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You're not in yet? Things you should know!


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I don't have a problem with the principle of what they're doing, but the method seems very poor. 4 hours of invites, 1 hour apart and then nothing until the following day. If they can track what's going on for that hour and be confident enough to send out a 2nd wave then why limit the process to such a short timespan each time?


Most people work or go to school during the day. this means that around 3:30 EST 4 waves of invites will start to show up on the server. @ 6:00 EST there will be another big flood of people that will start to show up on the servers. This will all start to happen hours after the first set of invites went out. What good would it do to monitor and hour of login between wave 1 and wave 2?

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Just want to reiterate what a good O/P


There will always be quite a few people who are not happy in any game forums, the ones I have inhabited have had them ( and still do ) and I am sure SWTOR will have them.


Just let them post away as when I am in game I'd be playing too much to really read whats happening in the forums :) and generally people who post in forums whilst game is running are not happy so most forums are a little negative to the outside reader.


Just enjoy the game, I am looking forward to it so much roll on that email :)

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You're 100% right but fk this, i cant wait any longer considering the information about the pre-order crap and so on should of been announced a little earlier cause so many of us got fked into preordering last minute, but wtvr i aint complaining just bored and i WANT TO PLAY FKING NOW MOTHER FKERS!!!!!
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I'm in the, apparently, minority of players that are actually happy with the FREE GAME TIME Bioware is giving out...be it 3, 5, or whatever the number of days it ends up being. But looking at the twitter feed, i ran across this and had to share:


This is NOT how to get a game company to show preferential treatment to you


Jason Lear

@JasonLear1 Jason Lear

@SWTOR I hope your legal department is aware if you fail allow all to play 12/15 you can and will be held accountable in breach of contract.


Jason is a grade-A D-bag imo, they should give him his money back and bar him from ever playing. I was really hoping this community would be more mature than the WoW my co-workers and I are leaving...hopefully after the 1st month all these people will head back to Azeroth, and let the grown-ups have some fun

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I don't have a problem with the principle of what they're doing, but the method seems very poor. 4 hours of invites, 1 hour apart and then nothing until the following day. If they can track what's going on for that hour and be confident enough to send out a 2nd wave then why limit the process to such a short timespan each time?


This was pretty much what I was thinking about all this. I'll get in when I get in, and not a moment before. So, I'm not worried about that part. At the same time, they did invite/grant access early in the morning, when a lot of people are at work. Could be they are not 100% sure the servers will hold when people get home, wig out about getting in, then attempt to log in (though, for the most part they were extremely stable during the stress tests).

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I disagree. The proposal made by Bioware was quite clear. In return for pre-ordering you will be given early access. They said it months ago and they're still saying it right now.


Early access was clearly defined as up to five days prior to the official launch date. That would be sometime starting Dec 15 (tomorrow). It was also clearly stated that early access would be given in staggered waves of invitations based on the date you redeemed you pre-order code. BioWare is currently exceeding this by two days and no amount of raging is going to change that fact.

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I would like to take this time to explain to majority of the community a few things.


I've seen alot of crazy post about how there should be more communication, and about getting in. With all the frustration going on I'd like to take the time to explain how and what they are doing from a different perspective...


1st, Security.


Alot of information about what they are doing, i.e., the # of invites they are sending out ect, does need to be somewhat secret to protect them from the evil hackers of blizzard. With exact #'s ect, its really really easy to start collecting information on SWTOR that could lead to various types of attack. I.e. Packet sniffing traffic from there E-mail servers. If I'm sniffing and catch 20K e-mails, and I know their waves are in 20K, then I've just gained a vitial piece of information about thier network (i.e. 1 central location for SMTP services, ect.) This is just a small portion, to learn more go take a security + course.


2nd, Stocks, CEO's, and business ect.


They need to think of what they are doing from a buisness standpoint as well. If they say they have 1.2 mil preorders ect. I'm sure the exact number is confidential from the corporation standpoint and if one forum moderator gave out too much information, he would get attacked from 3 different departments :D


3rd. Waves of invites.


What SWTOR is doing here is actually pretty clever and you guys should support them on this! How many MMO's have you started on early release and couldn't even find a lvl 1 critter to kill because of the amount of people fighting for lvl 2! Be thankful because I promise you that if everyone was allowed in at once you would only be lvl 5 by the end of the night :D


4th Server is FULL!


Stop stressing. I'm sure it wont be full when you need to join. Example: If 20K is starting on day 1, the server cap is 1000 each (to get a good spread) day 2 100K is joining, they raise each server's cap to adjust to keep the spread of daily joiners even.


In closing, I've never seen such care and planning on a release. All of whats happening that is upsetting alot of you just re-enforces how amazing this mmo is going to be compared to those of the past!


See you guys in game!


Please, you're wrong on a number of counts. First, if there are e-mail packet sniffers out, don't you think they'd easily be able to figure out the size of the email invite waves, especially since BioWare is announcing when the waves are sent out? Answer: Yes.


Next: Pre-orders. Here, you're worng, yet you're close. EA/BioWare is doing everything possible for there to be a ginourmous opening day number. They've been doing everything possible to pump up pre-orders and to increase the number of first day sales by holding out the threat of not letting in more than a certain number of people (something I'll only believe if I see it; if we never see it, it's due soley to their "careful planning." ) This has come at a communications cost to their clients.


There's enough instancing in this game that your issue about overcrowding is moot.


As to queue times when we actually have early access, we'll just have to wait and see, although, of course, that's supposed to be one of the main reasons for all this.

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I just want to say I was first wave and this is the smoothest launch I've ever played. Lvl 17 and rank 7 valor and not one time have I experienced lag or latency problem whatsoever. The best part is I didn't have to fight with anyone for mobs. This game is beautiful. And that word barely describes it.
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