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Lack of a Ranged pull


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Now i know Guardians have 2 jump in abilities (if specced for them) but my question is why are we the only tanks that can not pull people in to us? I find those abilities to be a lot more useful, not to mention i know vanguard tanks get both a leap in and a pull (not sure about shadows). Why are we the only tanks with out a pull in in for strategic tricky pulls?
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The reason they yanked force pull was said that it made Jedi Knights unkiteable.


...except the Vanguard still have a charge, a pull, and can snare you with their Ion Cell shots, which pretty much makes them unkiteable. Did I mention they can still shoot you from ranged with their basic attack?


Suddenly we're getting Force Push refreshing Force Leap to help us with -mobility- issues.


They just flat out stubbornly refuse to give JK/SW the same tools that other tanks in the game have access to. Their justifications has already been shot down by the beta community due to the holes in their logic. Now this new change just goes even further to negate their justification.


So no. No force pull for you. You're going to use that unreliable Force Push, that can somehow send a player/target flying forwards right through you into your own goal line in Huttball instead of backwards , and you're going to like it.

Edited by Obie_Wan
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that can somehow send a player/target flying forwards right through you into your own goal line in Huttball instead of backwards , and you're going to like it.


Well that's just WZ lag.


The 1.1 change to push/leap is a PvE change.

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Ya i remember that we used to have a ranged pull, however taking it away from us didn't balance anything, all it did was make the other tanks better then us. we cant selectively pull people out of groups now like other tanks can we have to jump in to a mob to get focused down. I just dont understand the logic in taking away an ability that every other tank has and not at least giving us something unique to compensate.
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