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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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IDK if you've played WoW so I'm gonna explain something real quick. A healing druid uses intellect leather. A cat/bear druid uses agility leather. Different gear. A jugg would use X gear while a marauder would use Y. Also bears atm are very good tanks. If a healer had the gear to switch to a bear he'd tank just fine if he had dual spec (bear obviously). If AC switching were allowed a Marauder could tank just as well as a jugg if he had the gear. Notice in both examples they would need different gearsets.


One pro off the top of my head would be this: "Damn guys our tank can't make tonight, sorry we don't have another tank gotta call it." "I got OS tank" "Oh sweet, lets grab that other dps and go." Yeah that'd be horrible having increased flexibility in your raiding -_-


i have played wow, for 7 years in fact, and like as ive stated the AC's arent as simple as that. as a druid you can leave bear form and start dpsin or throwing out heals without having to change a thing, just your form. as an tank assassin i can change to lightning charge and begin dpsing, but i cannot ever start healing. to do that i would have to change my class completely this making my assassin nothing like a druid as you claim.

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And for those who picked a advanced class they didn't like then what? I would hate to rerole and spend all of that time getting back to the point I was at. For example I chose Assassin think it would be fun, it wasn't. I fully understand how to use it but I hate it so much. But I am a lvl 20 and I don't want to rerole becuase unlike some people I don't have that much time.


Anyway there are no cons to respecing your advanced class so /signed.



another example of the new generation of i want it now that wow and lich king spawned



no, relevel 20 levels, its not that hard, i can do it in one day, so can you



TLDR: the second they allow to change the advanced class , is the second ill walk right out and sell my account, sorry but i dont want WOW 2.0 repeat


and just for reference BIOWARE,


< Is thirty, owns his own business, earns an income of 4k+ average monthly , im one of the people who pay and is willing who keep paying for along time as long as you dont go the blizzard route and cater to the lowest common denominator (in our case the self entitlement youngsters that want it all now and with the click of a button)

Edited by LaVolpex
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Say No all you want, this is one reason this game is losing players.

One of many reasons but it is still a reason, this is a stupid arguement and it should be allowed.


if its allowed it will be one of many reasons but still a reason that they lose players, and i agree, this arguement is stupid because it shouldnt be allowed.

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Not having respecs and forcing us to "re-roll" is a completely valid choice. However, you're more likely to see something like that in a korean mmo (this roughly translates to a grindy mmo).


Having played as many mmo's as I have, it has been my experience that re-using identical content isn't fun, and the more choice you have the better. Allowing users to change their AC would give a much better option to those of us that would rather not redo everything again. I realize it's "just the first 10 levels" but those levels are horribly slow(no speeder/sprint?) and redundant (used by 1 other base class).


This would also not hinder those that do not want to re-spec and would rather re-roll as it does not prevent them from doing so.


Please give us the option.



Edited by drakhri
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If they ever implement this, it would pretty much ruin the unique feeling each class has now. Advanced classes are separate classes, not something you can switch to on a whim. It's like rolling a warrior and then changing to Ench Shaman. Those are 2 different classes. If they do this, they merge the classes. Merging the classes = dumbing down the game.


It's stuff like a this, that killed WoW. It's when people want something gamebreaking to happen with the push of a button. Yeah, why not have an option for changing classes? And while you're at it, why not remove all the different crew skills? I mean what's the point in having different skills when you can have them all at once, no? Or why stop there, just go overboard, 1 level = 6 talent points = max out all skill trees of your Powermerc. I mean what's the point in different specs, that's just soooo old and boring.


Then they should follow this up with an expansion pack - Rise of the Pandas, which will introduce pet battles, pink fluffy kittens to feed and snuggle on every corner of the fleet and lot's of other cool stuff, that every mmo should have.................




So much failure in this thread. :mad:

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another example of the new generation of i want it now that wow and lich king spawned



no, relevel 20 levels, its not that hard, i can do it in one day, so can you



TLDR: the second they allow to change the advanced class , is the second ill walk right out and sell my account, sorry but i dont want WOW 2.0 repeat


Ah this is a horrible travesty obviously. I mean ability delay, fps problems, loading screens all the damn time, all the bugs. Well, all of that is fine but if you guys implement a much needed feature that will do nothing but increase this game's playability I QUIT!

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If they ever implement this, it would pretty much ruin the unique feeling each class has now. Advanced classes are separate classes, not something you can switch to on a whim. It's like rolling a warrior and then changing to Ench Shaman. Those are 2 different classes. If they do this, they merge the classes. Merging the classes = dumbing down the game.


