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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

***, rupture?


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Seems im having this issue more and more and its starting to infuriate me.

I press for abilities and nothing happens. My character makes a mild attempt at performing it and stands still doing not alot. It isn't lag, as i can move around fine etc. I dont get any displayed error messages, I can see my target, i am in range. This doesnt happen with any of my other characters. It happens mostly with rupture, just me with this problem? sorry if its been brought up before but this needs fixing as so far, i've had more deaths to this bug than to anything else.

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Every single class in the game has the same issue.


I trigger Unload on my BH, and nothing happens. I mean, animation plays, the progress bar shows, ability goes on cooldown. Just no damage. I roll into cover with my Sniper and press Ambush, cast bar appears, then disappears, no shot, no damage, ability on cooldown. Etc., etc.


You're not alone. Hopefully BW will fit it eventually. They did say something that they're working in responsiveness of controls.

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Seems im having this issue more and more and its starting to infuriate me.

I press for abilities and nothing happens. My character makes a mild attempt at performing it and stands still doing not alot. It isn't lag, as i can move around fine etc. I dont get any displayed error messages, I can see my target, i am in range. This doesnt happen with any of my other characters. It happens mostly with rupture, just me with this problem? sorry if its been brought up before but this needs fixing as so far, i've had more deaths to this bug than to anything else.


I am having trouble with this as well, but with many more abilities. Oftentimes I just stand there, doing nothing, which drives me up a wall in a heated pvp battle/1vs1

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This is a big problem for Marauders. It happens to every Marauder skill and not only Rupture. (Even though it never happened to me with Rupture). They call it "Skill delay" what happens is:


1) Player decides to use an "instant" ability

2) Player pushes button to tell SWTOR what to do

3) SWTOR sends information to server that player wants to use ability and begins animation of that ability

4) Server waits specified time for the ability before applying it to the enemy, then triggers the effect

5) SWTOR shows ability hitting the enemy just as the animation finishes


This is done so that enemies don't start taking damage until you've finished swinging the sword, the explosive droid has a chance to drop down, the projectile hits the target, etc. It makes the game look good. What other MMOs do on "instant" abilities is to not wait for the animation to end.


1) Player decides to use an "instant" ability

2) Player pushes button to tell WoW what to do

3) WoW sends information to server that player wants to use ability and begins animation of that ability

4) Server immediately triggers the effect

5) WoW shows ability hitting the enemy while animation is still going off.



The SWTOR engine is broken and it gets worse in PvP. Personally I think they should fix this before they tweak buff/nerf classes because this effects all classes and for a class that does Melee range we take a big risk to charge in and show off our flashy skills not doing any damage to die. I think Marauders would be 50% stronger if they fixed this problem.

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