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Who is jedi in trailer


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He is just a jedi master. Not grand master.


Thank you. Why is he so "popular"? I mean on the video it almost seems that he's the Windu of the time or something, and he's on the load screen. I would think that Satele(sp) master would be more so. Speaking of which, was Satele's master a consular? He fought prettty good for one if so.


Thank yall again

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I think the idea is that Ven Zallow was an archetypical knight, and the kind of person with whom people who are interested in playing Jedi are supposed to identify. To answer your other question, we see Satele using a polesaber, so assuming the logic of the games, she's a Consular/Shadow.


Master Zallow's astromech droid, Teeseven, shows up as the Jedi Knight's first companion. I knew Zallow was killed in the sack of Coruscant. I'm curious as to whether Teeseven's next known owner, the smuggler Nico Okarr, who shows up in the Return trailer, will also be putting in an appearance in-game.


I think the primary purpose of the trailers was to show you all or most of the playable in-game classes being awesome (though Imperial Agents are notably missing. I like to think they're ninja-ing undetected in the background somewhere-they're just that good :) ) to get players excited about their in-game possibilities.

Edited by Meira_Arirai
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Thank you. Why is he so "popular"? I mean on the video it almost seems that he's the Windu of the time or something, and he's on the load screen. I would think that Satele(sp) master would be more so. Speaking of which, was Satele's master a consular? He fought prettty good for one if so.


I am pretty sure Satele's master is equivilent to the Knight class, Satale is a Counciler.


The Decieved trailer takes place 10 years prior to the start of the game. So Mater Zallow is dead like previous posters said, however if you do wish to know a little more about him the Old republic book of the same name has that scene written into it and one of the main characters of it is Zallow's apprentice, so there is a nice bit about him in it though mostly shown in the thoughts and memories of his apprentice.


Does any one know if the commando in the Hope trailer Jaece (sp?) is the same commandor that flirts with Satele in the online comics?

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Does any one know if the commando in the Hope trailer Jaece (sp?) is the same commandor that flirts with Satele in the online comics?
Isn't Jace Afro-American? And the guy that flirted with Satele was Caucasian isn't he? No way that's the same guy,
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Commando is Jace Malcom and you will meet him in person in Alderaan bonus series.


If that's the case, I'll go make another character first. Being SITHPUNCHED on my warrior would be humiliating.


And yes. Jace PUNCHES SITH.

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