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*LAME* Names


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I just tend to be a little wary of said individuals. You can name your toon whatever you want, but taking a name already made popular in SW lore kind of shows a lack of imagination. Sometimes that lack of imagination carries over into how you play your avatar (aka you die in fire). It's not true all the time, but it's happened enough to make me cautious.


I could see how this could be disruptive on an RP server. Don't RP myself, but I don't discourage those that do. And I could see how having someone named BoobaFett crashing your party could be a bit disruptive.


On a side note, Solo as a last name isn't to crazy. Han had to come from some where.

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This is an open letter from a group of members on the Keller's Void server to the members of that community, the SW:TOR devs, and Bioware in general.


Although Keller's Void is not an RP server, we are noticing a trend of people appropriating names from Star Wars canon for their personal use. Examples include one player who has selected "Solo" as his/her legacy name, another player named "Starkiller", a guild that calls itself "The Jedi Order", and people who are putting "Darth" in their name. (They don't have the title "Darth", they are naming their characters "DarthName" at creation.) These are just a few of the more egregious examples.


We believe that players should basically have a right to name their characters and guilds as they wish. However, we also believe that Star Wars canon should be protected and supported, and should not be open to use or abuse by players or guilds under any circumstances for many reasons.


We call upon the devs, CSR's and Bioware in general to help stamp out this practice by enforcing name changes on players and guilds who steal from canon. We call upon our fellow players to use their imagination and try to come up with your own names. Taking from canon ruins immersion. Although we are not a RP server, most of us from time to time enjoy throwing ourselves into the storyline.


If you agree with us, please sign on below and let's send a message asking for Bioware to help correct this and block future attempts by players and guilds to use canon names.


Thank you.


Lol you're serious? Ever heard of a sense of humour? Seriously if you actually have time to waste on crap like this I weep for the future. Get some perspective on what is important in life. Also what gives you the right to tell other people what they can call their characters? Why is your opinion more valid than there's? BioWare does not care about your point of view. They have much more important things to worry about that pedants telling others what to do.

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Lol you're serious? Ever heard of a sense of humour? Seriously if you actually have time to waste on crap like this I weep for the future. Get some perspective on what is important in life. Also what gives you the right to tell other people what they can call their characters? Why is your opinion more valid than there's? BioWare does not care about your point of view. They have much more important things to worry about that pedants telling others what to do.


Umm, ever hear of RPers? While I personally don't care as long as "DarthFlower" isn't bugging me, a lot of RPers get turned off by seeing such a person bunny hopping around the cantina when they're trying to enjoy their form of entertainment.


So yeah, not having to stare at DarthTinkles, Darth Flower, Bubba'fatt, Nightmaremoon Ofequestaria, etc. can be important to an RPer from their perspective. And yes, those are names I have seen on my ROLEPLAYING server.


And what gives them the right of saying what others can name their characters? I turn thee to the ToS which states: (which, by the way, if you're playing the game you are AGREEING TO FULLY AND WITHOUT COMPROMISE, whether or not you read it, or even disagree with it).


Naming Policy

When creating a character or guild name for Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the theme of the game. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both player or character names, as well as guild names.


You may not use any names that violate the General Rules. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racist, ethnically offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.


You may not use names that are harassing or defamatory to other players or employees of EA, BioWare or LucasArts, e.g. EASUX, Timsretarded, and Biowaresux.


You may not use names of any EA, BioWare, or LucasArts employee or service related to Star Wars: The Old Republic.


You may not use names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products, e.g. Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper.


You may not use names from popular culture or media, e.g. Lady Gaga or George Lucas.


You may not use names that are religiously or historically significant, e.g. Jesus, Winston Churchill.


You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker.


You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them, e.g. General Supertrooper, Captain Tim, Darth Timmy, Knight Wakey.


You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.


You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules, e.g. Hamsolo, Yooda, DorthVader.


You may not use gibberish names when creating character, e.g. ajsdu, rifndsw, qweszs.

I rest my case.


