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Why all the Marauder hate?


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I've been browsing the Sith Warrior forums for a few weeks, and something I've noticed is a rather overwhelming disdain towards Marauders, saying that they're a bad/difficult/inferior class to play when compared to the Juggernaut. I've been playing a Marauder since launch, currently have her at 45, speced in Annihilation with mostly orange commendation gear, and I really don't understand the overwhelming hate. Personally, I love my Marauder, and I've had fun learning how to play her. I don't think I'm an exceptionally good player, not by any means, but playing as a Marauder hasn't been overly difficult for me. I can take down strong enemies and elites up to two levels above me, and still walk out of the fight with 30-40 percent health, so long as have Quinn healing and some medpacks on hand(i need them more for the elites, not the strongs). That being said, I haven't levelled a Jugg yet (or even the Jedi equivalent of a Jugg), I don't do flashpoints/operations, and I don't PVP, so maybe in those circumstances, a Jugg is better, and I have no experience playing a Jugg, so I couldn't say myself which one is better. But as far as PVE goes, I find the Marauder to be a pretty solid and strong class, especially with Quinn tagging along as a healer (I use pretty much no one else).


I guess what I'm trying to ask is why there seem to be a lot of people have a great disdain for Marauders, when I haven't encountered much trouble trying to play one at all? I'd appreciate feedback from PVE players who dislike Marauders, as PVE is what I play almost exclusively.

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People are stupid or whiny or whatever. Ignore them. If you have fun and succeed, then play it and enjoy yourself. There are weaknesses that really don't matter that much if you and people you play with are having fun. Edited by Sayc
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Priority systems are pretty much rotations if you cared to take the time and convert it.


Once you learn a class/spec you really shouldn't need either to help you play.

Edited by Sayc
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Basically what the people above me have said. Those who hate are simply inept and enjoy trying to make others recognize their hate because all they really want is attention. I love my marauder, I can rip apart almost any enemy I come across all by myself. And from a lore standpoint, their degree of lightsaber mastery is just awesome.


With respects to flashpoints and operations, you're limited to damage, damage, and more damage. Which I personally find to be entertaining in the extreme. I don't do PvP, so can't inform you much about it.


Hope your marauder keeps you interested :sul_grin:

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I am probably incredibly biased, but I think Mara is the best class in the game (I am tentatively open to the possibility that a good player behind a Vanguard/Powertech might be able to do some crazy ****, so to speak, and I am making my own to see with my own eyes what their potential really is).


Ok, if I remember to forget how much I hate the Republic and how much of a bunch of hobo hippie sissies the Jedi are, I suppose I'd give our mirror class, the Sentinal, the title of 'best class', simply because they are slightly more pleasing to watch perform their combat animations. I don't dislike ours, it's just that theirs are more....hrm...graceful, I suppose. Plus, their sleek pvp outfit is a tad better looking on female characters than having this butt-cape flapping around behind my Marauder (in what universe is a butt-cape cool?), and they don't have to wear an emo-hood (their helms are the second dumbest things in the game, but you can turn helms off). I don't get what stupid game design decision is behind something that negates your choice of hairstyle at character select. On females, especially, it defaults your head to the bald texture, so you see no hair at all under that hood. Which is dumb.


I haven't been playing my Marauder as much as I would like over the last two weeks, mainly because I'm trying to level all my alts while there is still a healthy sub-50 population, but yea. It feels so good to return to her for an hour or two here and there whenever I need a break from the leveling treadmill. :)

Edited by revial
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At this point, I'm convinced that most of the real issues people have with marauders can be tied to bad frame rates. Otherwise, there are some annoying difficulties that hit individuals between levels 19-40ish, depending on how they're playing the game.


It would be fine if Marauders/Sentinels were the only ones who complained about it, but the fact is, there are plenty of non-Warrior/Knight players who kind of just laugh Marauders/Sentinels off as a sub-par class, unless they're talented to make the best use of Predation/Bloodthirst.


This can be a problem when you're looking for groups, but thankfully, that's limited to the kind of community members who consider themselves part of an elite.

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At this point, I'm convinced that most of the real issues people have with marauders can be tied to bad frame rates.


I could see this. I would not be having such a good time if I had lag or frame rate issues. Marauders are very pay attention and be on top of your game oriented.


