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Merc healing question


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I am Arsenal spec but splashed about 4 points in to the healing abilities.

I can main heal anything so far. Also (as an dps with off healing) it has saved us in a few hard-mode flashpoints or just the false emporer end.


Our guild just took down the Belsavis World Boss with 8 players.

I don't think we could have done it with just the 2 tanks if I wasn't healing as the 3rd healer with some dps added.


I think the BH healing is really great. you have a no-heat heal that can heal on the move and some great proc and cast abilities that reduce your heat and give you free casts. the tree is pretty awesome. once the main healing abilities are reduced on the cast timers and heat cost they work very well. main thing: always go in to a tough fight with a full 30 charges so you can cast your supercharged-gas the moment your heat gets to about 50% or so.


On a PvP note those Bodyguards are REALLY tough to kill if they know what they are doing.

Edited by The_Duck
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