They have much more important things to worry about that pedants telling others what to do.
Like what? This is the JOB of the GMs to enforce the rules their ToS set. Sure, they get tickets of bugs and people getting stuck, but breaking the rules should be enforced no matter what. Edited by Xontier
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Dumb idea, and you're really anal. People pay $$$ to play the game, they should be able, at least, name themselves to whatever they want, or be as corny as they want.


Which is why we now see people running around with characters called "bigtits", "monkeyballs", "rapeape", "donkeydik", "carebear", "lawlz", "haxorz", etc etc etc etc


And let's not forget silly guild names either. It's funny at times but really it's getting old.

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Umm, ever hear of RPers? While I personally don't care as long as "DarthFlower" isn't bugging me, a lot of RPers get turned off by seeing such a person bunny hopping around the cantina when they're trying to enjoy their form of entertainment.


So yeah, not having to stare at DarthTinkles, Darth Flower, Bubba'fatt, Nightmaremoon Ofequestaria, etc. can be important to an RPer from their perspective. And yes, those are names I have seen on my ROLEPLAYING server.


And what gives them the right of saying what others can name their characters? I turn thee to the ToS which states: (which, by the way, if you're playing the game you are AGREEING TO FULLY AND WITHOUT COMPROMISE, whether or not you read it, or even disagree with it).



I rest my case.


Like what? This is the JOB of the GMs to enforce the rules their ToS set. Sure, they get tickets of bugs and people getting stuck, but breaking the rules should be enforced no matter what.


Whgat a load of hot air. Bear in mind that MMOs are not made for RPers, and there are plenty of RPers who are happy to do their thing without being total Hitlars and telling people what to do. It is, in fact, people with this kind of attitude that give RPers a bad name. Who are you to say they don't have a backstory to that name? What gives you the right to comment on *their* RP? You seem to think your immersion is more important than that of the next person.

finally which is more important - BioWare wasting their time pandering to pedants like you or BioWare continuing to fix bugs and provide new content? WHich do you think everyone else think s is a better use of their time?

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Whgat a load of hot air. Bear in mind that MMOs are not made for RPers, and there are plenty of RPers who are happy to do their thing without being total Hitlars and telling people what to do. It is, in fact, people with this kind of attitude that give RPers a bad name. Who are you to say they don't have a backstory to that name? What gives you the right to comment on *their* RP? You seem to think your immersion is more important than that of the next person.

finally which is more important - BioWare wasting their time pandering to pedants like you or BioWare continuing to fix bugs and provide new content? WHich do you think everyone else think s is a better use of their time?


And you said I was the one being hostile.


First off, I said I personally don't care what people name themselves so take your flaming and shove it.


Secondly, you realize that GMs (the people that would deal with these issues) HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH GAME DEVELOPMENT? The DEVS are busy fixing the bugs and providing the new content. The GMS are the ones dealing with in-game issues. I cannot stress this enough. DEVS AND GMS ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.


Third, its in their bloody rules. To me its a black mark (albeit minor) on any game company that doesn't even bother to enforce their own rules.




Honestly, that post right there just made me lose all respect for you. I had honestly thought we came to an understanding in the other thread but you obviously have a pointless beef with me since you didn't even bother to read my post correctly.

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Playing on a RP server, I find myself constantly putting people on ignore and reporting their names, and some do actually get taken care off. Some might call it overzealous, but hey - if they break the naming policy, it's their own damned fault.


What really ticks me off is the people who use "lol", "lmao", "noob", "haxor", "troll" and so on, in their names. I honestly thought we'd gotten past that, it was sort of funny in 2003, it had gotten really old in 2008, and right now it's just so aggraviting to look at.

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And you said I was the one being hostile.


First off, I said I personally don't care what people name themselves so take your flaming and shove it.


Secondly, you realize that GMs (the people that would deal with these issues) HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH GAME DEVELOPMENT? The DEVS are busy fixing the bugs and providing the new content. The GMS are the ones dealing with in-game issues. I cannot stress this enough. DEVS AND GMS ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.


