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Dwarfing Klinda DMG - I Still Say Sith Marauders Suck


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CLICK THIS ->http://i42.tinypic.com/29g0myr.png Annihilation Casual

http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/9047/editedu.png Rage Non Stop Killing

(except to take healing points and recovering hp)


I didn't go all out to do this, I was just playing it casually. I had no healers, nor support, I was solo all the way. I just got my Champion mainhand lightsaber that I was surprised I hit this high as my usual is 350k-400k.


I DID use the Rakata Surge biochem adrenal, but only twice in the whole game so I could probably hit 500k if I tried harder for annihilation.


But this proves nothing, I still say Sith Marauders needs fixing. Damage means nothing much, all these numbers lie. All those praising 'watch Klinda's vid and before coming back to say marauders suck' know nothing about how badly marauder needs balancing.


I know the issue has been beaten to death, but we have no CCs except charge if you can call it that, and only 1 slow. Our rage deals less than a Jugg specced in it which has heavier armor, a buff to damage after kill and heavy armor. In PvE we are as squishy as a rogue, the armor rating difference between light and medium is too minute.


An operative still kills me before I can barely get up to 1/4 health and cast undying rage if he's not fully geared, if he is, I don't even get the time to stand up.


A skilled sorc (not many around) can still time his CC cooldowns properly and trounce you barely losing any HP or at the very least waste 1 minute of your time or more because his CC and utility is so heavy and we can get thrown around like a huttball. One example, Bubble -> Heal -> Lightning stun -> Knockback + Root -> Get Heal caps on one side -> Whirlwind -> Kite -> Sprint to other side to heal.


Annihilation spec, I do 7k+ with smash on rage. Such a sad gimmick, spamming biochem consumables to even be viable? If you pit an ungeared marauder with any other ungeared class, the marauder will get facerolled so bad.

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^ Nisa


Thrash noob.


Play mara right. Lol. I've yet to encounter odds so hard to win against anyone 1v1, I rarely lose if at all it's circumstantial due to teammates, KB into acid/flames in Huttball, terrain etc.


In open world pvp, 1v1 duels or fair fights I have never lost.


If there is something to be learned to play a class better, it's all fair and square because of a lack in player skill & understanding of the class. If it is palpably clear the class has issues, then don't cover up the facts. That's what this post is about, stop being a lame fanboi unless you have some insight to offer if not, piss off.


Fail troll is fail, press buttons harder. Go ahead and smash your keyboard when 30% of the time our skills DO NOT activate leaving us self-stunned with channeling skill Force Choke / Ravage.


Or force camouflage not working until 2-3 seconds later because of animation glitch, any other skills also will sometimes not activate 2-3 times in a row or more unless you move and change position.


You have never met me playing on 300 ms latency and based your judgement off your rear end. Btw I just broke 500k damage as annihilation, have you? Screenshot ty.


Sadly this post has become so aggressive, guess it's because of fanboys like you Nisa.


@Stigas at least you are more rational, oh and the post isn't for constructive feedback, it is to put down those who THINK or based their opinions off Klinda's video that marauders are perfectly fine. They are decent and works average, they are nothing spectacular nor truely shine in any role dps, healer, or tank. Some might say marauder has great sustained DPS, PvP isn't sustainability, it's PvE. That immediately puts marauder PvP capabilities in a 1v1 burst fight into question.


Then again in PvE other than marauder's team buffs, other classes, hmm cough powertech.. can dps, heal and tank? Hm.


Oh and pardon my cynicism and over exaggeration in my analogy, if you get a piece of mouldy bread with maggots in it while dining in a fine dining restaurant, do you write a page long 'constructive feedback' to the restaurant and come back next day to buy it again? I'm sure you will.

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I've tried all possible combinations and unique ways to use every single skill to make up for marauders shortcomings, if you've something to put on the table place it if not **** less you make yourself look stupid.



Well that is bs to start with.


