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My Experience [Watchman + Focus]


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I looked at the sentinel had no interest in playing this class, however not even looking on the forums I went a head and made my sentinel mainly because I didn't feel like making another Guardian.


So as I progressed through the game I began to want to look into pvp and the best specs for it.

I initially wasn't sure and saw a pretty decent pvp video of a lvl 50 watchman spec sent. So I followed his spec and began to enjoy the survivability that makes up for the sents lack of it. Pve was a blast, and pvp was a joy to keep healing myself and others seeing as others are trying to kill me but can't get that little sliver of hp out of me because of the dots crits.


However late 20s to 31 I started to read more and more about the Focus spec and heard that it was the best for countering kites and had lots of damage. I wouldn't have considered focus though until I began to notice a huge deal of kiting as a watchman and the amount of slow damage I had.

Don't get me wrong, watchman does a lot of damage but as a level 30 in pvp, my ability to survive just wasn't enough to put out enough damage. I mean if you are dead you can't keep applying your dots.


Maybe I Was doing it wrong, and wasn't using my interrupts efficiently, what ever it was, It was not enough to help my team except from the healing I had from zen which potentially could help a team depending on the situation.


Now that I have re-specced I see a huge difference in damage, survivability and mobility. For one, as a watchman I couldn't deal any damage to a level 50 which would be expected in some cases, however as focus spec. I see myself doing a great deal of damage and constantly being able to apply that damage.

Mainly what I'm trying to say here is that, if you were like me and didn't know what spec is better, then I recommend focus before level 50, however around 42+ depending on your play style you may want to switch to watchman.


Hope I helped.



Edited by ipxAnima
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Im in full champ gear, i was focus for a while its a powerful build, 5k sweeps can destroy someones health pool, and you take less damage for sure, but trying out all 3 specs, watchman DESTROYS people in seconds, combat is my favorite play style period, but untill they buff ataru a bit, or some other core buff, ill be sticking watchman. Pre 50 however, watchman has it all, tremendous damage, self heals whenever you pop zen, and other such utility Edited by HollowVamp
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Im in full champ gear, i was focus for a while its a powerful build, 5k sweeps can destroy someones health pool, and you take less damage for sure, but trying out all 3 specs, watchman DESTROYS people in seconds, combat is my favorite play style period, but untill they buff ataru a bit, or some other core buff, ill be sticking watchman. Pre 50 however, watchman has it all, tremendous damage, self heals whenever you pop zen, and other such utility


That is what I figured, idk I must of been doing something wrong.

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