Third, its in their bloody rules. To me its a black mark (albeit minor) on any game company that doesn't even bother to enforce their own rules.




Honestly, that post right there just made me lose all respect for you. I had honestly thought we came to an understanding in the other thread but you obviously have a pointless beef with me since you didn't even bother to read my post correctly.


Firstly - I am not interested in your respect. Why should I be? You think people's in game names are somehow important for goodness sake. Secondly I'm just stating my opinion. No need to get your knickers in a twist. You're taking this all far too seriously. Thirdly you're the one that started flaming me, as is pretty obvious. I'm not the one that lost my temper. Maybe you should take a break from MMOs and get things in perspective hun. If Bioware think the names are a problem they can remove them. the point I am trying to make is that bursting a blood vessel over something this unimportant and blowing up at a complete stranger just because they don;t agree with your rather one sided opinion shows that you don;t really have the right temperament to be playing these kind of games, you clearly get far too immersed and take it all too seriously. I think you should consider that getting upset about this is a classic sign that you are losing your grip on reality.

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Playing on a RP server, I find myself constantly putting people on ignore and reporting their names, and some do actually get taken care off. Some might call it overzealous, but hey - if they break the naming policy, it's their own damned fault.


What really ticks me off is the people who use "lol", "lmao", "noob", "haxor", "troll" and so on, in their names. I honestly thought we'd gotten past that, it was sort of funny in 2003, it had gotten really old in 2008, and right now it's just so aggraviting to look at.


On the contrary they are providing you with a nice big warning sign to steer clear of them;)

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Firstly - I am not interested in your respect. Why should I be? You think people's in game names are somehow important for goodness sake. Secondly I'm just stating my opinion. No need to get your knickers in a twist. You're taking this all far too seriously. Thirdly you're the one that started flaming me, as is pretty obvious. I'm not the one that lost my temper. Maybe you should take a break from MMOs and get things in perspective hun. If Bioware think the names are a problem they can remove them. the point I am trying to make is that bursting a blood vessel over something this unimportant and blowing up at a complete stranger just because they don;t agree with your rather one sided opinion shows that you don;t really have the right temperament to be playing these kind of games, you clearly get far too immersed and take it all too seriously. I think you should consider that getting upset about this is a classic sign that you are losing your grip on reality.


I made one post in this thread before you flamed me. Please, tell me where I was being hostile first. All I did was state that names did not bother me, gave a few examples of names I've seen, and then posted the RULES that Bioware set down. There was absolutely nothing hostile to that, and I cannot honestly see how you even managed to get the wrong tone from it.


And again, I would like to point out that you fail to read my post. I already said I personally do NOT care what people name themselves. Names DO NOT BOTHER ME AT ALL. I cannot state that any clearer, so please stop acting like I do and that it somehow ruins my immersion when I'm RPing.


Again, where am I blowing up and bursting a blood vessel on my "one sided opinion"? My OPINION is that Bioware should enforce their own rules. That's all. I'm not screaming at people that choose names that break those rules. I'm simply saying that I wish Bioware would enforce them, but it still affects me IN NO WAY.

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I made one post in this thread before you flamed me. Please, tell me where I was being hostile first. All I did was state that names did not bother me, gave a few examples of names I've seen, and then posted the RULES that Bioware set down. There was absolutely nothing hostile to that, and I cannot honestly see how you even managed to get the wrong tone from it.


And again, I would like to point out that you fail to read my post. I already said I personally do NOT care what people name themselves. Names DO NOT BOTHER ME AT ALL. I cannot state that any clearer, so please stop acting like I do and that it somehow ruins my immersion when I'm RPing.


Again, where am I blowing up and bursting a blood vessel on my "one sided opinion"? My OPINION is that Bioware should enforce their own rules. That's all. I'm not screaming at people that choose names that break those rules. I'm simply saying that I wish Bioware would enforce them, but it still affects me IN NO WAY.


That word... I don't think it means what it thinks you mean... disagreeing with you isn't flaming hun.

