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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commando > Mercenary


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I feel like my commando is a lot better than my mercenary ATM, both are level 40 gunnery/Arsenal trees at 31 points with the same talents-rotation-keybindings and my mercenary has slightly better gear however my commando seems to have an easier time killing mobs while questing than my mercenary or it feels that way to me, anyone else have information on this or have rolled both classes that can confirm or deny?
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I'd think higher damage output because theres the Primary for the first blaster, then theres the offhand blaster to account for and it might have some weapon damage conflicts between the two blasters that cause it to not do much more damage.


This is without much research on Dual Wielding for this game, just a thought. Im not sure if the two blaster damages average out or have stand alone damages.


An instance where the cannon does 500dmg


Primary blaster does 500dmg

Secondary blaster does 500 dmg


Average to same amount of damage


What would happen if the primary has 500dmg

but the Secondary had like 300dmg?

It'd do about 400 dmg when he uses Rapid Shots, in theory.


Hard to test that myself since I do not have a Merc of my own to test it with.

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despite the bugged mortar volley and full auto, the classes are the EXACT same. So any difference is based on gear, and your own mind playing tricks.


That being said, i played a commando to 40 during beta, and went BH for live. I like the BH story more as well as i like the animations for Mercs a lot more.

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Because Commando's have BFG's which sound and look more appealing,

bright arse white armor to let our enemies know we are there and to come get some.

And we don't need to suck up to some dirty old Hutts xD


Only a few things that make us better.


Disclaimer: Both AC's are the same, yes, but those ^ are my opinions :)

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Just need to get yourself a white colour crystal and you have there 1 grade A disturbing image...


Colour crystal doesn't change the colour of your cannon's glow, it only changes the colour of 'weapon damage' abilities (HIB, FA, HS). Your cell choice changes what colour your weapon is.


Plasma is orange.

AP is green.

Support is green.

Edited by LordKivlov
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