Will be interesting to see how raiding goes, because playing drunk is going to screw up my reflexes. Drunk marauding might be fun too!

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I could see this. I would not be having such a good time if I had lag or frame rate issues. Marauders are very pay attention and be on top of your game oriented.


Will be interesting to see how raiding goes, because playing drunk is going to screw up my reflexes. Drunk marauding might be fun too!


haha I agree with both you and mem. Having cleared all the raid content and in my full raid gear I've really loved the class from the beginning. At first it was a little rough to survive but manageable and as I grew into the class I can say for certain it's all about being on the ball.


Group wise I've yet to find anyone topping me for damage too and we provide a lot of party utility with our fury abilities and buff. Survival sure got way easier too at higher lvls and when I learned the class. With gear it got even better so there's no complaints about either of those aspects.

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Will be interesting to see how raiding goes, because playing drunk is going to screw up my reflexes. Drunk marauding might be fun too!


Fun times. Admittedly, I don't take raiding as seriously as I take PvP, and I'm either watching cartoons and/or in the kitchen while doing so. It makes for some funny (trying to CC a non-droid, CCing the wrong droid, hitting Predation instead of Berserk, walking straight off platforms into my death...) screw-ups, and, knowing my guild, there are SWTOR drinking games on the way.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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so ahh, when was the last time you seen a Mara in a Warfront?.

just face it, they are a bad design far to complex to many ability's

+sertain delay factors are not really helping ether.


jugg=same damage, force puch increadable (can even CC Champions)

heavy armor, not that i need it on a mara, but they defently can use some passive defence bonus.

+posablility to a exotic spec, dps/tanking not saying it's good but can matters a lot in PvE.

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I couldnt tell you why all the hate. Seems that people want that EZ mode, hit 3 skills, lather rinse repeat, with no chellenge type of gameplay. I've played classes with way worse skill rotations (Runekeepers and Loremasters from LOTRO come to mind) and find the marauder a very easy class to play.


But like I said, ive played more indepth classes that require a lot more know how to play than a rauder...

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according to you marauder is the only class you can't play drunk. rage jug and rage marauder play very similar, the rage jug is better in everyway but hey, the jug is faceroll? right?


try #4 : is the jug overpowered or is the marauder underpowered?


I assume this question is aimed at pvp, since there's no real basis for being OP in pve


The jug has more control and passive dmg reduction to deliver what they both should be able to deliver. Mara would be right there with the jugg, except for two factors:


1) Force choke on a jug is not channeled, and therefore the jugg can max his stacks (in rage spec) to maximise his/her dmg output, this also includes the ability delay and animation loops associated with animations not firing properly


2) A jugg can control their targets via real stuns, grabs and knockbacks, plus they are immune to CC's after they charge, so they can deliver the obli-smash combo needed to succeed at where the marauder flounders.

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according to you marauder is the only class you can't play drunk. rage jug and rage marauder play very similar, the rage jug is better in everyway but hey, the jug is faceroll? right?


try #4 : is the jug overpowered or is the marauder underpowered?


yet the rage jugg does less damage with EVERY SKILL except slam, but the lesser intelligent people think 30% more damage on one ability means the class does 30% more damage...



Its a shame you cannot grasp that.

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I'd like to know how many people who claim marauder is fine are actually level 50 and have PvPed for some time.


<--- valor rank 32, didnt start pvping until 50, 2 weeks ago, full champion gear (minus weapons). Class IS fine, but needs tweaks, and some way to fight the CC/knockback, bring our damage output up to par with the ranged classes, if not a tad more

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I'd like to know how many people who claim marauder is fine are actually level 50 and have PvPed for some time.


They're 50. they are just AoE'ing or attacking people who don't focus them in voidstar or fighting lvl 10s or fresh 50 in green then claim the class is fine.


since we bring rank and gear in discussion.


rank 61 5 piece of battlemaster/rest champion

Edited by mastersloup
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They're 50. they are just AoE'ing or attacking people who don't focus them in voidstar or fighting lvl 10s or fresh 50 in green then claim the class is fine.


since we bring rank and gear in discussion.


rank 61 5 piece of battlemaster/rest champion


Probably this. I am full champion except offhand and I say the class is not fine in it's current state.

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