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Emergency Scan???


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Question currently I am lvl 37 all in bodyguard, was seriously considering a more hybrid spec to include tracer missiles, so my question is...


With out emergency scan can I still be a viable healer in end game content? And is the added damage/buffs from tracer missiles worth going hybrid?


Thank you in advance for any info you can send my way.

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Tracer Missile doesn't work with Supercharged gas. But I do use a Bodyguard/Arsenal hybrid as a DPS build. I throw out Tracer Missile to apply the debuff with Supercharged Gas ready to fire then fire Gas + 4-6 Power Shots (I have the Power Shot heat reduction talent as well in arsenal). That gives me a nice Heat free Damage burst that basically acts like a 2nd Vent Heat except more readily available. Only requirement is I need to be running support cylinder. The Tracer Missile debuff will last for the supercharge gas buff duration.


As far as Healing goes I think it will impair responsiveness to Heal situations (like the heal target is about to go down and your racing to fire off the heal) but beyond that no real difference since its on a 21 sec CD and not your main heal. I usually roll with Crit/Surge builds though so I typically don't have too many problems healing. With an Alacrity/Power build I'm not sure about the viability. Alacrity/Power builds are probably using Rapid shots to maintain health with scans to actually counter drops. I usually just Off heal using Scans when I see someone getting to the 50% point or dropping rapidly and DPS otherwise (often with Rapid Shots to conserve Heat and build up Support Charges).

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Tracer Missile doesn't work with Supercharged gas. But I do use a Bodyguard/Arsenal hybrid as a DPS build. I throw out Tracer Missile to apply the debuff with Supercharged Gas ready to fire .


Wouldn't it be much more efficient to use a different cylinder when grinding ?


I never really used CSC when grinding, mostly because you need to fire rapid shots to get the buff which doesn't happen all too often (unless you're bad at managing heat).


@OP: Going hybrid spec works just fine. I don't think missing Emergency Scan will be a huge issue, you will want to respec to either full healing or dps anyway at level 50, so missing it for a few levels isn't a big deal.

I think the bigger issue will be that you won't get Kolto Shell until you are level 41 instead of at level 30.

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the problem is how bad healing leveling gets from about level 35-blizz. not getting a tank until around 40 makes devotion to leveling as a healer hard. once you get blizz putting combat support back on and keeping him up is safe and viable for any quest other than a boss that heals itself (it happens 3-4 times but it is near impossible to kill with a healer/tank combo, but at leas your team doesnt die either)
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the problem is how bad healing leveling gets from about level 35-blizz. not getting a tank until around 40 makes devotion to leveling as a healer hard. once you get blizz putting combat support back on and keeping him up is safe and viable for any quest other than a boss that heals itself (it happens 3-4 times but it is near impossible to kill with a healer/tank combo, but at leas your team doesnt die either)

Give Torian a full set of old 'orange gear' (the mod-able one) you have stored in the cargo bay and slap some mods on them with high endurance use him as a 'tank' till you get Blizz worked well for me being a bodyguard specced merc or have Gault kitted out with the best gear you can get for him including his sniper rifle he is a beast if you kit him out good.

Edited by Commodus
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