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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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its not the same class, only for the first 10 lvls is it the same and every arguement on this has been matter of opinion. level alts in other games has been 100% the extact same. leveling alts in swtor is only about 80%. yet you people dont see this reduction on repetitiveness as a bonus, you see it as another reason to *****.


No, it is the same class. It has the same story. Don't bring up other games. That isn't relative here.

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its not the same class, only for the first 10 lvls is it the same and every arguement on this has been matter of opinion. level alts in other games has been 100% the extact same. leveling alts in swtor is only about 80%. yet you people dont see this reduction on repetitiveness as a bonus, you see it as another reason to *****.


So you call Bioware liars, because you won't say you are wrong, they lie on their website and in the fact that they promised a unique story for every class.

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You're right, I am wrong, I have no clue what I am talking about..........you guys seriously need to get realistic and maybe check out their website under class and then highlight over where it says SPECIALIZATION the long word for Spec.


"Advanced Classes are ...


Advanced Classes are specialized careers that your characters can choose in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As your character becomes more seasoned through adventure, you will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two Advanced Classes. This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc."


Game Info>Game System>Advanced class


Seems pretty clear that they are differentiating between Starter class, advanced class, and trees withing advanced class here. Anything other thing you wanna spew as fact while ignore things that don't back up your argument?

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I have a 132 IQ and have been playing MMOs since UO, not my fault you have difficulty reading or you would have read on their own website they are called Specializations not classes, and you would have also read where they stated every CLASS would have a unique story.


and ever CLASS does, just not every ADVANCED CLASS. and as ive said, go to game info, game systems and tell me what that top item is cause i dont see any version of the term "spec" there.

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No, it is the same class. It has the same story. Don't bring up other games. That isn't relative here.


so is story the only thing that defines a class? not the abilities, or the talent trees or even the playstyle? wow, all these years playing MMOs and i didnt have a clue what class actually ment.

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and ever CLASS does, just not every ADVANCED CLASS. and as ive said, go to game info, game systems and tell me what that top item is cause i dont see any version of the term "spec" there.


Nice to know you can't search..........go under The Holocron then class then look at the menus for each class *gasp* you will see specialization......I know, searching is difficult.

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so is story the only thing that defines a class? not the abilities, or the talent trees or even the playstyle? wow, all these years playing MMOs and i didnt have a clue what class actually ment.


In this game, yes. When one of a games main advertised feature is the unique storylines each class gets, I think it's fair to define a class by it's story.

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I have a 132 IQ and have been playing MMOs since UO, not my fault you have difficulty reading or you would have read on their own website they are called Specializations not classes, and you would have also read where they stated every CLASS would have a unique story.


No...you are simply twisting facts to suit your own agenda...


Every CLASS does have a unique story...try them, you will see??


Each base class has two advanced classed to CHOOSE from...each AC then has three specialization / talent trees to spend points in.


I would have thought someone with your IQ could grasp this amazingly simple premise far more quickly?



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For such a smart guy you sure are stupid.


They are using a modified version of the DAoC where the advanced class is your class. Not really interested in how they confused you because they use specialization instead of AC on the website. In-game it is called advanced *c l a s s*.


Oh I haven't been playing since UO, you have me there, but I played from EQ on, and more MMO's than you apparently since I understand how the setup works, and you don't.

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so is story the only thing that defines a class? not the abilities, or the talent trees or even the playstyle? wow, all these years playing MMOs and i didnt have a clue what class actually ment.


Um..........again, fire mages play different and have different talents........does that make them a different class? No.

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so is story the only thing that defines a class? not the abilities, or the talent trees or even the playstyle? wow, all these years playing MMOs and i didnt have a clue what class actually ment.


It's a silly concept that they have indeed. Vangaurd and Commando are two very different classes with two very different specs and two very different play styles indeed.

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Nice to know you can't search..........go under The Holocron then class then look at the menus for each class *gasp* you will see specialization......I know, searching is difficult.


I'm glad you stopped responding to me, Gunryu. Your *cough* 132 IQ at least makes you smart enough to avoid your superiors.

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Um..........again, fire mages play different and have different talents........does that make them a different class? No.


your not trying to compare a fire mage to a frost mage, your comparing a rogue to a mage, does that make them a different class? oh wait, they are.

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In this game, yes. When one of a games main advertised feature is the unique storylines each class gets, I think it's fair to define a class by it's story.


You mean its fair because picking on some spurious wording on a website is the only straw you have to grasp that fits your agenda :)


Each CLASS does have its own unique story...Advanced Classes do not and neither do each spec tree have their own unique story....just the classes...just like you were promised.



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For such a smart guy you sure are stupid.


They are using a modified version of the DAoC where the advanced class is your class. Not really interested in how they confused you because they use specialization instead of AC on the website. In-game it is called advanced *c l a s s*.


Oh I haven't been playing since UO, you have me there, but I played from EQ on, and more MMO's than you apparently since I understand how the setup works, and you don't.


Then they should have given the choice of Sorcerer for a class, not a specialization, so again seeing as none of you can admit you are wrong you are there by calling Bioware liars, because my sorcerer doesn't have a story only inquisitor.....even says so in game.

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The idea behind not being able to go back is that it will make people actually think before they leap, sadly it seems just about everyone and their gandmother jumped without looking.


Read up on the ACs and think hard, look. After thinking and reading up on the ACs then you choose which one you'd like to spec into, leap.


It's your own fault if you didn't do your research.

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your not trying to compare a fire mage to a frost mage, your comparing a rogue to a mage, does that make them a different class? oh wait, they are.


So is a feral druid it's own class, same as a balance druid? Different types of play!

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Um..........again, fire mages play different and have different talents........does that make them a different class? No.


Well lets get this clear.



Does not have a concept of Advanced class. You pick your class at level one and your Specialization at level 10. If this was an equal comparison you would have to do something like make a "caster" character at level 1. Choose between an advanced class of mage, warlock, or priest at level 10. Then, choose your spec from there. That's not what happens in WoW. It's not a valid comparison so you should stop.

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The idea behind not being able to go back is that it will make people actually think before they leap, sadly it seems just about everyone and their gandmother jumped without looking.


Read up on the ACs and think hard, look. After thinking and reading up on the ACs then you choose which one you'd like to spec into, leap.


It's your own fault if you didn't do your research.


Reading doesn't tell you about how it plays, sorry.

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Well lets get this clear.



Does not have a concept of Advanced class. You pick your class at level one and your Specialization at level 10. If this was an equal comparison you would have to do something like make a "caster" character at level 1. Choose between an advanced class of mage, warlock, or priest at level 10. Then, choose your spec from there. That's not what happens in WoW. It's not a valid comparison so you should stop.



Fine..........I pick a druid.

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