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I accidentally clicked the wrong option


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So, I clicked a conversational option that I did not mean to, and now it's forced me into a plotline that I don't want. Is there anything that can be done about it? Is this something that I can open a ticket for? It had to do with a class quest, so I can't abandon it... here are the specifics:


(imperial agent nar shaddaa spoilers)



Watcher X attempts to escape, and asks you not to stop him.


Imperial Command calls to say that X might be trying to escape. Your conversational options at this point are essentially "yes, he's trying to escape right now", "i'll check it out", and "no, there's no chance he could be trying to escape."


It fits my character for X to escape, and figured the third option didn't make any sense. I picked the second, figuring I could let him escape and claim I didn't have time to catch him.


Apparently there's no way to do that, as all conversational options with X at that point result in killing him.






Anyway, again, is it worth petitioning for something like this or should I just suck it up, close my eyes and finish the storyline in a way that doesn't fit my character?

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If you say no, Kalyio hates you. If you say yes, then you kill him, and game progresses as normal. It's only one more thing. Yeah I accidentally hit the wrong choice once too. Didn't know the escape trick. If you hit escape, the conversation ends, and you can restart it. Handy trick for either knowing what happens if you hit the choice, or if you need to save yourself. I can't get the "Pure" title, I accidentally got 100 DS points :(
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Mm, thanks for the advice. I didn't know the escape trick. I guess I'm stuck with my choice for now... I'll have to be more careful. Luckily it seems like most decisions don't really influence the world in general, and I can just sorta pretend I picked the other option.


Thanks again...

Edited by Banananor
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I find if I'm unsure what choice will make Kailyo happy (she's picky sometimes, or I just don't understand her. she's an enigma.) I make one choice then as soon as I seen a negative I press the escape key which takes me right out of the conversation to restart again where I can make the proper choice :)
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There is a "reset" button you can press so long as you haven't actually completed the quest itself.


If you say no, Kalyio hates you. If you say yes, then you kill him, and game progresses as normal. It's only one more thing. Yeah I accidentally hit the wrong choice once too. Didn't know the escape trick. If you hit escape, the conversation ends, and you can restart it. Handy trick for either knowing what happens if you hit the choice, or if you need to save yourself. I can't get the "Pure" title, I accidentally got 100 DS points :(


And lucky for you, the ls/ds points don't work like that. You can only have a total of 10k points, but you can gain points infinitely. Eventually when you reach 9900 ls points, you will siphon off the last 100 dark points as you gain more ls. You are never "shafted" out of maxing a side, nor are you ever permanently stuck being on one side.

Edited by Zalophus
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