke, i want to cry) and that kind of luck already makes it ridiculously hard to get a win, let alone getting kicked out of alderann when im almost done with it for no commendations.


ALL speeder bikes dissappear about 80% of the time, and 15% of the working time it kicks me out after i click on one. very few times does it work. this is only after the game has started, not the first speeder appearance.


Please respond.

Edited by DORRITO
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#2 is caused by dying in the first 90 seconds of the match.


I *think* number 3 is caused by using an ability and then clicking while GC is still active (for instance buffing).

Edited by Pedra
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