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Power or critical rating


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Depends on skill tree, I believe.


I'm a Gunnery Commando and I prioritize Crit Chance over Power, as some talent/skill options need crit to trigger.


Power only increases the damage but if you have no chance, stacking power is pointless. I plan on getting to at least 30% crit before starting to stack power.


But this is just my opinion on things here! Maybe someone "wiser" could reason more about it.




Changed for more grammar and sense while reading. <_<

Edited by Einaraki
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I am torn on this as well. I am a medic and those big flashy crit heals are nice for getting me ahead in the heals, especially on fourex who even though I have him well geared seems to wilt under fire. Power supposedly raises the amount of regular damage/healing so if I go with power, my crit chance drops but my regular heals are more potent. I am not sure which is best but I am experimenting on the power enhancements right now.
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As a healer early on crit seemed to give me more bang for the buck due to ammo issues. After leveling to 50 Ammo is no longer an issue and 9% crit from skills means getting to 30% crit is easy. Now I strive for power/surge/alacrity. Power boosts all my heals so that one is a no brainer. Surge benefits any crit heal so all my instas and reactives benefit from power and surge. Alacrity benefits less healing options but is still important since alacrity does lower GCD for skills that have an activation time.


As gunnery spec crit is your life blood. You should be specced into the 6% crit from the healing tree asap after you get your ammo return on crit. Crit is king and surge goes hand in hand with crit. So crit surge will be your priorities with power following.


Assault commando wants power, alacrity, surge. Automatic/boosted crits from skills makes crit rating less of a priority but keeps surge important. Power boosting all damage and alacrity ticks your dots faster.


Just my thoughts.

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Yeah i agree with the flashy crits point im level 34 right now and grav round normally hits for about 700 but seeing it crit for over 1200 is definetly juicy im really not sure but maybe go with crit as well just now also
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