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That word... I don't think it means what it thinks you mean... disagreeing with you isn't flaming hun.


Bear in mind that MMOs are not made for RPers, and there are plenty of RPers who are happy to do their thing without being total Hitlars and telling people what to do. It is, in fact, people with this kind of attitude that give RPers a bad name. The red is where you state that people that wish Bioware would enforce their own rules are RP-Nazis. Who are you to say they don't have a backstory to that name? What gives you the right to comment on *their* RP? My right to comment on it is the fact that Bioware has it in their own rules that everyone must agree to before playing.You seem to think your immersion is more important than that of the next person.I never once stated that.


The red sounds like a personal attack. If it wasn't, then perhaps you should have chosen better wording. The way you wrote it, however, implied that you thought I cared what people name their characters, thus calling me a Nazi. THAT is a flame. Perhaps you don't see it as such but there are plenty of RPers who are sick of being called that for disagreeing with someone and I have seen it used as a flame more often then not.


finally, I'll say it one last time and then I'm done with this pointless feud. I personally don't care what someone names their character. I only wish Bioware would enforce their own rules because not doing so is poor management of their product. Would you smoke at a gas station? No, because its not allowed. Would you try to buy cigarrettes under the age of 18? No, because its not allowed. Would you spit in the food you're preparing at a restaurant? No, because its not allowed.


Why should breaking Bioware's rules be allowed, when in every other situation in life, breaking rules are not allowed and results in penalties?


(If you answered yes to any of my example answers, then you're the one with issues in life. Or you're just a *****.)

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The red sounds like a personal attack. If it wasn't, then perhaps you should have chosen better wording. The way you wrote it, however, implied that you thought I cared what people name their characters, thus calling me a Nazi. THAT is a flame. Perhaps you don't see it as such but there are plenty of RPers who are sick of being called that for disagreeing with someone and I have seen it used as a flame more often then not.


finally, I'll say it one last time and then I'm done with this pointless feud. I personally don't care what someone names their character. I only wish Bioware would enforce their own rules because not doing so is poor management of their product. Would you smoke at a gas station? No, because its not allowed. Would you try to buy cigarrettes under the age of 18? No, because its not allowed. Would you spit in the food you're preparing at a restaurant? No, because its not allowed.


Why should breaking Bioware's rules be allowed, when in every other situation in life, breaking rules are not allowed and results in penalties?


(If you answered yes to any of my example answers, then you're the one with issues in life. Or you're just a *****.)


As I have commented before, I think you’re getting a bit obsessive. I’m sorry if I have made you feel uncomfortable by threatening your perceptions, I didn’t realise how serious you were being otherwise I would have applied my ‘treat with caution’ label and left well alone. I am concerned that you view an exchange of opinions on a forum as a feud – I may be forthright but I think you are reading a little too much into things. I suggest you talk these issues through with a friend or family member as it is clear enough that you are becoming obsessed with this on an unhealthy level.


It is a bit worrying that in the course of an afternoon you have had several emotional outbursts and suffered some kind of paranoid delusion that I am picking a feud with you. You’re clearly very upset and I would urge you to talk to a friend or family member and put this in perspective – it’s just a game and taking it this seriously isn’t healthy. I’m going to stop talking to you now to avoid validating this scenario you have created, and I hope you get some help. Having worked with patients with psychological disorders before I can see the warning signs.

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I LoLed at this pretty hard, gotta give it to the uber fan-boys for getting uppity for using names that reference characters in your "canon". Its a game, and an MMO at that, which are notorious for both stupid naming conventions and people bastardizing well known names because they think its clever, mildly annoying but nothing to nerd rage about. At the end of the day how does it affect your bottom line? "OMG i have to log off i just saw ANOTHER BH with Fett in there name whoa is me". Its a movie, its a video game, its whatever. Live and let go
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As I have commented before, I think you’re getting a bit obsessive. I’m sorry if I have made you feel uncomfortable by threatening your perceptions, I didn’t realise how serious you were being otherwise I would have applied my ‘treat with caution’ label and left well alone. I am concerned that you view an exchange of opinions on a forum as a feud – I may be forthright but I think you are reading a little too much into things. I suggest you talk these issues through with a friend or family member as it is clear enough that you are becoming obsessed with this on an unhealthy level.


