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Tionese Stalker's Implant


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Hey I have biochem and i got recipe to craft this item. The question is if ill reverse engineer this will I have a chance to get rataka or columi recipe from this? I already RE twice but with no success.


Not sure. When I tried to RE the 23 mod set's(cybertech only gets schematic for 22), I get a system message saying something like, "No reverse engineer information available for this item" and it eats the item and gives me no resources.


My guess would be that it's possible if your not getting that message?

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Well...I don't know for sure that it can't be RE'd into something, but why would you think it could be RE'd into a rataka or columi recipe? That seems counterintuitive. Tionese and Columi are both separate categories of "discovery" missions right? I can't imagine why one would RE a recipe for the other. It also wouldn't make any sense for it to RE into a rataka...


Unless the system is breaking it's own pattern, implants (if they CAN be RE'd) RE into better schems of themselves, not into schems of other implants.

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You'll get a Rakata-quality purple from RE-ing your green 49 recipe (through the blue, of course). Problem is that you might have to burn through a few bad versions before you get the right itemization. Then you'll need a crit craft. But if it's anything like earpieces, it will be better than the Rakata.
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