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Games been out for a month now. No improvements at all?


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You can't fix some problems with minor patches. They must wait until major content goes in because they require a rewrite of major sections of the coding. Stop being such a Luddite. This is common knowledge.


They have been fixing bugs as they find them, and as they can. You will get bigger changes in 4 days.


one of the major plus of hero engine is the ability to fix the server and the client on the fly .. also called stream cloud technology ... FAIL

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Talk is cheap. I really don't care about what someone says will happen down the road. If you can't fix one thing in a months time. I doubt your update or anything you say will happen anytime soon.


How many other MMO's release major content and bug fixes a month after release? Bioware is on the 17th. WoW releases these types of patches maybe every quarter, and new content only about once a year, if that.

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Hello all!


We know that there are many issues and bugs that people encounter that can be frustrating. Along with reporting bugs ingame (because that is the best way to bring them to our attention) we encourage you to give your feedback regarding them in the Ultimate Bug List.


We also highly encourage you to keep an eye on the Developer Tracker for dev posts that address some of these issues. For example, Georg addressed the Flashbang issue in this thread on the Public Test Server forums.


Another great place to lookout for what's coming up is the new blog we have. James Ohlen even has a blog post on bugs and how they're addressed. As a reminder, when patch notes come out, you'll be able to find them there (as well as on the Public Test Server forums).


We are going to go ahead and close the thread now, but please do not hesitate to read through the Developer Tracker for threads developers have posted in.

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