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Better at PVP/PVE - Engineering or Marks?


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Who puts out the most damage? And who is most useful to his team?


I've heard that Marksman is the way to go if you are planning to PVP. I think Engineering has better AoE so can I to assume if I want to PVE I go Engineering class?


Thanks for any advice on this.

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i havent tried engineer yet, but marksman is very good at PvE. High single target damage with occasional AoE burst with orbital strike. Correct handling of single target abilities will allow you to nuke down several standard/weak mobs in flashpoints quick too.

Had next to energy problems, unless i was forced to burst.


Love MM for PvE so far.



Engineering im not that familiar with though. (actually im on my way to spec it now to try it out :p)



as for MM PVP: you suffer from the fact that most attacks can be deflected/dodged aswell as mitigated by armor. High single target burst yes, but marauder with buffs up and tanks will still eat you for breakfast. Aslong as you ignore high armored/defence targets and avoid general combat your a god. I still feel a properly geared lethality sniper is better though.

Edited by Aryndelin
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I run Marksman, but engineer is probably better since your going to have stay mobile in PvP, and we're no where near the operative. My general plan of attack in pvp is to set up cover, let them knock me back, break stun, debilitate and shiv'em run away, get in cover again, hit'em with flash bang and unload a sniper with laze target and some overload shots with explosive probes and the like. It tends to work well on the melee classes, against other ranged classes though I'm usually hosed without help and I generally do best in Huttball and Voidstar, but Alderaan usually lags so badly it wouldn't matter how well I did anyways.
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Lethality is actually phenomenal for pvp since it allows you to be mobile and do internal damage which makes tanks drop extremely fast. As lethality in any warzone it is EASY to get 400-500k damage every game as long as you are competent. In marks pvp it is still easy to do a ton of damage but the lack of mobility can really hurt in a lot of situations. I haven't tried engi because marks for me seems to be outstanding in pve/solid in pvp and lethality in the right hands is very good in pvp.
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Lethality is actually phenomenal for pvp since it allows you to be mobile and do internal damage which makes tanks drop extremely fast. As lethality in any warzone it is EASY to get 400-500k damage every game as long as you are competent. In marks pvp it is still easy to do a ton of damage but the lack of mobility can really hurt in a lot of situations. I haven't tried engi because marks for me seems to be outstanding in pve/solid in pvp and lethality in the right hands is very good in pvp.


I tried lethality and while it was good for killing tanks I can killer everyone else faster on with marksman, I also noticed that I have much high defense with marksman even with less mobility I can stand up to attacks better.


But I play marksman in a fairly mobile fashion as it is.

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Lethality is actually phenomenal for pvp since it allows you to be mobile and do internal damage which makes tanks drop extremely fast. As lethality in any warzone it is EASY to get 400-500k damage every game as long as you are competent. In marks pvp it is still easy to do a ton of damage but the lack of mobility can really hurt in a lot of situations. I haven't tried engi because marks for me seems to be outstanding in pve/solid in pvp and lethality in the right hands is very good in pvp.


Just did a few FP HM's as lethality, worked damn well. Very high damage on bosses. Downside is crap ability to deal with trash due to trash dropping to fast for the poison tick crit talent to kick in coupled with expensive (and lengthy) rotation setup.

Still, on bosses, its bloody ace.


just to say its fully viable in pve too, aslong as you manage low hp mobs right and dont mind energy management.



also tried engineer. Not sure what i want to say about it, very nice AoE (3.6k orbital strike tick crits 10800~damage from full duration f.ex) and its not that bad single target either but i just couldnt get my head around its damage output. Nor did i like the spec :p

Survival wise it didnt feel any different from marksman to be honest.

Edited by Aryndelin
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I've tried both. MM is actually really good and more suited for taking down a single target. Engi is more AoE focused and you can really keep a team busy in warzones. Especially Voidstar and the Alderaan warzone. Besides that with Engi you will be spending less time in cover, which is a good thing in PvP. Extremely mobile.


I find Engi more fun to play aswell.

Edited by Fixiooo
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i played MM pvp for awhile, then switched to Engineer. Engineering is by far the better of the 2 specs when it comes for pvp. It gives you more utility, and survivability. The burst dps that come for a combo of explosive probe, cluster bombs and series of shots is enough to kill most people or bring them down to 50% at least. Area deniability with plasma probe especially on the doors of voidstar or the turrets on alderaan. a passive 6% damage reducer when in cover, another 30% damage reduction on top of the damage reducer for shield probe. I've gone toe to toe with MM specced snipers in huttball and i've won every time. No contest. if you got multiple enemies on you, turtle up, shields, entrench, drop orbital strike and plasma probe on you and start picking them off.


I was hesitant about posting this cuz i kinda want to be that only engineer sniper out there :).

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PvP I started with engy, changed to Marks and then ended up Lethal.


Out of the 3 Lethality suits my playstyle better, Huttball is now fun :) Dmg is great, supporting the ball carrier is where its at.


My advice would be to do what I did, research builds on all 3 and try each, see what you prefer.

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