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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gunnery vs. Scoundrel/Operative Strategy


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Could anyone please provide tips on how to defend against an operative or scoundrel that gets the opener?


Trinket, stockstrike knockback, concussion charge, full auto slow, and instant healing probe isn't enough. I am also in t1 equivalent gear (pve/pvp mix). This is against not only 50s but 40-50s. The only additional thing I can think of is switching from CT to Bio (was 400 CT before we all realized Bio was mandatory)


I appreciate any constructive advice.

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Break the CC. stun them and start running. Put a decent amount of distance so that you can snare them with full auto (which they're just going to laugh off and run up and stun you again anyways.) If they break your CC, knock them back with concussion charge. If they vanish, pull them out of stealth as fast as you can otherwise you're dead.


You really can't do much against an operative 1v1 because they have an interupt and you're starting the fight at roughly 50% hp. If you can juke the interupt, then you may have a chance because grav rounds auto tracks so they have to run through you to get a backstab off instead of just circle strafing and hitting you from the side (backstab has a 180 degree arc).


Pretty much if you don't have cryo, knockback and stunbreak up, you're dead unless a teammate intervenes with CC, a heal, or guard.


Not trying to be a downer, but that's the reality of it. Unless BW gives us something that makes us immune to interupts, or reduces the lockout, everybody can lock gunnerys damage down fairly easily while still pouring huge amounts of damage on us. If you do manage to avoid the interupt, then you can kill them before they kill you if you pop a relic and an overcharge stim. They'll drop like a fly but that's entirely dependent on whether they miss the interupt or not.

Edited by LordKivlov
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Trinket, knockback, field aid to remove any snare on you. Kite 100% of the time...do not stop. Hammer shot, sticky, HIB, Cryo to gain distance if you need, knockback....if they reach you in melee you are dead meat but you have the tools to keep them at range 100% of the time. If you do not know how to strafe kite you need to learn.
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