Apparently you've tried all possible combinations? oh really...


No one is going to tell you how to play your class better with the attitude you have. Marauders do fine in PvP I haven't had any trouble at all.


But I'm sure you have a reason for that like everyone I kill sucks, or I'm making it up or the whole world is a lie.


To be honest I don't give a fck, I don't even know why I bothered replying.

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Marauders are fine.

We could use better CCs but overall we are really fine.


Annihilation is so fun to play in PvP / PvE that i don't care about all those haters :) It just takes some time to learn the class. On my 40s i was already doing 150-200K damage and around 20-30K healing through Berserk, and above 40+ kills, in Warzones. My only problem so far: Geared Scoundrel / Operatives killing me really fast.


Also, i'm tired of bad players complaining about Marauders. I've seen lot of people claiming that Marauders sux and yet they never interrupted casts, never used our "Heal negator" and usually they think that we are Juggernauts and charge in the middle of 3-4 enemies and think they will survive and kill everything.


I hope Bioware ignore the masses and don't buff us, otherwise we will be overpowered.

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On my 40s i was already doing 150-200K damage and around 20-30K healing through Berserk


Don't bother posting unless you've played other classes. A BH does MORE than 200k at level 10. GG wellplayed, bye.


Oh and hit endgame and fight against other 50s or even do PvE flashpoints, you will start to see that marauders are fine, too fine, too average, too mediocre. We're not completely broken / garbage that's true. That's not the point either.

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Hey everyone,


We recently had to removed several posts from this thread due to posts that did not contribute constructive discussion. A reminder that regardless of the topic, it is part of our Rules of Conduct that:

  • Never insult another member of the community.
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Thank you for understanding.

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Don't bother posting unless you've played other classes. A BH does MORE than 200k at level 10. GG wellplayed, bye.


Oh and hit endgame and fight against other 50s or even do PvE flashpoints, you will start to see that marauders are fine, too fine, too average, too mediocre. We're not completely broken / garbage that's true. That's not the point either.


I have a 3x Juggernaut, 4x Merc and my Marauder.

Your point is ?


Yep, the merc can bring bigger numbers. But they aren't Marauders. I don't care about them. We bring good group buffs, healing negation and we are just plain awesome. Also, i've been playing Marauder / Sentinel on Beta for a long time, son, i don't need end game experience NOW to tell you that WE ARE OK. Just learn. I'm doing more damage than lvl 50 geared Marauders all the time because they are just following the Rage trend or they just don't know how to play their class.


I think that if you are not happy with the class you should just rerroll. I'm happy and i don't want Bioware to change us :)

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Sadly I highly doubt you're any skilled with the marauder despite creating pointless 3x juggernauts etc. You could create another 100x and still be blatantly oblivious to its faults.


First up Rage does deal greater scoreboard damage end game unless in a 1v1 fight. In a 1v1 fight annihilation deals greater damage, that's true. Also the reason marauder is badly done is firstly, carnage isn't a viable spec versus rage/annihilation. Secondly, juggernaut does rage 2x better in survivability and increased damage.


Don't live in denial, marauders are underpowered in terms of CC, skill being bugged and not activating more than other classes due to animations, bad spec trees for carnage / rage with annihilation being the only useful and unique tree, set bonuses in armor are just terrible.


We bring good group buffs, healing negation and we are just plain awesome.


Bring facts to the table, the only thing marauder has is good group buffs and, lol, healing negation? Is that even an advantage? From deadly throw, and the point is? Other classes can burst down harder, faster than whatever 'healing negation' you can do. Third point isn't even valid but pure blinded opinionated goodness.

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Yep it underperforms in overall damage, I'd love to see your scoreboards endgame, post one up and beat my annihilation. Lol at you newb. Love the newbs speaking from their rear end and not beating my damage output, clearly you should learn something. Bad players are just bad. Edited by Rezenith
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Post yours up, talk is useless. Rage easily has the highest scoreboard damage at the end despite being worse off in 1v1 situations due to AoE. And yes more hostility, because what you have = nothing, bring facts. Show me your scoreboard dealing equal damage across all 3.


