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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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While I am almost completely against this idea, maybe they should add a 1-level grace period. That way the people who immediately regret their actions can change their minds.


However, if they do this, there needs to be some kind of penalty. How about this: since it's a 1-level grace period, if the PC opts to do this, they lose that level...they go back to the level that they first chose their AC. Whether that was 10, 11, 12, etc.


They would also lose all the credits they invested in training the AC-skills.


Oh, and this can be only be done ONE TIME.

Edited by JarenVestrit
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Which you can do here too!


Scoundrel can be DPS or Heals!


Commando can too!


Juggernaught can be tank or dps!




All I hear is "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I have to roll an alt."


Its not an alt. It's the same exact class with just a different advanced class.

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My thought about the people who are up in arms is, they want this game to be so completely different than other MMOs they don't want common switching like this to happen.


I think most of us emphatically do not want AC switching to be common, easy, or even viable.

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My thought about the people who are up in arms is, they want this game to be so completely different than other MMOs they don't want common switching like this to happen.


Maybe you should petition the devs to allow you to switch from assassin to juggernaut, because you're basically asking them to allow you to change your class whenever you think it's most convenient for you.

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Hundreds of airplanes fly everyday without crashes, so why should we impose restrictive "safety requirements" on them?


Same logic.


No, absolutely not even close. Same logic would be like saying, your clothes are all dirty, ratty and torn but you polish your shoes every day. That's the same logic.

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No, it's like changing your druid cat dps to a druid tree heals. Oh wait, you can do that? Hmm..


No, it's like switching your druid to a warrior.


What you've described is like switching my Commando from Combat Medic to Gunnery.


The AC's are distinctly separate from each other. A Commando plays as a completely different class as the Vanguard, and I don't know of any MMO that let's you change your class.

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My thought about the people who are up in arms is, they want this game to be so completely different than other MMOs they don't want common switching like this to happen.


No it isn't it's because you (generic you) are changing between two fundamentally different classes. People are asking to be able to be a jack of all trades on ONE single character. If you want that, play Rift as that' the exact raison d'etre behind their game.


Stop (in general not you specifically) trying to change other games which do things differently into another homogenous blob of mediocrity. At the moment choosing an Advance Class has consequences and the game makes them very clear. Other games exist with this mechanic in place, go play them, don't try and force those that don't to be the bl**dy same.

Edited by Cadiva
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The advanced class is a commitment.


BW was generous with it because they made it available at level 10.


They figured that it does not take much to level 10 levels to re-choose. But even then, this is why they really stressed that you could not choose again after you made your choice.


It's nice to have a major decision be made in this game rather than every choice being superfluous.


Next thing people will want is the ability to "respec" your dark/light side choices, therefore nullifying the gravity of the choice completely...

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The Advanced class isn't really a class? Is that honestly what you're trying to base your argument on?


Correct, the class part of "advanced class" is the inherent class you made. The "advanced" part is the Sentinel/Guardian, Assassin/Sage specialization. Think of it in this sense. You become a Jedi Knight Sentinel.

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Correct, the class part of "advanced class" is the inherent class you made. The "advanced" part is the Sentinel/Guardian, Assassin/Sage specialization. Think of it in this sense. You become a Jedi Knight Sentinel.


And it should be irreversable.

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A BH is still a BH same voice same guns.


No, a Merc uses two pistols, a PT uses one. But even then lets look.


Sniper uses Sniper rilfe, Op uses Blaster rifle.


Commando uses Assault Cannon, Vanguard uses Blaster rifle.


Seer/Sorcerer uses a single light saber, Shadow/Assassin uses a double bladed light saber.


So based on your logic, I should be able to swap my Operative for a Vanguard since they use the same weapon, or a Seer for a Guardian or Sentinel.

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I would actually support something like that. That or a one time respec that expires somewhere between lvl 15 and 20.


The problem I have with switching that low, is that you really don't know your advanced class yet. I got to fully experience my advanced class with 50. With Warzones and Flashpoints. I have said this before. I don't hate my advanced class. I just want to be able to switch my class to try out the other one. I actually like Mercenary.

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The advanced class is a commitment.


BW was generous with it because they made it available at level 10.


They figured that it does not take much to level 10 levels to re-choose. But even then, this is why they really stressed that you could not choose again after you made your choice.


It's nice to have a major decision be made in this game rather than every choice being superfluous.


Next thing people will want is the ability to "respec" your dark/light side choices, therefore nullifying the gravity of the choice completely...


What purpose would there be to pick it at a level beyond 10? You require specialization to do flashpoints so groups can be actually balanced with tank, dps and healer. It's not a "generous" thing, it's called being sensible.

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Correct, the class part of "advanced class" is the inherent class you made. The "advanced" part is the Sentinel/Guardian, Assassin/Sage specialization. Think of it in this sense. You become a Jedi Knight Sentinel.


Just like you become a Sith Warrior Marauder and not just a Marauder.


It's not a class within a class, it's a class. Period. That's it.


The advanced class can perform different roles. Bioware made it so that each class appealed to each spec, and no one was forced to bottleneck themselves to a class they didn't like (such as being an operative because they're DPS only).


It's not a hard concept to grasp.

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