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Please help!!!!


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So plugged into my computer I have a secondary screen that I can't get for the life of me to play the game as well. I was hoping on my second screen I could have my inventory and crew skills pop up while using my other screen for running around but I can't find and option to do this. Please help.*


Also I have a wow cataclysm gaming mouse and the bottoms won't work when I try and bind things to them. It worked fine in wow. How can I fix this??? Thank you for your time

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when using the dual monitor set up...the program you are using has to support that function. I do not believe you can do that with this game. running the game in full screen takes up one monitor.


there is no work around for that. trust me...ive tried lol


I have a 3 monitor set up. I wanted game one one, facebook/random crap on another...and inventory/map on a third. but i cant lol



As for the mouse thing. I think its a driver issue. does the mouse come with a driver disk?

otherwise you should try asking support. the game should support extra mouse buttons. i have a mouse with 5 buttons and i can bind to them all.

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Unfortunately, the UI, while being very nice looking, is not the games strong suit. As an Addon developer, I'm extremely interested in keeping track of what their plans are for the UI. So far, they have said they are working on improvements to the UI (although they haven't really stated what), and then hopefully get an Addon API out. So we should see at least some basic usability improvements coming down the pipe soon.
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