It is a bit worrying that in the course of an afternoon you have had several emotional outbursts and suffered some kind of paranoid delusion that I am picking a feud with you. You’re clearly very upset and I would urge you to talk to a friend or family member and put this in perspective – it’s just a game and taking it this seriously isn’t healthy. I’m going to stop talking to you now to avoid validating this scenario you have created, and I hope you get some help. Having worked with patients with psychological disorders before I can see the warning signs.


Lol please don't. Your replies are actually starting to get pretty humorous.


But for the record, you /have/ been putting words in my mouth. Though I don't see how expressing a wish that Bioware enforcing their rules is obsessive but hey, maybe I'm just so damn crazy I don't even realize it!


P.S. Emotional Outbursts? Lawl? Like I said previously, unless its due to poor wording choice the only times I snapped at you are when you attacked me for no reason.

Edited by Xontier
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Hey, denial ain't just a river. That's ok though, you will see it in your own time. I hope you end up ok :) For the record though I do think that hiding in a fantasy world is rather dangerous if you have a predilection to overemphasising the importance of trivial things.
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Hey, denial ain't just a river. That's ok though, you will see it in your own time. I hope you end up ok :) For the record though I do think that hiding in a fantasy world is rather dangerous if you have a predilection to overemphasising the importance of trivial things.


I agree. Denial is more like a lake. Which is nice because I love swimming. Thanks for the support! :)

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Whgat a load of hot air. Bear in mind that MMOs are not made for RPers, and there are plenty of RPers who are happy to do their thing without being total Hitlars and telling people what to do.


Who cares what its made for?


If its against the TOS, you get reported, if you don't like it, don't break the rules.

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Who cares what its made for?


If its against the TOS, you get reported, if you don't like it, don't break the rules.


Exactly so what's the point of starting a big whiny attention seeking thread in the wrong part of the forum in the first place? The purpose of this thread isn't to alert BioWare to a rules infraction it is so the OP can have a proper moan and be a drama queen. Also it should be obvious that this isn't a rule they intend to enforce. If they were going to enforce it they would have blocked name combinations wouldn't they. Your answer proves my point more than the OPs.

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Exactly so what's the point of starting a big whiny attention seeking thread in the wrong part of the forum in the first place? The purpose of this thread isn't to alert BioWare to a rules infraction it is so the OP can have a proper moan and be a drama queen. Also it should be obvious that this isn't a rule they intend to enforce. If they were going to enforce it they would have blocked name combinations wouldn't they. Your answer proves my point more than the OPs.


If they don't intend to enforce it, it wouldn't be against the rules in the first place..Thats like saying its fine if you punch someone in the face, the police aren't going to enforce that law, if they were they'd remove all faces.

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Exactly so what's the point of starting a big whiny attention seeking thread in the wrong part of the forum in the first place? The purpose of this thread isn't to alert BioWare to a rules infraction it is so the OP can have a proper moan and be a drama queen. Also it should be obvious that this isn't a rule they intend to enforce. If they were going to enforce it they would have blocked name combinations wouldn't they. Your answer proves my point more than the OPs.


I didn't get a speeding ticket last time I was above the limit, speeding through school yards is allowed! They're not enforcing it, it must be okay!


Don't be a fool.

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Playing on a RP server, I find myself constantly putting people on ignore and reporting their names, and some do actually get taken care off. Some might call it overzealous, but hey - if they break the naming policy, it's their own damned fault.


What really ticks me off is the people who use "lol", "lmao", "noob", "haxor", "troll" and so on, in their names. I honestly thought we'd gotten past that, it was sort of funny in 2003, it had gotten really old in 2008, and right now it's just so aggraviting to look at.


Sorry but this post made me lol

I think other people have covered it but seriously if this is your biggest gripe


Then you have little experience of things that are really important


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