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How is healing


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I was just wondering how healing would be as this class. Wanting to role another character for healing. Just don't know if this is the best class for it or if there is another class better. Any information or thoughts on it please leave them...


Thanks :)

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We are good, the best long time steady healer in game. The only time we run into trouble is vs big damage bursts as this saps our energy (you ideally want to keep it in the 60+ zone), we do have a couple of skills that restore energy though.


Commando/Merc is from what I heard the best burst healer.


And Sorc/Sage is the healer with a bag of tricks (shields etc.)

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My opinion


IA healers are underpowered and healing feels very clunky and underwhelming. You have a couple of hots but your Kolto Injection has about a 0.3 or 0.5 ability delay and sometimes doesn't go off.


Raid frames sucks and no macros, no target of target, no addons, crap UI leaves me feeling depressed.

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My opinion


IA healers are underpowered and healing feels very clunky and underwhelming. You have a couple of hots but your Kolto Injection has about a 0.3 or 0.5 ability delay and sometimes doesn't go off.


Raid frames sucks and no macros, no target of target, no addons, crap UI leaves me feeling depressed.


It's not so much that OP healers are underpowered, they just have a limited toolbox. Run into aoe, or a lot of movement, and you're in trouble.


My biggest issue is that healing is boring. You have 3 abilities you'll use in most situations, two of which will be spammed. KI+SP on the tank, or random people taking damage, and 2xhot on the tank(s). The rest is extremely situational.


But aye, an OP can get out a lot of healing for a long time. As long as there's no excessive bursts that is.

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I enjoy healing with my OP, but there's a few things that could definitely stand to be improved. Some are UI related, not really the fault of the class, but others are class related.


Our high end gear sets, for example, have crappy set bonuses. The 4 piece bonus is a +crit chance on a heal most of us pretty much quit using once we get surgical probe, rather than something useful, like say an extra tick on our HoT probe.


And some of our abilities could use some tweaks as well, like RN, our group heal, which happens to be what the 2 piece set bonus buffs ;)


But, hey, figure now that the game is live, stuff will get tweaked.

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The only complaint I have is our energy regen mechanic makes our situational healing much worse than, say, Sorcs. Since their energy regen is linear, they can dump 3-4 big heals and be fine. Operatives are in a spot where if they do that they are at sub-50 energy and if we start Kolto Probeing we can easily be drained and in a ditch.
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Have to say I love my Operative Healer.


Although in PvP we suck at response time (even though I stack alacrity and crit), we are pretty amazing in PvE situations.


As for stressful healing situations: Once you get your rotations down pat, if you need to bombheal someone, you'll be able to and recover without sacrificing energy regen too much.

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Honestly I'm fairly underwhelmed. Talents made it seem like we were going to be incredibly mobile healers who focused on keeping everyone topped off with HoTs while still able to pull single target healing with Kolto Inj/Kolto Inf.


The reality is we're a three button healing class who's HoTs hit about as hard as a dead worm and who will enter an energy death spiral if we have to use Kolto Injection to deal with burst damage (which, because of the first point, we ALWAYS do).


Can we heal? Of course. I never had any trouble in flashpoints and you can pull pretty high numbers in Warzones just by keeping HoTs rolling as much as possible. But other healers can do everything we can do that much easier, and when it comes down to it, there's no reason to take us over them for high level PvE or PvP.

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Honestly I'm fairly underwhelmed. Talents made it seem like we were going to be incredibly mobile healers who focused on keeping everyone topped off with HoTs while still able to pull single target healing with Kolto Inj/Kolto Inf.


The reality is we're a three button healing class who's HoTs hit about as hard as a dead worm and who will enter an energy death spiral if we have to use Kolto Injection to deal with burst damage (which, because of the first point, we ALWAYS do).


Can we heal? Of course. I never had any trouble in flashpoints and you can pull pretty high numbers in Warzones just by keeping HoTs rolling as much as possible. But other healers can do everything we can do that much easier, and when it comes down to it, there's no reason to take us over them for high level PvE or PvP.


My thoughts exactly. The other healing classes just seem a lot more appealing and more well balanced than Operatives. If they wanted us to be a HoT-oriented class, they need to make our HoT's actually effective.

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