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Deception... khem or talos?


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I'm only level 36 so far but haven't had many issues with Khem. He often dies if I get two silver mobs, but I'm usually fine. Elite mobs usually die with Khem down to 10-20% health (without CD's).


I'm just wondering which one I should use (and equip) once I get Talos... thanks!

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I used khem Val up to 50 and then had to switch to talos to defeat thanaton. If you and talos are properly geared there's no comparison. I don't break a sweat using talos but khem Val tends to die leaving it a race between me and the elite as to who can get the last hit in before dying. In retrospect if I had to do it again I would have twinked out talos and used him instead.


Edit* your going to want talos when you fight admiral shai on ilium. forgot to mention this.

Edited by Thoth-Amon
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