Oh and hit over 500k damage on the scoreboards and come teach me how to play marauder.

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What's your gear set / expertise? Oh and I said over 500k, because I just reached 500k.


Look at who's posting? Hm kuwn, wait should I know you? Nope I don't, you're too egoistic, you're a nobody.


Oh and that doesn't change the fact that marauders is still underperforming in many areas and riddled with issues.

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@spne More skills lol, then me and nuwn must be incredibly skilled right? Sad to say I'm your average player, and it isn't more 'skilled'. It's just more unneeded tedium and useless complexity for skills synergy to play it effectively and even so it still loses out on many aspects. It's just a badly made class. Edited by Rezenith
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@spne More skills lol, then me and nuwn must be incredibly skilled right? Sad to say I'm your average player, and it isn't more 'skilled'. It's just more unneeded tedium and useless complexity for skills synergy to play it effectively and even so it still loses out on many aspects.


Consider the alternative. For example, the complexity of spamming tracer missile on an arsenal merc. It does require more skills than other class, but hell, a 2 button class requires more skills than a merc. Mara isn't really complex, at all.

Edited by Sayc
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@spne More skills lol, then me and nuwn must be incredibly skilled right? Sad to say I'm your average player, and it isn't more 'skilled'. It's just more unneeded tedium and useless complexity for skills synergy to play it effectively and even so it still loses out on many aspects.


You call it useless complexity i call it separting the good players from the bad.

That's why i love my Marauder :) I can outdps baddies that are better geared than me and i also bring more ultility by knowing when to use my CDs.


I'm no "expert" but i had my fair share of experience on other games and in SWTOR with almost a year of Closed Beta.


Marauders are FINE.

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What's your gear set / expertise? Oh and I said over 500k, because I just reached 500k.


Look at who's posting? Hm kuwn, wait should I know you? Nope I don't, you're too egoistic, you're a nobody.


Oh and that doesn't change the fact that marauders is still underperforming in many areas and riddled with issues.


Hi im kuwn. I agree with sayc. All specs are competitive imo. you found it lacking? http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/7746/screenshot2012011319491.jpg


l2p issues?

ENUFF !!!11

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Even if they gave us a CC more I wouldn't know where to put it ;) j/k


I still think a smaller version of force push would be enough, after all we have CC's.


1) Force Choke

2) Intimidating Roar

3) Force Charge



1) Saber Ward

2) Cloak of Pain

3) Undieing Rage


Carnage: 2 additional roots

Rage: Very Strong slow

Annihilation: Well don't want to count rupture slow because it is too weak.


For the sake of it let's compare it with the assassin as having I think the most cc's?


1) Knockback

2) Whirlwind

3) Electrocute

4) Knockdown



1) Force Shroud

2) Saber Ward


Deception: Lowblow

Darkness: Force Pull

Madness: Root


So in sheer numbers our "tricks" amount to the same. So please try to keep that in mind and although a defensive maneuver is not always as good as a handy CC it is still something to consider.

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Ungeared and low level should obviously be the balancing point.


Balance full geared and max level then. Same difference. Marauder will get absolutely manhandled every time unless they have a significant gear or skill advantage.


But some WoW guy can hit 3 level 30s for 6k in one hit, so we're obviously g2g amirite?

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So you posted a screenshot of you doing 450k damage? I watch stmp do that a few times a day and he's annihilation spec. This oft mentioned klinda vid was released in the first week of the game which he himself admits is a series of pubstomp clips against undergeared underleveled players so I agree it's not a very good gauge of where the class stands. Marauder damage is just fine though and I guarantee any buffs mara receive will be survivability/utility buffs. I really think you made this thread to show off your (rather unimpressive) screenshot. "But this proves nothing" yup you definitely made this thread to show off the screenshot.
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