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EGA, Dispelling the Myths


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So, it seems like every other post is someone RAGING about was SR, or EA wouldn't come clean with Details about User counts or Dates.


first, they're not giving exact numbers yet, Which no MMO to date has done. They have a HUGE amount of people to move into a brand new enviroment.


This isn't a Stress test, The servers should be able to handle the loads, but never has an mmo been released that hasn't had game crypling issues at launch. SWTOR is so far the closest to that claim by far.


So, not to be little people but lets look at this as a Cattle drive... They have A LOT of people to move, they also have alot of bins to put them in, but they don't want bins being empty or too crowd, so they're guiding people into bins. They want to make sure that they don't over populate a server, just like they want to make sure that they don't open 24 PVP-RP servers, and only have population for 3.


It's not about having room to handle the masses it's about handling the masses.. Think of a ball game, they can't let everyone thru the gate at once, even tho the venue can fit everyone.


so they're opening up servers to handle the ~ number of users, and opening more when those fill up. This is the VIP seating, on the 20th General admission gets what's left over.


So while the waiting sucks, They're trying to get most of us long time waiters in earlier, and by the 15th, which was suppose to be only for the die hard early Pre-orders.


Heck i wasn't expecting to get on till the 16-17th and at the rate of things, i might even get invited today, but while i can't wait to take Lightsaber in hand, I understand that what their doing is really really amazing, from an MMO prespective. I have yet to see an MMO launch, or even an expantion release run as smoothly as this.


So take a deep breath and be thankful, that when your number is called, you'll be able to play, and not be on a server restarting every 30 minutes, or waiting on a login server that can't validate your account for 3 hours, or have the game crash every 5 minutes and you need to delete a *** folder in order to restart the game... Yea, that's WoW i'm talking about...

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but never has an mmo been released that hasn't had game crypling issues at launch.



Huh, that's just not true.


They all have queues, yes, but staggered access is basically the same thing.


Other than that I can think of several that had no problems at all with launch really (certainly no worse than SWTOR PvP exploit issue).

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Honestly these "anti raging" posts are just as bad as the rages...They arent going to change their minds...They know they are wrong, they know they ****ed up...but they think if they throw a huge fit and tempertantrum their way from one thread to another they will get their way regardless. So assuming you can rationalize with these people is useless because they dont want to be rationalized with. They just want their way, no if ands or buts about it.
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Well said dude. People dont seem to realise that its being pushed for minimum problems on launch this way. Hence Bioware/EA did the early pre load of the client software a week ago. If 1 to 2mil people try to download a 19GB game all at once guess what Servers crash. If 1 to 2mil people all try to rush into creating characters guess what No body will be able to play as servers would be unstable for days trying to deal with a mass influx.


Deal with it and wait. They already started the early access 2 days earlier anyway. Originally it said "Upto" notice now the UPTO!!!!!!!!!! 5 days early access. If they offer you 5 mins early access before the 20th they will have lived upto their quota for what was offered to pre orders.

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Anti- raging can have the same effect as raging, but sometimes. It can also clam some of the masses. It's better the. Yelling stampede! And shooting guns trying to clam the cows from charging. I mean only a mooron would do something like that. In a week everyone will moove on and be playing the game. I only wish there were moore level headed people.

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