It's stuff like a this, that killed WoW. It's when people want something gamebreaking to happen with the push of a button. Yeah, why not have an option for changing classes? And while you're at it, why not remove all the different crew skills? I mean what's the point in having different skills when you can have them all at once, no? Or why stop there, just go overboard, 1 level = 6 talent points = max out all skill trees of your Powermerc. I mean what's the point in different specs, that's just soooo old and boring.


Then they should follow this up with an expansion pack - Rise of the Pandas, which will introduce pet battles, pink fluffy kittens to feed and snuggle on every corner of the fleet and lot's of other cool stuff, that every mmo should have.................




So much failure in this thread. :mad:




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There simply is no intelligent argument against allowing the respec. There always are MMO players who think an MMO launches in a state of perfection and any change is terribad. The players arguing against a respec would argue in it's favor if the game launched with a respec mechanic.


There are also players whose personal lives are so shallow that they wish to attempt to fill up the emptiness inside them by controlling how other people play a game.

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Ah this is a horrible travesty obviously. I mean ability delay, fps problems, loading screens all the damn time, all the bugs. Well, all of that is fine but if you guys implement a much needed feature that will do nothing but increase this game's playability I QUIT!


you seem to have mistaken "dumb down" with "increase." a typical error for the modern MMO generation. dont worry, we hold it against you.

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There simply is no intelligent argument against allowing the respec. There always are MMO players who think an MMO launches in a state of perfection and any change is terribad. The players arguing against a respec would argue in it's favor if the game launched with a respec mechanic.


There are also players whose personal lives are so shallow that they wish to attempt to fill up the emptiness inside them by controlling how other people play a game.


so far the only arguement ive seen for it can be summed up as "im lazy, dont make me re-level"

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WoW isn't dead and it certainly won't die from respec's. Is your opinion / argument so weak that you have to lie in order to win? So much fail in this reply.


WoW is pretty much dead to me and any other gamer with self respect. That game is no longer played by gamers, it's played by pornstars, celebrities and mostly people who don't view themselves as gamers. It's hard for me to even call it a game, I mean Facebook games are games too, sort of. WoW was a game up to WotLK launch, then it became a sort of game. For everyone else, but not the gamers.

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you seem to have mistaken "dumb down" with "increase." a typical error for the modern MMO generation. dont worry, we hold it against you.


Leveling isn't hard. Its not dumbing anything down. If the proposed change was only 2 abilities per class then I would agree that this would be dumbing down the game. Allowing your advanced role to be switched is not dumbing anything down.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?



When people that want to change class start referring to it as Reclassing, not respeccing, I may start passing attention to you. Until you understand AC its not specs but actual classes there is no logic we can use on you

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WoW is pretty much dead to me and any other gamer with self respect. That game is no longer played by gamers, it's played by pornstars, celebrities and mostly people who don't view themselves as gamers. It's hard for me to even call it a game, I mean Facebook games are games too, sort of. WoW was a game up to WotLK launch, then it became a sort of game. For everyone else, but not the gamers.


Curious how many times did you hit Glad in wow or even top 20 on WoL? I mean since you're so pro.

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Leveling isn't hard. Its not dumbing anything down. If the proposed change was only 2 abilities per class then I would agree that this would be dumbing down the game. Allowing your advanced role to be switched is not dumbing anything down.


its allowing people to play a class without actually having to level said class, that IS dumbing it down.

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Ah this is a horrible travesty obviously. I mean ability delay, fps problems, loading screens all the damn time, all the bugs. Well, all of that is fine but if you guys implement a much needed feature that will do nothing but increase this game's playability I QUIT!




^ see what i mean?


ive been on the scene since stuff in molten core died without recount, boss mods and required 40 people , bugs are minor compared to release wow, i have ZERO PROBLEMS playing with abilty delay (ive played games with similar systems before so im used to it) , i dont have a fifty year old pc (my loading screens are a total of oh four seconds max) and i run @ a steady 35-40 fps Vsynced all the time


im sorry that kind of stuff makes it gamebreaking for YOU but to me , dumbing down the game for the lazies is gamebreaking and yes i would quit, just as i did wow after 6 years , you are entitled to quit if there are no advanced class respecs , just as i dont have to stay here to watch this game turn into pokemon online either..

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The only argument against it is, "I can't stand the idea that other people will have fun playing this game."


Pretty much this. Too many people want this game to be a chore and anything that removes tedium or adds fun choices is viewed as a negative. There are honestly people who don't even think the AH needs to be fixed so whatever.

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