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[VIDEO] Champion Sentinel Solo PvP


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I recently made a JK, and I figured going guardian was a no brainer because their damage seems to be just as good, and you also have the option for tanking in PvE, and the medals from absorbing dmg etc...


I just assumed it was an all around better way to go. Right now I play a gunslinger, and I cant help but feel like ACs that have access to tanking or healing are superior to the pure DPS ACs because of the options and skills they have available to them, like force push/pull etc...


Then I watched your video and now im not so sure about my AC choice.


I was wondering a few things.


-Is taking on multiple opponents and coming out on top normal? I didnt think sentinels had the survivability to do this.


-How much was gear a factor in your fights?


-How important of a role did biochem play? And with the up and coming biochem nerfs on the horizon how will this change what you were doing?


-I noticed all your fights were solo, how do sentinels do in group combat? Do they get smashed in large fights when alot of people are present Or do they just do that much better because of the support they now have?



And what skill do you not use as a sentinel once you become one? Any generic JK skills you now ignore?


What is your "rotation" so to speak, as much as you can have one in PvP.



Thanks for your time.

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@ all people that PMed me questions and didn't get an answer yet:


I'm currently collecting all questions and going to answer them in a movie which I will release this weekend.


I received some very interesting questions about combat and sentinels in PvP in general, I just think it's better to answer them for everyone!

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I recently made a JK, and I figured going guardian was a no brainer because their damage seems to be just as good, and you also have the option for tanking in PvE, and the medals from absorbing dmg etc...


I just assumed it was an all around better way to go. Right now I play a gunslinger, and I cant help but feel like ACs that have access to tanking or healing are superior to the pure DPS ACs because of the options and skills they have available to them, like force push/pull etc...


Then I watched your video and now im not so sure about my AC choice.


I was wondering a few things.




Thanks for your time.


Just noticed your post now, here my answers:


-Is taking on multiple opponents and coming out on top normal? I didnt think sentinels had the survivability to do this.


If you play on a high level, make use of all game mechanics including consumables, you can win 1v2 situations even against level 50s only. While our survivability is very bad when we have all defensive abilities on CD, it is actually very nice if we use some of our defensive CDs.


-How much was gear a factor in your fights?


Gear is definately a big factor. After I got 50, I was much weaker in warzones than when I was level 30. Reason was I never upgraded my PvP gear and ended up with only 10k HP at 50. After I got full centurion/champion I got 4k+ more HP and noticed a nice decrease in survivability. Weapons also have a big effect on your damage.


-How important of a role did biochem play? And with the up and coming biochem nerfs on the horizon how will this change what you were doing?


Biocham is very useful, but not required. I leveled it up kinda late but already did fine without it before. Consumables and professions are getting tuned down next patch, so it is nothing you should rely on in PvP.


-I noticed all your fights were solo, how do sentinels do in group combat? Do they get smashed in large fights when alot of people are present Or do they just do that much better because of the support they now have?


Imo sentinels are even better in group combat than in solo play, because you benefit a lot from having healers. Sentinels are able to do constant, high dps (we are not limited by a resource mechanic and our damage as combat doesn't depend on dps cooldowns). I can do 2v5 50with my healer, but it is even more challenging to play in groups because you have to peel correctly. And playing in a group with healer or guard fixes our biggest issue - low survability when we have all defensive abilities on CD.


- And what skill do you not use as a sentinel once you become one? Any generic JK skills you now ignore?


I use every single ability and have a keybind for every single abiliy. There is an exception about PvP - I don't use pommel and opportunity strike there (they don't work on players), and Call on the Force I can only use in Ilum (until 1.1).


- What is your "rotation" so to speak, as much as you can have one in PvP


For combat in PvP there is no rotation, it is way too complex and it's bad to have a fix rotation, as the use of every single ability depends on many different things in PvP. But basically, it is like this:


zealous strike - blade rush - blade storm - get rage - blade rush - precision slash - blade storm - dispatch


In PvE the rotation would be entirely different, but in PvP you have to consider that you won't have a 100 % uptime on your target. Therefore you can't hope for a full duration precision slash, sometimes you only get 1 or 2 abilities off during it and blade storm should be at least one of them.

I use force stasis as defensive CD (or in hutt ball on people who stand in fire), it is very nice if you just defeated someone and then there is another opponent left.

Or as you can see in the video, sometimes I use it so opponents can't run away/kite when they are low, and finish them off with dispatch directly after.


Pacify is the CD I use in many 1v1 situations, as it is often enough. Rebuke and especially Saber Ward are my bigger cooldowns that I save for big groups of enemies. But make sure you use all your defensive CDs early (when you are 90-100 %) and not as a last resort to get most out of it. Saber Ward won't help you much if an opponent used his main burst and got you to 10 % already. You need to learn to predict the burst and incoming damage and respond to it quickly.

Edited by Moldrany
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video is nice, but u can see the difference in the gear u have versus those you fight.


i do wreck through 50s the same way (FOCUS TREE), but they are obviously not as geared or PVP oriented as YOU or ME --- so this video is skewed versus a match with equally geared/skilled players/


my point here is that i'm perfectly happy with the FOCUS approach (7/3/31).


i PRAY that SWOTR will implement a ladder and STAT tracking system so that players can see the differences in our choices.




Edited by hoantran
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video is nice, but u can see the difference in the gear u have versus those you fight.


i do wreck through 50s the same way (FOCUS TREE), but they are obviously not as geared or PVP oriented as YOU or ME --- so this video is skewed versus a match with equally geared/skilled players/


Most of the people had equal gear to me. The 1v1 fights are usually other champions and centurions. If there was someone with worse gear, it was usually a 1vx situation.


Sentinels absolutely destroy low levels and bad geared people, many other videos already show that with BIG focus crits, I wanted to show equally geared opponents and lvl 50s in each scene, I agree that it's possible to show even better opponents and scenes, but it would also take me much longer to make a video then (this was my first and there are many things I'm willing to improve for my next videos).


I wanted to get some battlemasters in, but on my realm all battlemasters play as a full 4 man group and move together, if I'm queueing solo I never encounter them in 1v1 situations.

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