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ability to repeat a conversation


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Here's the situation, you do this huge quest chain for a planet, but for the last quest you pick up a group member. You turn in the last quest with the group and a choice comes up. You REALLY want to see what happens with x dialog option but y gets chosen. You are extremely disappointed with option y for whatever reason. Now you may be thinking "even though in game terms this has 0% effect on anything, I really wanted to see my desired outcome" but then you remember that you can't, and you have to live with that disappointing end to the huge quest chain.


I'm simply saying that there should be an option to be able to redo a conversation immediately after you finish it, just in case the above situation happens

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If you hit escape at any point in a coversation, even after youve made dialoge choices, included ligh/darkside choices, you can exit the conversation. speaking to the npc afterwards resets the conversation. this should solve the issues. you just may miss out on some social points.
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This is why any time I go to turn in a group quest I leave the group before I do so. The only exception is in a flash point, which are repeatable, and then I won't care because sooner or later I will get to see my choices get selected.
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